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Posts posted by botticelliangel

  1. I started writing because of my best friend. When we were in sixth grade, so very long ago, we would spend hours and hours on the phone with each other. But we weren't talking about boys or makeup, we were telling each other Beast Wars stories. I was her fanfiction hotline, not that either of us knew what fanfiction was back then. Her parents cut us off from the phone conversations, and she begged me to write with her so that we could always be entertained.

    I really did not like the idea at first. I completely hated it, because I really sucked at spelling and had convinced myself at that I was never going to get any better so why learn. This was in no small part to do with various moves across the country, and a few really bad teachers who told me that I would never amount to anything.

    But I did it because she was my best friend. Hell... in sixth grade she was my only friend. And I did get better. I found that I loved writing. I loved making stories, and I loved it when people liked my stories. I didn't really understand or start appreciating it until I started college, but writing for fun helped me with so many things. Confidence and academics being two of the biggest.

    I love what I do.

  2. Hello. I am trying to edit my stories, and finding it to be impossible. When I am in the control panel I can access the story, and go into edit chapter and select the chapter, but then nothing shows up in the text box. Its as if there is nothing in the chapter at all, but I've checked the archive and all the content is still there. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I'm using a new computer (the old lappy broke), and I'm not sure if that is the problem, or that I'm using Internet explorer?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I'm just overlooking something simple...

  3. Guilty. Without a doubt. I found the first three books of the Clan of the Cavebear series incredibly fascinating to read through the second time because of that.

    Have you ever accidentally bit your tongue so hard you needed stitches?

  4. I cosplayed Inuyasha when I was pregnant with the twins because nothing else fit! So I ended up doing a gender bender version of Pregnant Inuyasha walking around with Kouga. It was quite amusing... In our group we have a male inu now, Kouga, Ayame, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku-- sometimes a Kagome. Its pretty awesome

    That's pretty awesome! I don't do to much of it any more because I work too much. Talking about it made me nostalgic though.

  5. I cosplayed as Inuyasha before. I went to a few conventions, and hand sewed the whole damn outfit because I was afraid of the sewing machine. The best part of it was getting to make out with a guy who had dressed up as Sesshomaru :D Just doing our part to keep the yaoi alive!

  6. I understand your frustration, and reaction to the trolling remarks. Reading your original rant made me cry, because I have felt the same way. But feelings are feelings, you do not have to act on feelings because they are temporary. And I just wanted to remind you to look at the source: these are people who you don't know, who could just be doing it because they do get a reaction out of you. You don't know their motivation and you cannot control what other people say, do, think, or feel. What you can control is yourself. You do have the power to get better at whatever you put your mind to, regardless of disabilities. I didn't learn how to read until I was in the fourth grade, and I have consistently scored terribly in spelling throughout all of my educational experience. And I know I can change those things. I know I can work and work until I get better, because I refuse to just allow other people to tell me that I will fail. Its hard work, and it does hurt when people point out my mistakes and shortcomings. I choose to take those and make myself stronger.

    I hope that you can do that too, because I want to have hope for you. I read this right after getting an incredibly harsh and hurtful review on an original project that I have been working on for about sixteen years. The review came from my best friend, who spurred me into writing in the first place. She means well, and she has zero tact. So while I sit down and read her review I cry, because she doesn't understand that she tolls everything, and then I read the review again. I look for the concrete remarks in it the things that I can take away and work on. Truth is no matter what I say she will still call one of my characters evily mcevil pants (grrr...), and I can still choose to look at that and say 'what about this character makes her think that way?'

    I'm trying to be motivational to you, and give you the sense that you do have control over this because writing is one of the only things that is completely from you!

    Good luck, and I really hope you can use these experiences and make yourself stronger.

  7. Review Replies chapter 16 (looks back at posts... I think I missed a chapter...)

    username-classified: ha... you're funny. And yes... isn't it so interesting that myoga and inukimi are only concerned with Sesshomaru's well being? I wonder why that is? (author looks about innocently)

    Raven: Thanks for the review, and to clarify some things for you: The roles and motivations of Sesshomaru's parents in the curse are supposed to be murky. Sesshomaru believes that his father wasn't strong enough to fight the curse and was therefore unable to stop himself; perhaps, that is the only way he can come to terms with what happened. Where on the other hand Myoga believes that Touga's actions were protective, and maybe that is just a reflection of how he dealt with it. It is possible that Myoga cannot see any fault in Touga, because he idolizes his former lord.

    In the end it doesn't really matter what the motivation was, but what the response to the actions were.

    Second question: yes Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are mates in this story. There doesn't need to be a reciprocal mark for the status to be there. As Sesshomaru explained earlier a reciprocal mark only makes the bond stronger and more effective.

    And then final question: Is Sesshomaru going to go through a coming of age? Well you'll just have to wait and see. :thumbsup:

    Viperbites: thanks!

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