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Review Replies: Through a Glass Darkly series


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Once again, a series intended to be one-shots takes on a life of its own. These short, shorts are for Anders, when he is a homeless apostate healer, Gray Warden, and near abomination... He isn't what he used to be and battles with his spirit even as he tries to do more.

pittwitch: for Sacrifice (Unresolved Tangles Chapter 4)

Again a seamless effort to incorporate the words! Well done!

Thank you! Flange was the worst, it's just not a word I use on a yearly basis.

Edited by Anesor
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BronxWench's comments:

Chapter 4

This was quite wrenching, to see Anders' pain as he did the only thing he could to protect Hawke. Justice is intransigent, as any spirit would be, but the contrast between his dislike for Hawke and Anders' love for her is very well drawn here.

Lovely use of the prompt words! :D

Yes, Vengeance is coming to see that warm and fuzzy feelings for Hawke aren't easy to dismiss. Of course if he convinces the spirit he may convince Hawke too. Good thing subtle meanings and feelings pass right over the spirit, right?

Chapter 5

And so it goes on, the careful dance. Anders dances on the edge of hope, as does Hawke, but neither of them will speak of it to the other. Just a lovely read! :D

Justice is the worst chaperone ever, isn't he? :) Even when Hawke isn't on camera that much.

Chapter 6

Oh, how poignant his hope is, and how very fragile. That it's reciprocated, at least somewhat, is a small gift, but Justice will not sit easy. What a wonderfully telling line: "That she blocked freedom for all mages by herself." So much power Justice gives Hawke, and so little room to wield it.

Wonderfully done. :D

Or is it the self importance of the anointed fanatic, that blocking him will doom the world? Hawke would probably be relieved if she thought she was that important.

Chapter 7

Yes, out of order, I know, because I am addled.

But having said that, Anders finds a bit of hope here, just a ray or two to brighten the gloom. It's a much needed lightening of the dreariness of his days, and simply wonderful!

While he has been forbidden going for happiness, he is getting enough for contentment. And enough that is living through the 'three years of aching for Hawke every night.'

Chapter 8

Ah, poor Anders. He ties himself in knots to give Hawke her space and keep her safe from Justice, and only hurts them both even more in the process. The ending was much more bitter than sweet, with only the faintest whiff of hope in the promise of a frosty Tuesday.

Truly wonderfully done! :D

He had been ignoring for a while that the months have been passing and Hawke will be pursued by others like he says he approves. This time the problem is all Anders' and not Justice's.

Thank you! and thanks for all the lovely reviews!

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What I always find compelling is your unveiling of the workings behind the facade. It's a theme you've explored in other work, and it's utterly fascinating. The change in Anders between Amaranthine and Kirkwall is profound, and the canon explanation of his hosting Justice is simply too much of an artless dodge. Yet you make the changes far less of a clumsy contrivance, and much more of a glimpse behind Anders' eyes. I truly enjoy that. :D

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