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An odd dream...

Keith Inc.

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IIRC, Piers Anthony wrote an alternate-universe story where all the cattle, goats and other domesticated animals died off.

People replaced them with humans. They were altered at birth to be pretty stupid, not able to walk erect, unable to oppose their thumbs. And they were breeding them pretty huge.

I think i had a dream in the distant future of that planet.

I was a rodeo clown. The beasts that bucked the guys off their backs were women. If they'd stood, i think they'd have been about 20 feet tall.

After they got the guy down off of them, clowns would taunt or tease them and eventually lead them out back for the giant jacuzzi.

When it was my turn, my schtick was centered on a large bra stretched between poles. After getting the women-critters to chase me through the goal posts, they ended up restrained by the lingerie.

Then i had a couple of different acts. I'd do their hair, or do makeup, manicure, or pretend to be a dentist or something. Play it up to the people in the stands. Get roars of laughter.

There was some sort of sedative smeared across the inside of the cups that really chilled them out so they'd play along and smile at the audience.

It wore off by the time they were back in the slots and they were violent again.

I woke up wondering how they went about the hog-tying competition...

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Settles Keith down on psychiatrists chair, makes sure there are no sharp objects in reach.... "Now, tell me, how long have you been having these dreams?"

Didn't anyone ever warn you about the perils of eating cheese and pickles right before bed time?

Seriously - sounds like you might have a nugget of an idea buried in there... When I get any particularly clear or weird dreams I usually jot down whatever I can remember. Usually I end up in a totally different direction, for some reason the dream tends to make a lot less sense when I come to look at it while fully awake. Occasionally (when boredom is approaching terminal levels) I go back to the file, skim through it, mutter something along the lines of 'what the f*** was I thinking?' and then either totally ignore it for another couple of years (likely), or start plotting in random directions to see if I can take it somewhere new (less likely, but more productive)...

I look forward to seeing what (if anything) comes from this small beginning.


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Settles Keith down on psychiatrists chair, makes sure there are no sharp objects in reach.... "Now, tell me, how long have you been having these dreams?"
Bwah! Hehehe. This is just the stuff i talk about in something resembling public... You should see what i do for daydreams.
I look forward to seeing what (if anything) comes from this small beginning.'Purr

Huh. Once i started, i could hardly stop. It's here:


It's pretty much the dream, dressed out into a story told to another.

Hope you enjoy reading it even half as much as you enjoyed anticipating it.

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I once had a dream that I was an Indiana Jones type person. This old man and his daughter wanted me to lead them through this temple that I had been there before. So we get inside and these huge stone doors open up and these little blue men run out. I was fighting them, but they ran away when the famous giant stone boulder started to roll out. The only way to escape it was to run through this doorway where there was a maze of rooms and duck into one of them and let the boulder roll down the main hallway. After the boulder was gone the little blue men came and took the girl. I searched for her and came to this room that was very pink and full of stuffed animals. On a white rocking chair was a talking evil teddy bear. I was getting ready to fight him for the girl when I woke up.

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