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If You Put a Little Faith in Me...

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Author: Mina-chan95
Title: If You Put a Little Faith in Me...
Summary: [Commissioned art is done by Rozelius]
[This story is written for 2022/05/13 aka the Love Goddess Milda Day (Lithuanian Love Day)]
Goeniko was living a peaceful life in the monastery. However, one day she rescues a small albino grass snake from the certain doom.
The very little that she knows is that this creature is not an ordinary snake…

[This story is also heavily inspired by song lyrics:FAITH - A-ONE (Odyssey Eurobeat)

Pairing:  Orochi x Goeniko
Warnings: H/C M/F NoSex WAFF Complete
Solo story or chaptered story: Multi-chapter/Serial
URL: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091698

Review Reply thread: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=add&no=600091698

Edited by Mina-chan95
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