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Who's lesson is it? The teacher or the student?


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So, one of the things I’m thinking about with regards to my newly outlined story is bugging me.

At one point in the story, one female character is instructing another in some… fun things. For the sake of keeping some mystery, let’s call them Mary and Jenna.

There’s a chapter where Mary is teaching Jenna, and another where Jenna is teaching Mary. I’ve titled the chapters’ “Mary’s lesson” and “Jenna’s lesson”.

But in thinking about it more, I’m not sure if I’ve labelled them properly. The chapter where Mary is teaching Jenna, I’ve called it “Jenna’s lesson” and vice versa for “Mary’s lesson”.

Should it be the other way around? Is the Mary teaching Jenna’s chapter technically “Mary’s lesson”? Because she’s the teacher in this situation.


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6 hours ago, Deadman said:

There’s a chapter where Mary is teaching Jenna, and another where Jenna is teaching Mary. I’ve titled the chapters’ “Mary’s lesson” and “Jenna’s lesson”.
But in thinking about it more, I’m not sure if I’ve labelled them properly. The chapter where Mary is teaching Jenna, I’ve called it “Jenna’s lesson” and vice versa for “Mary’s lesson”.

Or, maybe not use the character’s names in the titles?   “Lesson One”  “Lesson Two” might work.

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14 hours ago, Desiderius Price said:

Or, maybe not use the character’s names in the titles?   “Lesson One”  “Lesson Two” might work.

Possibly, although it’s not necessarily a lesson heavy story. I kinda like the idea of specifying who’s getting the lesson or the teacher in the chapter title.

There are probably 3 chapters out of 12 sorta have “lessons” part of this.

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