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Astoria Malfoy was the perfect pureblood wife, beautiful Auburn Red hair, bright brown eyes, smooth skin and figure heavily helped by potions and minor rituals. She thought she would grow up, marry a handsome man, do her duty in having a few children and enjoy her husband's spoils. 


Unfortunately Astoria had been betrothed to Draco Malfoy. At school she believed that he would guide his and her families to fortune and power. Unfortunately Draco had been arrested at 17 for the Voldemort war and even with Potters word had gotten 6 months in Azkaban. His fortune burned in reparations, Career choices destroyed by his parents teachings... Their chances at having children destroyed by his Sexuality. Yes Draco Malfoy was gay. But luckily for Astoria and Draco an old rival had decided to take them on as Vassals, to provide work, a home and quietly to provide them both with Sexual pleasure. 

This is how Harry James Potter became the Bull Lord


TLDR: Astoria and Draco are married and broke, Draco is gay. They get put on as a Vassal house of Potter, in turn Harry gets to fuck the couple as he wants when he wants

Requirements - 

1) Draco is gay and has no interest in women

2) Harry is Bi

3) Harry is a Dom Top 


1) Women, particularly Purebloods will use potions like Plastic Surgery. This will lead to perfect proportions. Some side characters may have select overside proportions, like Susan Bones with massive tits, or Pansy with a giant ass. This can go both ways with some women using potions to maintain a svelte figure like Su Li

2) The Relationship growing to large. You can add other Vassals to the house, or wives for Harry's many houses (Like Pansy, Susan, Su Li) 

Restrictions - 

1) Broke Harry

2) Gay Harry (He should be Bi or Pan) 

3) Evil/Abusive Harry

4) Bottom Harry/Switch Harry

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