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What are some of the logistical challenges of a woman fighting naked?


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Hey everyone,

So I’m trying to figure out a scene involving a woman fighting naked. It’s actually a story a character told in canon though there’s some uncertainty whether the character was telling the truth.

But I’m taking it as real and sorta writing out the scene. Problem is I imagine there are some physical challenges to fighting naked.

Curious to know what’s a good place to find information on how someone would do that. They’re fighting several supernatural opponents in hand to hand combat using martial arts.



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More seriously…. the obvious ones are,

Pro of clothing… armor, pockets for carrying things, concealment, first barrier of defense against something like acid, or a hostile environment
Con of clothing… something an enemy can hold onto, restrain and choke.

If we take something like a school/cat fight where clothes get ripped off, but neither stops due to the indecent exposure?  Flesh would be tougher to grip, maybe they go for the breasts?  Certainly, urination or defecation during the match could be used, offensively or for shame depending on the person’s level of control or fear.  (Which is more or less the limit of internet “research” videos can direct me…. )

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12 hours ago, Desiderius Price said:

More seriously…. the obvious ones are,

Pro of clothing… armor, pockets for carrying things, concealment, first barrier of defense against something like acid, or a hostile environment
Con of clothing… something an enemy can hold onto, restrain and choke.

If we take something like a school/cat fight where clothes get ripped off, but neither stops due to the indecent exposure?  Flesh would be tougher to grip, maybe they go for the breasts?  Certainly, urination or defecation during the match could be used, offensively or for shame depending on the person’s level of control or fear.  (Which is more or less the limit of internet “research” videos can direct me…. )

Well, I don’t plan on having anything too serious happen. Basically, a bunch of vampires are attacking a bus full of humans. The person who told the story happened to be naked at the time, ran out and fought off the vampires. The humans being saved are… very grateful.

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15 minutes ago, Deadman said:

Well, I don’t plan on having anything too serious happen. Basically, a bunch of vampires are attacking a bus full of humans. The person who told the story happened to be naked at the time, ran out and fought off the vampires. The humans being saved are… very grateful.

My works have a bunch of nudity, so any fights have good odds of being naked too.  In the potter fanfic, it’s easy to some magical wand holsters so they’re never truly unarmed.  Still, using a wand, spell, or other magic has a different feel than a naked unarmed woman tearing their opponent apart limb by limb :)

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