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Would like to *pretty please* request new Captain Jack Sparrow x female fanfiction - I think I've read pretty much every single one on the internet (aff, fanfiction net, ao3, wattpad, quotev, livejournal, johnnydeppzone, even used wayback machine to read some on a POTC fanfiction website that is no longer up) and I'm still craving more -- genuinely think that Jack is one of those ideal characters for use in fanfiction because he's multifaceted and compelling so even those authors who only focus on one dimension have the advantage of readers being aware of other dimensions, he can be variously heroic, intelligent, witty, silly,serious, reckless, adventurous, drunken, bashful, confident, flirty, loyal, mischievous, etc, etc, and of course so attractive and sexy (and there's so much material to describe- his voice, eyes, lips, cheekbones, hands, smirks, etc etc), he suits anything from one shots to extended epics, and the balance between romance and adventure can be adapted to each writer's purposes. Oh, and have I mentioned he's clearly a sex god? Please, please consider writing and posting more fics about him :)

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