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Professor Digory Kirke was the titular Magician’s Nephew and later owner of a Magic Wardrobe that acted as a doorway to Narnia. Having lived the life of a scholar and a bachelor, he had urges every now and again. Making use of a local whore whose exotic dark skin incited the lust of all the men who lived nearby, he thought nothing of letting her wander about his home after he’d finished with her. How was he to know she would be drawn to the wardrobe he’d made from a magic tree?


The Whore finds herself in Narnia, a land of always winter. Talking animals find her and are almost dismissive of her. All alone and too old to be called a Daughter of Eve, she’s close to death when a sled stops near her and swoops her away to a castle.


Queen Jadis, the White Queen, lets her hands glide over skin of the dark woman she found wandering lost in her lands. She can tell what kind of woman she is and is thrilled to have someone new to play with.


I’m looking for a dark lesbian story set in Narnia. Part of me would like it if Jadis eventually softened towards the Whore, but feel free to go the cruel domina route if you prefer.

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