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Guest zoeyzoeyzoey

Hey I’m looking for a few stories: (all m/m)

(ive also looked through like 17 pages of others requests and haven’t found most of them yet.)

one was about a guy, wrong place wrong time getting off work at a gas station or convenience store. Gets kidnapped by bad guys bc he looks like a guy they’re after. (Might have also witnessed a murder on his way home, fuzzy on that part.) But they’re not sure if he’s the guy, so they’re watching him. There’s a guy who sits with him who often gets fvked by the dude in charge but they aren’t together. The guy in charge has a thing for the way the kidnapped guy sounds when he hurts him. They end up having a sexual relationship and the kidnapped guy develops Stockholm syndrome. The guy who watches him starts to worry about him. The kidnapped dude also gets hooked on the chill pulls they give him. Eventually they realize he’s a civilian and let him go. But he’s a mess. Can’t leave his house and hooked on pills. (Also the dude who watched him developed feelings for him.) They realize they have to clean it up since both of the guys care about him now. They get him better and then send him to collage. Then the guy in charge starts courting him. 

the other story- (was posted here and AF but on AF it wasn’t repaired after the author rewrote it, the original was kind of a mess but the rewrite was excellent.) Anyways a HS student gets paired up with the weirdo in class who didn’t talk and wears the same clothes everyday. (Maybe his name is Sebastian or Samuel or something close to that.) Anyways dude comes to his house then takes him. Then threatens him. The kid tried to break away but his tied up and has headphones put on, a dick sucking device put on and a vibrator up his ass. Left like that he spends the night in torturous pleasure and is recorded. That’s used as blackmail to keep him submitting to the weir kid. This goes on for awhile with them kind of becoming closer till the victim finally is like this is wack and says fine show evryone that video. But then there’s resolution and the weird kid gives the other a change to escape. They end up getting tighter after the victim has realized the abuse and trauma the word kid went through and they start to work out what the weird kid did to him. It’s actually pretty good and not just torture porn. Not that there’s anything from with that. 

lastly this was one I read on AF but has disappeared. It was called evenings with Christian lauth about a young step dad whose been widowed and his stepson. Someone else was looking for another if they’re works. This one with actual invest, but they disappeared off AF and evenings was one of my fav. It was completed and excellent. 
thanks for any help I totally appreciate it!

  • 11 months later...

In case anyone sees this. The first one is Return ticket to Stockholm & the 2nd story is loving Salem. Both well written & complete. Now if I could only find a story that used to be on ArrinFantasy called evenings with Christian Lauth. It was so good but seems to have disappeared off the internet completely.

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