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Need help with a Pokemon ficseries

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Guest McKnight
Posted (edited)

Before I come to my point, there are some details about the ficseries that I will need to explain:

The main characters:

-Ellen (a.k.a. Blue), of Kanto

-Jamie (a.k.a. Gold), of Johto

-May, of Hoenn

What's in the fic:

-Recurring (not perpetual) nudity in public

-Breast- and butt-expansions (for Ellen and May)

-Penis- and scrotum-enlargement (for Jamie)

-Embarrassment as a power source. (Yes, I have a fetish for that.)

The plot:

Three psychic Pokemon have searched each for a trainer to help them fight against Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, and eventually, Team Galactic. Unlike other Pokemon, they know all the moves that they can learn by default, and can continue to accompany their trainer even when the trainer has six other Pokemon. However, in order to fight, two conditions need to be met:

Here's how it works:

First, the trainer needs to have stored a form of psychic energy from the air, which can only be collected when the trainer is naked for a certain period of time. The trainer can't simply hide somewhere while naked when collecting energy, because once all energy in a particular spot is collected, it takes a while to regenerate. Once collected, this energy needs to be stored into any body parts that were previously enlarged, and these body parts are sensitive to touch, motion, and pain (no mutilation or testicle-crushing, don't worry) before the trainer's clothes can be reconstituted on his or her body.

Second, when the Pokemon in question needs to fight (which is usually if victory is crucial and the rest of the trainer's Pokemon can't fight anymore), that Pokemon can only do so if the trainer is embarrassed. That means if all the trainer's regular Pokemon are defeated during a Rocket/Magma/Aqua/Galactic battle, off his/her clothes go, until s/he recovers any psychic energy used up after the fight ends.

The problem:

At first, I thought of choosing Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf as the three Pokemon who choose Ellen, Jamie, and May. However, this will create a giant plot hole during the Sinnoh arc. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Team Galactic needed those three Pokemon's energy in order to carry out their plans, and the only reason they infiltrated the three lakes was because that's where they were. In this ficseries, they'd be instead hunting down the three main characters, except that even then, the three Pokemon would be useless to them. Even inducing artificial expansions on any of Team Galactic's personnel and then humiliating those three members is useless, because each Pokemon has established a psychic link with their partner which prevents them from being used by anyone else (which is also why the selected trainer cannot simply avoid being involved in this whole thing).

My next Pokemon trio of choice was Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi, who originally would have represented the respective concepts of Life, Time, and Space. Mew would have made a perfect partner for Ellen, for logical reasons: Since Mew is described by most of her in-game Pokedex entries as having the DNA of all Pokemon, this would explain why most Pokemon can only know four moves at a time and can only be carried six at a time, among other rules. After escaping Team Rocket, Mew would have summoned Celebi and Jirachi for reprogramming (see "The plot"), after which the three Pokemon can only use their abilities under very limited circumstances.

Only one problem with Mew: Even though the games classify this Pokemon as genderless, Mew is normally considered female. This conflicts with the fact that (for the sake of heterosexuality) each Pokemon needs to find someone of the opposite sex (which would have been the case with Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, according to the data in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2*). To change Mew's gender might defy logic, as Mewtwo is supposed to be a completely different "clone" of Mew, down to gender and abilities.

(*I never played PMD2; that bit of information is on Bulbapedia's pages for those three Pokemon.)

Putting Mew aside, though, there's even more of a problem with Jirachi: It's that Jirachi is supposed to sleep for all eternity, only waking up for seven days every 1,000 years. This kind of information has been established in the anime, the manga, and every single Pokedex entry in the games. Only two things go against this: One, is that he can be used just like any other Pokemon, at any time desired, and two, more importantly, instead of finding him at a secret place in the games, you can download him right into your PC box if you have a GCN/GBA game link cable and a certain disk (which can easily be found on Ebay). This ficseries spans out for much more than a week, thus will completely contradict the aforementioned rule that had been firmly established by all forms of canon.

The other five event-only Pokemon are out because Manaphy is not even half a Psychic-type, Deoxys is an alien who wouldn't really care what's going on, Darkrai is evil, Arceus lives in the past, and Shaymin? Well, a friend of mine described her as too pure to want to be involved in this, but more importantly, I've decided that since the item needed to obtain her is Oak's Letter, her habitat is not so much as secret as it is guarded by someone in Floarama Meadow from the general public.

So, anyone got other ideas as to who the three main Pokemon could be for the ficseries, or how I could iron out the problems I've just described with either trio?

Edited by McKnight
Guest McKnight
Posted (edited)

Well, I've decided to use Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf as the partners of the main characters. On top of that, I've filled in the plothole that would come with it:

In each of the three lakes of Sinnoh resides a statue which is capable of allowing the three Pixies to regenerate each time they die. At some point during the Sinnoh arc, Team Galactic infiltrates the lakes to take the statues hostage, so as to lure the three trainers and their pixie partners into a trap. But even when each of the Pixies are at maximum power, Team Galactic still proves too hard for the trainers to deal with. Ellen, Jamie, and May are marched naked to the Galactic Headquarters in Veilstone City and imprisoned there, and it's now up to Lucas, Dawn, and Damien to save them and the Pixies.

Are you really that intent on giving your main characters Legendary Pokémon? Because that way Mary Sue lies.

Personally, I'd go for something like Espeon, Kirlia/Gardevoir and Xatu.

I don't know what you mean by "Because that way Mary Sue lies", but yes, I am intent on giving the main characters Legendaries. Someone as special as one who is chosen to save humanity would need a Pokemon that's just as special. (This is also the case with Golden Dream, a Pokemon fanfic that a friend of mine wrote under the penname Random Phantom.)

Let's also remember that even though this story is based on the games (as is the manga), it is not the same line of canon as the games, the anime, or the manga.

The two of you who have posted to this thread can disagree with me, but I only change things if I see fit to do so, not just because someone disagrees with me.

Edited by McKnight
I don't know what you mean by "Because that way Mary Sue lies", but yes, I am intent on giving the main characters Legendaries. Someone as special as one who is chosen to save humanity would need a Pokemon that's just as special. (This is also the case with Golden Dream, a Pokemon fanfic that a friend of mine wrote under the penname Random Phantom.)

Let's see... the whole point of Legendaries is that they're incredibly rare and ridiculously overpowered? If you don't see how giving a bunch of them to your main characters right at the very start of the fic might be seen by some as a bit ridiculous, I suggest you read up on the Mary Sue phenomenon.

Mind you, I'd have no trouble with the idea that your main characters start out with normally entirely ordinary Pokémon (like, say, Pikachu) and manage to earn their Legendaries in some way other than by virtue of being the Designated Heroes.


Hmmm, actually, in this case it might be justifiable. The legendaries do exist to set right what is wrong, after all. If they see the threat as big enough, then it would make sense for them to seek out partners. Also, it seems the pokemon are powered up by emberassing their trainers rather thuroughly. That's not a benefit, thats a curse. Being chosen doesn't automatically make a mary sue: being an unstoppable force of narmy perfection makes a mary sue. This actually seems like an interesting reason to go through with it, and is much more believable than the usual "This is my character who starts with my favorite because Professor oak let her"

Also, it seems the pokemon are powered up by emberassing their trainers rather thuroughly. That's not a benefit, thats a curse.

Actually, I think it's fetish fuel. So is it a real curse if it's the one thing that'll really make the writer fap/shlick?

As for the whole Chosen Ones thing... well, Pokémon isn't exactly known for being epic high fantasy. I suppose it's gonna depend on writing skill on making this anything more than a convenient handwave.

So I think I'll just remain sceptical about the whole thing.

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