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Guest Guest34

I’m looking for a fiction where Severus adopts Harry to allow him to go to Hogwarts because the Dursley’s wouldn’t allow it and since Severus wants Harry to see what a healthy family dynamic is like the Weasleys’ become a second family for Harry.  I believe Severus helps Sirius to escape Alzakban, then reunites Sirius with Lupin so Sirius could have company while he recuperates.

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Guest Guest34

Nope, Harry doesn’t actually live with Sirius and in the story Sirius actually admits to Snape that he (Sirius) isn’t in the correct mindset to raise Harry because Alzakban.  I also remembered that when Snape and Harry had a dinner at the Weasleys’, Harry asked Aurthur if he was going to teach Snape how to be a real dad while Snape was being yelled at by Molly in the kitchen.  Also, during a family dinner a soccer ball got kicked into some peas(?).

Guest Luna Oscura

This is ringing a bell in my memory… 

I need a little bit more of information…

Is Harry a kid or a teenager? Or just starting Hogwarts? Was it complete or WIP? Where there any pairings? 


I remember something similar but Harry was a small kid, I remember him saying that Severus didn´t know how to punish you when you did something wrong, and remember them going to the Weasleys… but I don´t remember nothing about a soccer ball… Let me look into my favorites and some Severitus…

But I thing that at some point it´s goint to be a Drarry (which is most of what I read), not 100% sure, though… 


Guest Luna Oscura

Found this one, but I´m not sure if this is the one you´re speaking about, I was just reading a little fast and reach a part where Harry is meeting the Weasleys, but he also is in contact with the Malfoys and Remus, this one has nothing on Sirius, but maybe you´ll like it… 


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6962599/1/Little-One  (in this Harry is 7 years old when they find him)


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10603520/28/A-New-Life-for-Harry (This is another one, it´s a WIP and Harry is just starting Hogwarts whey Severus adops him) They are pretty similar, but in neither of them is Sirius mentioned :/

Guest Guest34

He was starting Hogwarts, from what I recall he missed the train because the Dursleys refused to take him to the train station and Dumbledore and Snape went to retrieve him (I think).  I also remember that when Snape, Lupin, and Black learn that Pettigrew (sp?, sorry) is masquerading as Ron’s pet the decide to pull Harry from the tower.  To give Snape a reason to pull Harry from the tower, Harry plays catch the snitch in the great hall during dinner.  I’ll post more if I remember more.

Guest Luna Oscura

I think you’re mixing two stories or some of them are taking ideas from the other one... 


I’ve been reading Harry’s new home by kbinnz, because I saw it in this post, and so far (I’m on chapter 14, it has everything you’ve said except the part where he missed the train. 

it has Snape as a guardian, Weasleys as supporting family, it has Harry speaking with Mr Weasley while Snape and Molly fight in the next room, it has the soccer ball incident, and just in chapter 14 that I’m reading Snape is visiting Sirius in Azkaban and realizing that he’s innocent… I don’t know what else is coming but so far it has what you are asking for 

Guest Guest34

Yes, that’s the one and sorry Guiest ASDFJKL; when I searched for it on fanfiction.net it linked me up to a different one.  Thank you everybody.

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