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I'll admit that I'm relatively new to writing and at 28 I shouldn't really care, but I find it difficult to motivate myself due to one thing. People seem to be reading my stories but nobody gives me any feedback. There are a lot of people who have 20, 40, even 90 reviews, mostly saying "Great work". As of now I have maybe 5 reviews on one story and none on my other 2, of those one says "good job". I'll admit, as an author it hurts to feel that someone who obviously doesn't even reread their own story to check if it's legible is getting more good job reviews when all I want is for people to enjoy my work, or to at least tell me honestly why they didn't. It's very discouraging to see and compare my story,

The Plan

Megan has started noticing her stepbrother is becoming a man and decides she wants him all for herself. When she tells her friends afterwards, they want in... Please review. Chapter 1=Voy;2=M/F;3=M/F/F;4=Inc, M/F/F/F/F;5=Inc, M/F/F;6=F/F

Author [Dream Weaver] -:- Rated [Adult+] -:- Chapters [6] -:- Published [2008-07-30] -:- Updated [2008-08-04 00:27:37] -:- Edited [2008-08-04] -:- Hits [685] -:- Reviews [5] -:- Average / Total Vote [+++++ / 5]

To that of another author

The Beauty and the Tragedy

River Conway is seventeen years old and has never had a boyfriend. Staying the summer at his house, she asks Danny Aldridge to teach her about relationships and sex. The arrangement starts simple enough until love enters the picture. M/F

Author [templeton21] -:- Rated [Adult+] -:- Chapters [3] -:- Published [2008-07-31] -:- Updated [2008-08-07 21:33:47] -:- Edited [2008-08-07] -:- Hits [1361] -:- Reviews [45] -:- Average / Total Vote [+++++ / 16]

Can someone please tell me what, other than focusing on others work, I'm doing wrong? I really want to understand.

Guest Zanthious

May not be doing anything wrong. Sometimes it just comes down to who views your work. Some review, most don't. I see writers that have a fan base for their work get steady reviews, and some who are newer, or diversify more in the type of story they write, get far fewer reviews. I've also seen it the other way around. Try using the promotion forum here, and adding authors' notes at the ends of your stories, or the chapters there in, and telling the readers that you are interested in their feed back. The no reviews thing is a pretty hot topic with the writers right now, most of us feel the same way you do! So, just keep doing your thing, is all I can say. At least you have them reading, and not getting bad reviews is a good thing! ;)


If I were you, I wouldn't compare the number of reviews that specific author receives to yours. First, that person has a cult following. If you take a look at the reviews, it's the same dozen, maybe two dozen, people reviewing over and over again, religiously. It's true, his/her stories are well written, flow well, and have good juicy moments between characters. However, this author, to me, seems to write to spec - meaning he/she follows a very specific formula with very few deviations. I've read a number of her (I'm just going to assuming the author is female) stories and, while they are definitely something to sink into for a night, they are somewhat redundant - boy and girl meet, girl doesn't like boy (or vice-versa), and then through tenacity and sheer...something, boy and girl end up together.

Of course, they're not all like this. I believe some of the newer ones might actually be different (but I haven't read any of those).

This isn't to say that those stories aren't good, but comparing your hits/reviews to hers is kind of like comparing the number of copies sold by Danielle Steele to [insert favorite, most awesomest, obscure author's name here]. I fell into that trap of comparing (with that same author, too ;) ), but decided to ignore it - it only serves to get you down, which in turn makes it hard to write. And it's rather like a pissing contest. There's just no point in it. Zanthious is right - just keep doing what you're doing. Write for yourself and pay no mind to the readers who would prefer a mindless romance over something that has substance.

Also, I'm not sure I've ever seen a review from that author on other people's stories (maybe a few, but I can't really remember off hand). In my humble opinion, I would think that if you're that popular of a writer, you would take some time to support the other writers in this community, offer some good insight/comments/well-constructed criticism. Not doing so seems...a little snobbish to me. This was one of the reasons I quit reading her work.

I actually saw your story the other day and have it on my 'to read' list - and I guarantee reviews on what I read, so... :)


As much of a review whore as I am, I've been writing since I was a kid, and with the opportunity to upload my work for people to see, I do admit that higher hits and lower reviews turn me down a bit. I always remember, though, that as much as I'm uploading my work for people to see, I'm uploading my stories both for myself and for my faithful readers. Like my work, I'd rather get few reviews that really speak to me (as seen in my latest work, Excalion) rather than many reviews that say 'Loved it! Can't wait for the next chapter!' (as seen in my earliest work, Reaching The Stars)

I love reviews, and real review gems, like one I got from the person who posted on this thread before me, really inspired me to write. My current work in progress is a major epic, and the fact that though it isn't published let alone finished yet, she's likened it to other books more worthy of the genre, well...

It makes me feel special, and it really tells me that I'm doing well at what I do best.

Quality over quantity, I always say, which is probably why I only update once in a blue moon. XD

And, admittedly, I do have your story on my 'To Read' list. I really should get to that...


Thanks for the good advice. I'm really going to take it to heart. In fact I've started another story. I havn't had much of a chance to read other stories on the site, but you can count on a review when I have a chance. :angry:


Unless you specify you want detailed feedback or concrit, someone like me won't bother leaving anything. I know that seems rude, but I've been burned by fanbrats who want nothing less than praise, and if I have nothing to say to improve the story, then I won't say anything at all. I don't like writing one-liners for the same reason I hate getting them: they are a waste of space and do nothing to help the story or author improve. There are many people who will lurk and say nothing for fear they will sound stupid; many just don't have time to leave a detailed review.

It's a hit or miss thing, really, but if you want concrit or someone to leave decent feedback, put an author's note telling so. That might help.


What the others have said is very true...Much of it depends on what "fan base" you are writing to. And even within that, some times readers are fickle.

Most of my stuff is Original, and those reviewers are die hard friends and fans who really like my stuff. My Harry Potter stuff is too dark and gritty for most, and I don't write slash or really that much with "main characters".

Personally I would rather have 5-20 really honest and heartfelt reviews than 70 of "Ooooh write more pleeze!"

Also, you will notice that people who just post one-shot or straight porno stuff often get more "hits and reviews" most people don't want to sit and read a true novel, or something that isn't just straight sex and porn.

You will notice though once you start getting reviewers, they will generally be pretty consistant and read your other stuff as well. :P When I first joined I used to worry about reviews and what not, now, not so much. As I said, just one really well written and heartfelt one can make me feel great. Also when checking your hit counter, realize that maybe only one out of 60-100 readers bother to review or even rate. Laziness on thier part I reckon.



  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah a lot of times I see a person's fic that has a decent amount of hits but no reviews and its kinda sad. I'd probably give up on a fic if that happened cause getting attention is half the fun of writing for me. :yawn:

I remember about 2 or 3 years ago when I first started writing Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm I had people who would review regularly and many others who would just review once and I got a decent amount of hits and reviews. Now since I neglected that fic for so long it doesn't get as much attention. I should have just stuck with it untill I finished it. I have started updating again recently though.

A technique I like to use to help my fics get more exposure on the boards is to write several chapters and only post a new one when the fic falls off the first page to bump it back up. Also something else I'm going to be doing is start writing fics in more than just one section, cause I think I only have fics in like 3 sections now. By doing that I'll be able to expose different groups of people to my writing style and hopefully pick up a few fans.

Whenever I see a fic with a ton of hits and reviews I just think that they are pimping their fic hardcore on other sites on the internet to drive traffic their way. I really can't bring myself to do that unless a story of mine was already mentioned on a site or message board or something and there is already an interest.

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