Guest Zanthious Posted August 5, 2008 Report Posted August 5, 2008 Just for curiosities sake, I was wondering how everyone thought the quality of the Original fic writing on this site stacked up against the fan based. Is it better writing? Or does it leave something to be desired as a whole. And is there a difference that can be noticed in the ability of the original fic writers, and the fan fic ones. I've seen work of both types in several places, and would like to hear what guys thought about it here. Quote
Anonymous_Nanotyrannus Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 Very good question... In my opinion (which means nothing), fanfiction seems to have a tendency of a little bit badly written. Sometimes story summaries alone tell you how the story will roll, and I find really bad story summaries more often in the fanfiction section. A few reasons: 1) The "let's fuck" mindset is definately more predominant in fanfiction. Sometimes we just want certain characters to fuck, and that overrides the storyline. I'm working on a PWP fanfiction involving Taurus and Elisa Maza from Gargoyles, because I just want them to have a one nightstand...why? I think they'll make a cute couple--with the entire I hate humans, I proved you wrong storyline in the original cartoon, we're both serious cops thing. And definitely the writing is bad compared to my other works. Seriously, why are pictures of Rule 34 so nasty? 2) OOC. You can't go Out Of Character in an original piece. OOC is definately related to the "Let's fuck" mindset and throws everything off. 3) Younger population writing fanfiction. Probably a stereotype... 4) Character attachments. With personal, original characters you do get emotionally attached, and more thought is involved in an original story while with characters existing in a show sometimes strong emotional attachment or extreme hatred to certain characters can completely override a story. Sometimes you want them to get loved (let's fuck mindset) other times you want them to suffer (You gonna get raped). I FUCKING HATE SAKURA, HERE'S 20 PAGES ABOUT HER GETTING RAPED AND SHIT ON BY DOGS. I just made this one up... Just my caffiene induced thoughts.... Quote
Guest Zanthious Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 Another odd thing I've seen, was a few writers here seeming to almost talk down to those who write in, and speak mainly ill about Original fic on this site in general. Have no idea why that is, I write mostly non fic, and that's what I've posted so far. I've also read some pretty good non fic here, like Gatsby's Bad Moon Rising, and Speak of the Devil, are both pretty good in my opinion. So why the animosity you think? Quote
Anonymous_Nanotyrannus Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 Another odd thing I've seen, was a few writers here seeming to almost talk down to those who write in, and speak mainly ill about Original fic on this site in general. Have no idea why that is, I write mostly non fic, and that's what I've posted so far. I've also read some pretty good non fic here, like Gatsby's Bad Moon Rising, and Speak of the Devil, are both pretty good in my opinion. So why the animosity you think? You know, I've never really encountered that, and all my works, with the exception of the WIP Gargoyles fic, are original. That's rather weird on account the amount of animosity aimed towards fanfiction on the interent, in the art communities, and the real world. I suppose it's stereotypes agiant. Perhaps fanfiction writers feel that their erotica at least has a base in a fandom, while original writers are just acting out their secret fantasies in their works and therefore less with it. Or perhaps, fanfiction writers also have the idea that all original writers want to be the next J.K. Rowling and think their porn is going to be the next big thing. Possibly there's no reason. I mean why does Pittsburgh hate Cleveland and viceversa? Quote
Guest Zanthious Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 I can understand that. I used to chat on Yahoo alot, but stopped when I joined this site. Anytime I metioned it in any of the book chats, all I heard was a resounding groan from them, and then the scorn. I feel that both Original and fan fic stories can be good, and have their place. ....As to the Rowling thing...I was very...VERY dissapointed in book 7. WTF? Lupin And Tonks don't even get a death scene? Just a look and nod? That's just for begginers. It's a rich, and enjoyable world though, I just feel she screwed it up at the end. But, that's just me... Quote
Kanashii Posted August 12, 2008 Report Posted August 12, 2008 Hi Zan: Honestly I am a bit biased as I mainly write in the Original section I do agree with the other poster that many fanfic's tend to have a different "feel" to them than original stories. My only guess to this, is that because fanfic already has a base to draw on (characters, etc.) If I mention Lupin, from the HP books, you already know who he is...If I was writing a story with a werewolf in an Original story, I'd have to really flesh out the characters. That being said, I do also dabble in the HP and Soprano's section, however, most of my stories aren't "hit" on as much as those that are short "straight to porn" stories. I think that is because I write my stories to fit in along side with cannon stuff that can already be happening, and don't really use many of the "main" characters. (Either that, or there just isn't enough gratuitous porn in my stories...At least not the smutty kind, mine is more darker Non-Con and BDSM based.) Overall, I really enjoy the Original stories on AFF. I just read the one you started, about the kidnapped college student and love it. But then you are writing about a favored subject matter of mine Just my humble opinion. Write on, writers! Warmly, Kanashii Quote
puffykaoru Posted November 2, 2008 Report Posted November 2, 2008 I'm biased as well towards original fics. I always find them more in depth, and I know fanfics could be the same, but it seems like there's a more bombardment of one-hit smut, so the ones that actually are what I like get buried. I like a story behind it. I haven't written any yet, and I kinda want to maybe do a tenchi, naruto, or some other one, but I don't want to do more than one project at a time. I've been writing the same one for over two years now, and only have 69 pages as of now(I didn't plan on having that number). It all depends on the writer I guess, but there are a lot of people that do have that mindset of "I want to see [insert two or more characters] fuck or get raped." Quote
Guest MortiferLascivio Posted November 2, 2008 Report Posted November 2, 2008 I write both fanfiction and original fiction equally. The difference I noticed between them when I write is that I tend to NEVER write any type of sexual activity in my original stories. In fanfiction, however, several of my stories have some kind of lemon in it. It's almost like I believe people will expect it in my fanfics so I give it to them. But I try to make all of my stories, fanfiction and original, as in depth as I can with plenty of plot. In quality from reading others, I wouldn't say original fiction is in fact better quality, or tends to be. Some of the stuff I've read on sites like fictionpress tend to actually be a bit boring. I think it does take some skill to go from writing fanfiction to original because you no longer have an already set plot and cast of characters to expand on. You gotta come up with that all on your own. Actually making it original is a task all on its own, it's very easy to take an already done idea and just change names or whatever. Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 3, 2008 Report Posted November 3, 2008 Another odd thing I've seen, was a few writers here seeming to almost talk down to those who write in, and speak mainly ill about Original fic on this site in general. Have no idea why that is, I write mostly non fic, and that's what I've posted so far. I've also read some pretty good non fic here, like Gatsby's Bad Moon Rising, and Speak of the Devil, are both pretty good in my opinion. So why the animosity you think?I think it's a matter of expectations.Original or Fanfic, i do get reviews and responses and emails that suggest my story lacks sufficient sexification to be on AFF. THOSE readers, at least, come to AFF to find something graphic. And with OC, you have to spend some time developing characters. So there's got to be time spent where they aren't fucking like were-rabbits. slashing characters others have developed is really easy. Esp. if there's been unfulfilled lust for at least a season of a TV show, or if a viewer thinks there should have been, you can start the scene where Character A rips B's clothes off and drops them to the floor. Ifyou're only here for the penetration, fanfic gives you a much better bang for the buck (pun intended, but so overused it loses all impact). Which shouldn't mean anything for the purpose of reviews, but most places i post or have posted or have considered posting, the review isn't about the story NEARLY as often as about whether the reviewer is or isn't satisfied by their reading experience. Most reviews could probably be reduced to 'Got My Juices Flowing: [ ] Yes [x] No.' and leave a very small box for the reasons they MAY give for why the x is in that box "I wanted Xena to screw the dead guy instead of Ares" Quote
kiix Posted November 9, 2008 Report Posted November 9, 2008 Greetings! I write mostly OC. Why? Because I can do horrible, smexy and glorious things to creatures of my own devising. I also write a little fanfiction = Ai No Kusabi. Actually ANK is the reason that I found and I haven't left. Maybe because I consider myself a writer/author/hack/pornographer but I respect other people's work. I cannot grab a beloved character from, oh, let's say, ANK and do what I want because: 1. It's not mine to toy with 2. There is an established canon and I don't want to mess with it 3. I know what it feels like to have someone mess with your work. I can appreciate the effort it took to write a fanfic. When dealing with your own characters, you have built up a history and relationship if you will. You have an emotional bond with them be they vampire, weretiger or abused little sextoy cum mafioso hitman. Maybe that frees up the creative juices. All I know is that I have 19 original stories to my 2 fanfics. Everyone has a preference. I've atempted to read bad Original Writing and I've tried bad fanfics too. Quote
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