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I've always shied away from this sort of self-promotion before, but I'm dreadfully excited about a new story so I'm taking the plunge.

Stories are here:
http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296954634&view=story (mostly original works, some fanfic from time to time.)

The new one specifically, is Cheer Raider & SABRE Panther, a magical girl/mecha team-up story with plenty of fun sexy times. I figure especially around here that's right up everybody's alley. It's a 13 "episode" series with new ones going up weekly. Also things got a little out of hand and I ended up with theme songs for it.

So, enjoy that, and the other older stories, and future stories, and feel free to reply here with comments, questions, and discussion.

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