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Fat Uncle and Diabetes don't mix!

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This is going to be a long post dealing with my uncle Robert who is most likely over 400 pounds and GAINING, not LOSING! My Uncle Robert is about 56 years old and for the past 2 years he has been gaining weight. He would put blame on others for whatever is wrong with him in his life and his weight gain - he blamed his last employer Parts Unlimited for making him eat so much and gain weight. They didn't tell him to stop off at every hamburger joint around and eat. They told him to sell motorcycle parts to dealers and motorcyle repair shops.

Well, back in 1993 when we visited him in Illoinis, he weighed around 230 pounds, not that heavy set just a little overweight. He looked good back then. He was working out each day and having good meals. I don't know when that changed and he started to gain weight but he did. Every year it looked like he gained about forty pounds. Till he spoke about reaching 300 like it was something to be proud of. Not sure of the year anymore probably was in 1995 or 1996.

Back in 2004, I noticed his fingers on his hand looked thinner and I said, Looks like you are doing a good job on losing weight, Bob-O, your fingers look thinner then they did before. He smiled and said he had lost forty pounds.

We were thrilled that he was seemingly losing weight. We figured that he was on a good diet and a good excerise program. We all expected him to start bragging about his weight loss and start showing a thinner body by that time. But he never did start the brag.

But by then, we learned that both Dick, his father and my grandfather and himself were now prediabetics. Neither went on diets or started excerising. Grandpa is losing weight by not eating much food. Robert is eating more and gaining weight instead of losing it. And he has a meter which he tests his levels each day. That information came to us by the way of my thinner Uncle's girlfriend, that Robert is diabetic.

He never publically announced that he is diabetic or not but I never did see his meter or him testing his levels, well, basically no one sees me doing mine as I do it where no one is watching or that I excuse myself to go to the bathroom to test my levels. I am not diabetic itself but on the low side of the diabetics, not sure of the name anymore but I think it is Hypogla something, dealing with low blood sugar levels. Thanks to my friend Susan who noticed by how I was acting online when we chatted, as I would not answer her back when we chatted as I just felt sleepy even when I shouldn't, she knew that something was wrong and she told me to go get a blood test for diabetes as I told her some of my signs that I had during my trip to Atlanta, Georgia, while we were walking around 3pm, I got dazed and confused and I was trying to keep up with the group but I kept lagging behind till my 'Aunt' Susan and her sister noticed how far back I was, they walked back and stayed with me while the others waited for us to catch up with them, that was when Susan suggested getting something to eat or drink. She was by my side all the way to a restaurant and a bar where we all got something to drink. I was so confused and dazed that I didn't know what to order. Susan, she ordered me some orange juice. After I had about three glasses of OJ, I felt better and she said something about getting tested but we never did till my friend Susan suggested that I really needed to. I'm now able to keep my own levels in a good range and I know how to treat myself when I get confused and a bit dazed during the afternoon hours, by drinking two or three 8 ounce glasses of OJ or more till I feel better.

Well, with Robert's weight gain and him poking his fingers, we're sure that he does have diabetes and it is most likely Type 2 and he's not doing anything serious to lose weight. What is worse is that he's gaining weight like nobody's business. We tried to help him lose weight by giving him a book to read that is the diet plan we're on and we're successfully losing over 78 pounds already, that is the combined weight of both myself and my dad. And we do not have the cravings for sugar like we probably would on other diet plans. And when I was in Winnipeg about a month ago, I did have sugar but as soon as I got back here, I was not even concerned about not having any sugar. It was like oh I'll have a treat during my time in Winnipeg but as soon as I came home, it was easy not to even think about sugar even though we have it in the house, it is something that I don't even think about.

Robert just doesn't want to give up his food because he would eat a pound of cheese and then an hour later eat a loaf of bread. Whatever good he did before was ruined by that loaf of bread. He is constantly eating if not that - he's sleeping or crapping or working. I know how to eat when I'm out and he would eat everything in sight of his eyes. His diet I fear is not a diet but a delusion of one so he could say he was on a diet and not really be on one.

I fear one day I may lose Robert due of his lack of caring about his weight gain to complications of diabetes.

Thanks for allowing me to rant about this. I really do care about my uncle but anytime we even suggest getting on the diet we're on, he throws a shitfit about it and storms out of the room.


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He's probably trying, or else he wouldn't be getting so angry.

The thing is that he would have two pounds of cheese and an hour later, he would eat an entire loaf of bread. He would eat for eight hours without getting full. That is how he is. He eats and eats. He says he's on a diet but is he really? We do not believe he is. He's just saying that to get people off his back about him getting onto a diet.

And if you confront or even talk to him about his behaviors(he loves making sexist jokes or comments about any sexy woman that he sees about her getting his dick in her mouth and giving him a blowjob) or even his weight, he will blow up at you. Robert is a spin-doctor. He'll spin anything that goes against him around to make it out to which HE is the victim of their hate, instead of taking the blame himself.

That is why we're a bit hesitant in telling him that his so called diet isn't helping him at all but hurting him and in a way hurting his daughter as she doesn't want to bury her father at her age and he's denying his future grandchildren of his presence. We know he would just try to make us look like we're the villians when we only have his best interest at heart. But he will not see it that way, he'll see it as us trying to hurt him.


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I believe the word you're looking for is Hypoglycemia.

Thank you, that was the word I was searching for.


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