Guest Felicist Posted October 22, 2020 Report Posted October 22, 2020 And fk. My condolences for ur bad health. Get well soon. Quote
Guest Couple suggestions Posted October 24, 2020 Report Posted October 24, 2020 I think Gal Gadot or Emilia Clarke would make great additions to the harem and seem to be along the lines of what you prefer! Quote
Mal Posted October 27, 2020 Report Posted October 27, 2020 Okay guys, I’m back with a quick COVID-19 update. Well I ended up having to go into the hospital. My symptoms were all getting worse. Not only was I having trouble breathing and whatnot, but between the chills. body aches and nausea/vomiting, I was faced with the harsh reality that I needed the hospital. I spent nearly the past 6 days there fighting to get better. I’d like to say it was a nice steady recovery, but it really wasn’t. Round about my 3rd night there, my breathing became so bad they had to put me on a CPAP machine. Let me tell you, that was hell. It gave me a severe panic attack as I felt like what I was doing was fighting not to die… The next day I went to 8 units of O2 and I refused the CPAP machine after that. Luckily, that was when things started to turn around. The doctors and nurses really helped me, the course of treatment did wonders and when I woke up this morning, they decided to take me down to just 1 unit of O2. By midafternoon, they were talking about me going home. That is where I’m sitting now, writing you guys this message. I would have updated you in the hospital, but this site is blocked by their servers, go figure lol! I haven’t really gotten any work since this whole thing started, a month or so now. And, quite frankly, I probably won’t be anxious to dive back in right away. I want to take things easy and slowly get back into my routine. I expect I’ll be heading back to work early next month and that is when I plan to fully dive back into my writing, starting with the Secret Santa thing for CSL. Once I get that done, I’ll be back to work on BDH. Okay gang, I really just wanted to give you guys a quick update and to say thank you so much to everyone who commented something supportive or enthusiastic. I appreciate all the support and I look forward to getting back to work real soon. Till next time, -Mal P.S. I’m not fully recovered, but I hope get back to full strength real soon! Sazbi and Melrick 2 Quote
Sazbi Posted October 27, 2020 Report Posted October 27, 2020 Good to hear from you Mal. Take your time and rest easy. Sucks you had to use the CPAP machine but very glad you got past that. Gonna be optimistic and hope for a full recovery. Quote
Guest ArcherNexus Posted October 27, 2020 Report Posted October 27, 2020 Shit Mal, that sucks. Nobody I know had it that bad, sorry to hear you weren’t as lucky. If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I’m just curious to know if it’s age related. Anyways, I’m glad you’re doing better and I wish you a speedy recovery. Quote
Guest Romavictrix Posted October 27, 2020 Report Posted October 27, 2020 Hey Mal, Hope you get back to tip top shape soon Mal. Sorry to hear what you have been going thru. Not to get political but hopefully we can get back to normal after Jan 20th 2021. Quote
Juan Posted October 28, 2020 Report Posted October 28, 2020 damn, Mal. Sounds absolutely miserable. Way to fight and I’m very relieved to hear you made it back home! Get well soon and I hope you are able to return to some kind of normalcy in your work and daily life in like a month. Quote
Guest Well Posted October 31, 2020 Report Posted October 31, 2020 All the best. Get better soon. If you was the president of the world what would you do? Quote
Guest Desert Posted October 31, 2020 Report Posted October 31, 2020 Fuck. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you have a swift recovery. Quote
Guest Caligula Posted November 6, 2020 Report Posted November 6, 2020 Wow Mal, I don't really know where to start telling you how much I enjoyed your story so far, but I'll try: I remember reading BDH on a different site a few years ago, but it only had the first 18 chapters or so on there. I remember how much I loved the story back then and how dissapointed I was that the story stopped there (or so I thought). Only a few months ago I suddenly remembered the story and wanted to read it again. That's when I found it on the site you actually post it on and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that there were over 40 chapters available. I started reading the whole thing again and I really have to say that your work is the best fanfiction I have ever read. By far. All of the scenes on themself are really good, top level for sure, but what makes your story stand out is the actual storyline and character development, which so many other stories lag in my opinion. I mean calling BDH "just a sex story" wouldn't do it justice in the slightest. It is so much more than that. In the same way there are books that just tell a nice story and that's it, but there are also books that suck you into the story, make you feel like you are one of the characters and responsible for their choices. These are the books that make you feel like you actually learned something about yourself or life in general. Now calling your work a masterpiece of literature would go a little bit too far, but I definitely think that BDH is the equivalent of that in the fanfiction world. After finding your story again I basically read it in one go. (Or in my native language: "in one stroke", conveniently.) It was only then that I found out that you are actually still writing the story, by finding this forum. I really enjoyed all of your posts giving some backstory and telling something about yourself. It again confirmed to me that your work is in its own level. I also read about the troubles you were facing while writing the story with the worst one being your struggles with COVID not so long ago. I truly hope that you're doing well now and that any negative effects will go away soon. Normally I wouldn't really write a post like this, but seeing all the work you put into the story and the sacrifises you've made, it felt like the right thing to do was to share my "story" of your story. This post is basically a big thank you to show my appreciation. There is a few people on this forum that actively discuss with you, but there are much more people that just read you're story without interacting with you. More than you think probably. What I found truly crazy is that you've put in all of this work without even making a single dollar of of it. I don't know if you have an account on a website where people can send you donations, but if you have please let me know, as I would like to give you a part of what you deserve. Really looking forward to the upcoming chapters btw. Please take all the time you need to make them as special as the first 50. Thank you! Caligula Quote
Sazbi Posted November 23, 2020 Report Posted November 23, 2020 Hope everything’s better than last time Mal, looking forward to hearing any update Mal 1 Quote
Mal Posted December 8, 2020 Report Posted December 8, 2020 Hey gang, I wanted to come on and give you guys some much overdue news and I wholeheartedly apologize for how long I took to give this update. First off, I want to preface this by saying I am fully recovered from my bout with COVID-19. What I’m about to say has nothing to do with my sickness. Okay, I finished my Secret Santa project for CSL a few weeks or so past. I will post that here shortly after it goes live on CSL for my Secret Santa to read. I think it is pretty good. It is certainly very fucked up and nasty I will say that. I can’t really say which celeb the story features or what exact content you can expect from it without potentially alerting the recipient of the story (in case they read my forum). I want it to be a surprise, in the spirt of the event and thus, I will wait to post it until after its been up on CSL for a few days at least. Now, I know I told you guys that after I finished this Secret Santa project that I would be plunging ahead into Billion Dollar Harem pt. 51, but… I’m afraid that just won’t be the case… I have tried, believe me I have opened the doc more times than I can count with the intention of working on it…. I just can’t seem to find the motivation. These summary chapters can be rough for me because its basically impossible to have a connected story. Its more like writing a dozen mini stories with much less detail. Now, I want to assure you guys, I’m not abandoning the story or anything like that. But I do think that I’ll be taking a break from it until I feel motivated to work on it. Forcing myself to write something I’m just not feeling will only do a disservice to the story and to you guys who want to read it. I don’t know what I’m going to work on in the meantime. All I know for now is that BDH just isn’t motivating me and trying to force myself to work on it only makes me not feel like writing at all. I’m going to give it some thought over the next few days and once I’ve decided what I’m going to work on, I’ll likely do another post to let you guys know. Most likely it’ll be a brand new project. Probably a one shot with a celeb I haven’t yet worked with. There is also the potential for me to pull out an unfinished story, Emma’s Blowbang maybe or Going Gonzo… who knows. The point is that my previously posted schedule has been officially thrown out, and I’m going to be working on something other than BDH for the time being. Well that’s what I have to say about that. I hope that I can get back to BDH soon, and I really hope you guys are patient with me and maybe willing to read some other stuff in the meantime. Now I just want to take a moment to address the comments: Caligula: Hail Caesar! LOL! Great user name! I wanted to thank you for your post. Over the years I’ve found a lot of different places to post BDH, but this is the site I like best. AFF will always be the first place I post my stories with very few exceptions. It really makes me feel good to know that people like you love my story, come back to read it a second time or just simply like it enough to post a simple comment telling me so. It really makes me feel good to hear from you guys and it justifies all the work I put into this story. Its true that I don’t make any money from this work. Partially, that is because I could potentially be sued for doing so, but also, at this point, I work on it more for you fans than for anything else. I want to finish it for you guys and I’d hate to think someone couldn’t finish it because they didn’t want to pay for it. I really appreciate the kind words about my story. I would agree that it is certainly no masterpiece of literature, but I am glad that I can bring a little joy to some people with it. I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a long and thoughtful comment and I thought you should know your “one stroke” comment made me laugh. Hopefully it was good for more than just that LOL! Anyway, thank you again for the comment, and I hope you’ll bare with me while I take some time away from BDH to work on something else. Sazbi: Physically I am doing just fine. I’m not sure if its the holidays or just shut in fever or something else, but mentally, I have been kind of bleh lately. That feeling might partially be due to anger at myself for not being able to work on BDH, but I really don’t know. I’m hopping that by switching gears and working on something fresh I can turn that mood around. In the meantime, thank you for the comment and the concern and I hope to have an update for you real soon. Okay guys, that’s about it for me. I know this wasn’t good news, but hopefully it will work out, and maybe whatever I come out with next will tide you guys over till I can get back to BDH… Till next time, -Mal Sazbi 1 Quote
Guest ArcherNexus Posted December 8, 2020 Report Posted December 8, 2020 I’m just glad you’re doing okay, Mal. Like I said a bunch of times, just take your time with the story until it feels right to write it again. I’d like to ask one thing, though, since I trust you when it comes to this kind of fanfic. Are there any stories out there that you could recommend, especially featuring celebs found in BDH? Famous fictional characters are also welcome. If you find the time. Either way, take it easy and in the meantime good luck with your other projects. I’m looking forward to those, too. Quote
Juan Posted December 14, 2020 Report Posted December 14, 2020 Hey Mal. Glad to hear you’re doing better. Reading about your symptoms actually sort of made me realize I probably had Covid right when this whole mess started in the beginning of March. Regardless, it sounds like you’ve been through a ton the past few months. I’ve always wanted to see the finish of Emma’s Blowbang Spectacular and I’ve enjoyed Going Gonzo. So whatever you feel like writing, I know I will enjoy! Hope to see more of your work whenever you feel comfortable and motivated to work on it. Your work helps us all get through the pandemic, but I hope you prioritizing your own mental health and happiness. Best of luck! Mal 1 Quote
Sazbi Posted December 22, 2020 Report Posted December 22, 2020 Take a long as you need Mal, glad that you’re feeling better. We can wait for your mojo to get going on BDH, just looking forward to Chloe and Ari’s night with Alex after seeing the 34+35 video and based on the last chapter, a possible quick Taylor + Ari scene. Mal 1 Quote
Mal Posted December 28, 2020 Report Posted December 28, 2020 Hey gang, just popped on for a quick update. I’m working on 3 different stories at the same time right now, just kind of working when I feel like it and on which story I feel like writing… One of the three features Sabrina Carpenter in a kind of pseudo post-apocalyptical near future where Trump won the election and the US went to hell in a hand basket… Think of the Purge (never seen those movies) but with some celebrities… It will likely be a multi part story, but so far the only one I’ve got plans to work on is the first chapter that will have Sabrina in it. The second story is in a kind of similar vein to the first, where some out of control ICE agents take matters into their own hands and detain Isabela Merced. Both of these stories will be of a rough non-con style and will likely be fairly similar in some ways. But I think both will also be very hot in their own ways. These are two ladies I’ve been wanting to write about for a while now and just haven’t found a chance to put hand to keypad in order to put something together. Finally, I’ve been plucking at Billion Dollar Harem chapter 51 here and there, mostly as ideas take me. I have no idea when any of these stories will be done. I’m fairly obsessed with Cyberpunk 2077 at the moment and it has been occupying a decent amount of my spare time. But I have been trying to at least write a paragraph or so every night when I’m at work. I know that the further I get into writing these stories the more likely I am to feel compelled to write as opposed to sitting around watching Netflix or playing a video game. It is my hope that I can bring one or two of these stories to you by the end of January, but I don’t want to make any promises as I really hate disappointing you guys. Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been up to. I hope you all had a happy holiday and that you all have a safe and fun New Years. I’ll briefly respond to the comments and then I’ll get out of your hair. ArcherNexus: Thank you for your patience and your well wishes. I personally don’t know of any story like BDH. I don’t read a whole lot of fanfiction to be honest because I find most writers who do this just aren’t very skilled and I get pulled out of the stories they are trying to tell by bad grammar, horrible plot holes, or just ludicrously inadequate set up… There are a couple of writers on CSL that I do like. You can search by author on that site. I recommend stories by Dark_Swordsman, Muhabba, and MiamiLyfe. That is by no means me suggesting they are the only good writers on that site… I just don’t read enough to know more. I have read works by all three of these and can attest that they are good. I don’t know if that answers your question lol… but its all I got… Juan: A guy here at my work seemed to go through something similar where he realized months after the fact that he probably had COVID. It worked out well for him, as I hope it did for you, in so far as his symptoms were so mild he barely noticed, and likely gave him the antibodies to protect him through some of the worst months. I too enjoy Emma’s Blowbang and Going Gonzo. I have every intention of finishing, at the very least, Going Gonzo. And as I’m just sort of tinkering with writing at the moment, I might pluck at these some… But I’m going to try and focus my piddleing to three works at a time lol…. I’m kind of hoping by working on multiple things at once that I don’t get too burned out on any one thing. It might make things slower though for at least a little while… Sazbi: I didn’t see Ariana’s music video, but she is so hot that I’m sure it was fire… I haven’t gotten far enough into the chapter to be working on any sex scenes yet, but I do plan to at least mention and describe in some detail the important ones. Obviously, the Ari/ Chloe match up will be in great detail, but if Taylor/Ari comes up, I can assure you there will be at least some description. Thank you for the sentiments, I hope not to delay the arrival of chapter 51 too long, but I am, at least for now, planning to continue my plan of working on a few projects at once as the desire and interest takes me. Alright guys that about does it for now, Till next time, -Mal Sazbi and Juan 2 Quote
Sazbi Posted January 2, 2021 Report Posted January 2, 2021 Happy New Year, Mal! Looking forward to those other stories and chapter 51. Hope the Isabela Merced story is kind of bondage heavy Happy Cyberpunk 2077 is working for you (I’m guessing PC) with all of the mess that games going through, can’t play it yet and now probably never can on console Bring on 2021 with an awesome update! Quote
Guest Romavictrix Posted February 7, 2021 Report Posted February 7, 2021 Hey Mal, Hope everything is going well. See you later. Quote
Mal Posted February 20, 2021 Report Posted February 20, 2021 Hey gang, I just wanted to pop on and give you guys an update… and I apologize in advance for not having very good news. Perhaps its the time of year or just my brain once again getting in the way, but if I’m being honest with you all, I just really haven’t felt very great, emotionally, of late. I haven’t felt much like writing or doing much, other than just mindlessly smashing buttons on a video game, or watching some dumb Netflix show… I don’t know what else to say, I haven’t really been working on anything since I released my Isabela Merced fic over a month ago. I wish I had better news. But it is what it is… I hope that I might get back into it soon… But feeling depressed and completely unmotivated by life is a very poor recipe for writing… You guys do inspire me to work though and it is with that thought that I haven’t given up hope of getting back to it. Its just, as of right now, I can’t say when that will be. Things at work will be ramping up and that will certainly play a part in my productivity. I don’t really know what else to say… Here’s to hoping I feel better soon… Till next time, -Mal Sazbi 1 Quote
Sazbi Posted February 20, 2021 Report Posted February 20, 2021 It’s all good, Mal. I know what you mean with this time of the year, and with everything going on especially. Take it easy and stay safe. Quote
Guest Well Posted February 20, 2021 Report Posted February 20, 2021 I think it might be covid becoues it takes alot out of you. I hope you feel better soon. Just take your time. Quote
Guest Caligula Posted March 2, 2021 Report Posted March 2, 2021 Hi Mal, Sucks to hear that you're not feeling well. I've also had periods in my life where I was feeling sad quite a lot. I was not depressed, but there was just a lot of sadness inside of me. For me it probably had a lot to do with not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Nowadays I feel like I conquered most of that sadness, although the whole corona thing is not very helpfull. I like to think that I am now better at dealing with these feelings and I would like to share some tips with you. I don't think that these tips can solve everything or will work for everyone, but I just hope that they can at least help a bit: - It is okay to not feel good sometimes. It is part of life and you can't always feel happy. Whenever I feel bad now, I actively try to feel as bad as possible for some time, and really live through the emotions. Afterwards it feels like I got rid of the sadness. For me this works much better than just trying not to feel bad and constantly have some sort of pressure of sadness in the back of my mind. - Find out what brings you into bad moods and try to avoid or fix these things. I realised that playing games got me in a bad mood quite a lot, so I cut down on that. There were also some things about my working place that annoyed me a lot of times, so I bought some things to fix that. This defenitely won't cure depression, but might help to just feel better troughout the day. - Find out what you really want to do with your life. Throughout the years we build up a lot of habits in living our daily life. Just because it is easy to keep doing what you're always doing does not mean that it is going to make you the happiest. Try to have a conversation with yourself in which you are honest about what you want to reach in life. This can be an end goal but also multiple smaller things or just a daily or weekly thing you want to do. Try to be realistic and think about what steps you need to take to reach what you want to reach. (And if you realize that writing this story does not make you happy, then so be it.) - Hard work pays off. If you know what you want to do, just go for it and fully commit. It is very easy to try something once, finding it hard and just quit, but that will not bring you any further in life. Only when you fight through the difficulties and not give up, you will actually go into the right direction. You might not always reach your end goal, but by putting in a lot of work you will always gain something. It is like going to the gym: the first time everything is hard and weird and you probably make a lot of mistakes. After going a few times nothing will be different, but after putting in work for months you will gain so much both physically and mentally. - Do not worry about things you can not change. This helped me a lot to reduce stress. It is very simple, but also very effective. Only worry about things you can actually change and then also only worry about a possible solution, not about the problem itself. I truly hope that one of these tips can help you to live a happier life, whatever that might mean for you. Sometimes it is better to take a step back and work on yourself instead of the things you always work on. Just know that you inspired a lot of people with your story. Caligula Quote
Guest ArcherNexus Posted March 22, 2021 Report Posted March 22, 2021 Man, I miss this story. Hope you’re doing alright, Mal. Quote
Guest Romavictrix Posted April 17, 2021 Report Posted April 17, 2021 Hey Mal, Hope you are doing ok! Hope to see an update soon but take your time no rush. We will be here when you are ready. Quote
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