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M/m mates?


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I read it a bit ago but can't remember the title or any names.  Or whether it was actually about werewolves or not. 

Anyway, so there are these two guys, constantly playing pranks on each other. I think at one point one takes it too far, and they get into a brawl. The dad of one of them makes the protagonist pretty much the slave of his son, and he finds out he's the mate of him, but refuses to tell him, causing the son to spiral into self hate and loathing  because the guy tells him how he'd be a horrible mate. The guy is a glassblower, if I remember correctly, and has his eyes on a girl that pretty much won't give him the time of day, until at one point they kiss and she's gets incredibly mad at him for leading her on (I think she realizes he has a mate) and pretty much just gets everyone else angry  at him too. 


That's about as much as I remember. Any help would be appreciated! 

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