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Guest Dreamer27

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Guest Dreamer27

Voldemort had won the war when Harry was a baby.

When the war was going on James and Lily decided to flee with baby Harry and they lived in Germany where I think they were artists or potters.

Just before Harry was eleven James and Lily were killed in Germany and Harry was sent back to England to live with the Dursleys.

Accidental magic was detected there and Harry was taken into the wizarding world. Apparently all muggleborn children are taken from their families when they show accidental magic and their parents are obliviated.

Once taken they sleep on beds that slowing take away memories of their families and are then adopted by pureblood families.

Harry as he is too old doesn’t get adopted. There is a class beofre going to hogwarts for all the muggleborn student and one of them there is Hermione who introduces herself as Hermione of House Malfoy.

At hogwarts when they arrive Harry gets lost and chased into the hall by Magini with Peter Pettigrew in rat form in his pocket in front of Voldemort and reveals he is a parslemouth.

Voldemort becomes interested in him, but I am not exacty sure what happens after that.

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