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A while ago I made the request for a section for Jagged Alliance in the computer game section and with all of the work that has been done to this site lately, I was surprised to see the JA section in place.

So now I need a beta for Free Arulco: The Bitch Must Die!. The story is complete and weighs in at 22 chapters totally about 84,000 words.

What I need from a very willing beta is someone to go through and point out the words that the spell checker missed (most common ones are words like sight vs site both are correct) but I think it would almost be better if you have no clue what JA is, just to make sure that the story makes sense to those to those who JA would be new to them.

Warning: Since this is a fictional write up of a computer game, it is heavy in violence and the sex is not the pretty kind.

Let me know if you are interested.


Albert - PariahSolo

I'm willing to do a read-through, provided there's no non-consentual sex acts with minors in the story.

Had to think for a moment. No, no minors involved in sex. The Queen made some minors watch their parents get eaten by Bloodcats and minors were forced to fight for the Queen (a la Blood Diamond) but no sex.

Send me a PM on how you want the story sent to you.

Thank you for the interest.

Albert - PariahSolo

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