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In case some Spillow or Wangel shippers are roaming this forum:

I remember that Willow is tired of life (forgot the reason) and gives herself willingly to Spike for suicidal reasons. Spike is not nice in this and there is rape, torture and bloodplay and Willow regrets her decision almost immediately; it's not a consent Master/slave story. He holds her bounded in his crypt in Sunnydale and abuses her especially orally at the beginning. Later it becomes a twisted romance of sort (I think more from Spike's site, Willow is rather just conditioned at this point) and Angel does also play a role in this story (though I don't remember which one in particular; savior or accomplice).

I don't remember where I've read it (roughly one year ago) but I think it was an older story. It could have been here on AFF or on Willow shipper sites like Near Her Always or redsoulmates or elsewhere. I encountered many sites, small and big, still online or offline (Wayback machine), during googling.

I don't think the story was removed entirely from the online internet, but there are so many Spillow or Wangel fics out there, it's like looking for the needle in a haystack when you don't have the title or the author's name.

Oh and it's not Whispered Fire by Quwinntessa Starber (FF.net) which has a similar starting point.

If someone remembers the title, the author or other hints to narrow down my search results, much thanks in advance. :)

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