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Searching for 2 slash fics!


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It's been a while since I read fics on AFF, and I've forgotten the titles of a couple of my favorite fics already! Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

1. First is a fic with Harry masturbating with an enchanted dildo on the first chapter, I believe. I think it can even produce fake semen. The fic might be multi-chaptered too, and may involve a threesome with Harry and 2 other guys later on.

2. My memory is a bit hazy on the 2nd fic. The pairing is HP/LM/DM, and I think Lucius bought Harry as a slut (maybe?) from somewhere? The second chapter may have involved Harry or Draco trying to fuck the other while he's still asleep and Lucius may have joined in on the fun too.

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