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Time Travel AU Harry Potter

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Im looking for a fic where harry goes back in time. However its au. In the new timeline, james and lily are still alive. Bellatrix kidnaps him when he was young. He ends up in america adopted by these elderly couple. I think there in North Carolina. In his new body, harry is interested in science. He builds a robot or rocket before hogwarts letter arrives. When it does, dumbledore sends shaclebolt and tonks. Harry sets a trap with darts and tonks accidently knocks herself out with a bat. Anyway he goes to hogwarts, and the hat notices a strage aura. Apparently harry is deaths betrothed. Harry eventually tells his parents about time travel but they dont believe him. He runsaway with other children. I believe dumbledore is bad because sirius is married and dumbledore thinks his wife is dispensible to the death eaters but harry saves her. Any help would be appreciated.

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