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Hello everyone! I'm Rain Misoa. I intorduced myself in the Introduce Yourself Thread so maybe some of you already know me. I decided to create this journal because I just love writing and I sometimes feel I need to release some stress by just muttering nonsense. I have journals all over the place. The one that's recently updated is the one on Gaia but that was like... months ago. XD Gaia has become somewhat annoying so I don't go there anymore. Probably the main reason I decided to make one here! :o Although, I don't anyone on here will read it, I still feel the need to type!

Which brings me to my first topic to rant about. XD I've noticed that hardly anyone comes on the forums. I know everyone have lives and that I'm really new so maybe not many people have been on whilst I was on but still... it seems a pretty abandon place. I've noticed maybe one or two people that come on fequently but the others.... they all go POOF! >_< It really makes me sad. I like talking to people and getting to know them. I would love to talk about fanfiction with them. Especially about these adult ones. Although, I'm really new at writing these sorts of stories, I'm still fascinated by what others have written and whi knows? Maybe by chatting with others and getting their point of view of things, I can learn how to become a better writer when it comes to such topics. :D

I've also noticed that there's not many fics on this site. Yeah, there's a lot for like Final Fantasy, Bleach, Naruto, and whatnot but there aren't any for ones less known. >_< I understand that the ones I've listed are really popular but I will still like to see some for the ones less known. :P Just a thought. Still, there are some good ones for the popular ones. ^_^ Not all are crummy. WHOO!!!

Anywho, I think I've come to the end of my rant about the site in general. XD I'm going to make these journal entries whenever possible. I would like to do them daily but with starting to go to my first job next week, I probably won't have a lot of time to do one. I won't even have enough time to write my fics. >_< but I will try and I will update whenever I get a free moment. Thanks for reading to all those who did. I hope we can have creative discussions in a civilized manner. ^_^ Adios!

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