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This whole gas situation is completely out of control. Mere weks ago there were three nearby gas stations. Now there is one, and that one has a very small space. One went bankrupt recently. The other, I don't know. They did have a help wanted sign. Now they have the gas pumps covered in blue bags. The pumps are even on and it looks like the store is open. It's confusing, but not my point.

I needed gas the other day. I tried to go to the one that I usually do and found it still closed. It was too late to go back into town to that gas station, so I went to the small one. The whole area was just clogged with cars. There was no room to move. I thought by some chance the one that was going bankrupt might still be open. A desperate stab in the dark I know, but I had to try something. My boyfriend had just gotten off work and he was yelling at me. The stupid car is a giant oven. Even when the air thing is off, it blows hot air, and it was in the 90's.

Anyway, I was out of luck. I had to go back to the small gas station, and by this point I didn't even have enough gas to get home. Foryunately the two cars that were blocking everything up had moved, and I was able to get into a line.

I just find it completely fucking ridiculous that I had to go through so much for a tank of gas! And now I have to worry about the two area stations running out. Now I just saw an ad for a Nascar race. All I'm thinking is you've got to be fucking kidding me. The area I live in is running out, but it's ok to burn up hundreds of gallons on a race??? Have I been dropped in the twilight zone?

Oh, and by the way... I'm not going to be able to buy oil to heat my house this winter. I don't know what I'm going to do.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Savaial

I knw what you mean. I have two gas stations in my little town and I can never get gas in either one of them because they are always waiting until the last minute to sink millions into a holding tank. Gas stations make next to no money off of gas sales; their money comes in with impulse buys and other little things. So, when gas goes up and people don't have as much to spend, they are among the first businesses to go bankrupt.

I've been buying my gas two gallons at a time for months, and I too am appalled at the rampant waste of NASCAR. Sorry, race fans, but I couldn't enjoy myself even if I did like the "sport" because I'd be picturing dollar bills burning in the tank. Or, at this point, five dollar bills.

Just remember, nothing lasts forever. Bush will be gone soon, and he'll leave someone to clean up his mess, hopefully.


Oh, and by the way... I'm not going to be able to buy oil to heat my house this winter. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Man, that sucks! It's one of the reasons I don't feel like learning to drive just yet. I'm a little short on money as it is, so the idea of spending my hard-earned (Ha! hard-earned... yeah, right) money on gas just doesn't appeal to me. If gas prices are so damn high, maybe you should try a different way to move around. Public transport can't be THAT bad, can it? or maybe you could move around in a bike or skates or whatever.

I find the Nascar thing completely ridiculous as well, but hey, it's a way to keep the masses entertained, and it seems to be working just fine. Over here, it's football for the same purpose. At least it's not as expensive.

And for heating your house... this might sound extremely obvious but, why not buy wood for the chimney? I bet it's a lot cheaper than oil... Anyway, good luck with that. Let's hope someone does clean Bush's mess instead of starting a new one.


Doesn't sound too good at all at the moment =(

Perhaps you could try public transport or use a bike as another user previously mentioned.

As for heating, I'm not sure what to suggest I'm afraid. As a temporary measure until you can afford oil for winter couldn't you use those small electric heaters?

I see the frustation with NASCAR. I feel the same way about F1; seems like such a waste of fuel on something so pointless.

I hope things get better soon =)

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