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The darkest and most bazaar anima show,


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That's one morbid dark bazaar sick show....I really don't like any of characters on it, accept that strange ugly Goth guy, who likes apples and laughs at the humans, because laughing at humans is a hobby of mine too. I think they should give Mr. Bone Boy, Shinigami [spelling] a bigger part and his own agenda! It you look closely that show has a big messiah complex too, and a touch of closet Yaoi if you check around the edges!

Do you really like it? Or do you watch it, because you find it as fascinating as a train wreck?

Surely Ladies you don't find Light sexy, the guys a fanatic homo'cidal psychopath serial killer, who enjoys manipulating people and/or killing them... for the better good... yeah right????

Then we have the Mutants Dorky Detectives brother L and N[ whats with big eyeballs] , other than different hair color not much different... each with a bazaar immature fetish for food or playing with toys, and they too like to manipulate people, and each fanatically desire to catch Kira to satisfy their overbaring igos and prove that they are the better...Man... or that they're better than Kira ? And what is the strange incestious relationship, these young Detective mutants, have with certain political government departments?

The supposedly cute Loud slutty little model, what's her name... the little twit, who thinks she is in love with Kira, but Kira finds her pathetically loud and annoying... if he did her, it was only to shut her up or manipulator her into following his orders. I actually thought Kira had a bigger thing for the now dead L... who washed his feet! Grrrrrrrrrrrr yuck!

The latest thing on the Show, now Kira has fanatic followers that worship him as the new God... big holy Wop! Just what the world needs is more religions and more religious followers to clog up the minds of men... great big gobs of purple puke!

Call me sick and old fashioned, but I like to find something to like, about the characters in the anima or any kind of shows or movies I watch, so sue me, Cal

So what do you think folks? Am I full a who'eee.... and the show is the best anima there ever was?

Opinion appreciated... come on make my day... one way or the other. Nothing better than a nice heated argument to make your fangs extend and the blood flow in your veins.

One more thing, would anyone care to make a guess or suggestion, as to what the moral of DeathNote Is? If DeathNote, even has one???

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I'm not going to get into WHY it's good. You either get it or you don't.

And yeah, Death Note was the best animE ever. Though it should've ended after L.

M and N were two brats who couldn't have killed Lord Kira even by writing his name in a death note.

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I'm not going to get into WHY it's good. You either get it or you don't.

And yeah, Death Note was the best animE ever. Though it should've ended after L.

M and N were two brats who couldn't have killed Lord Kira even by writing his name in a death note.

If you can't actually say why you think its good, why reply with wasted words and static... Zyx you can't tell me why it good,,, because its really not or basicaly it a reflection of teen/adult angst...the only people who like it get off on the idea of a teenagers killing adults in authority as well as criminals. A Book or a piece of paper whether it fell from heaven or hell does not.... make a god or anti-christ.... no matter how spoiled and arogant, Lord Kira, my Ass! Boys and Girls, can you spell delusional Serial Killer with a personality disorder!

I'll take Bugs Bunny and Sephiroth over Kira any day, Death Note, is just as good. as old used toilet paper :P Cal

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I liked the show. The back and forth struggle, two masters of the game competing against each other, it was fun to see how it played out. I agree it went a little downhill after L, but i'm glad they didn't drag that part out either. Right about that point i was thinking, "okay this needs to move in a new direction" and then it did. I didn't understand what Mello contributed to the show, he was annoying and his rivalry with Near never really got fleshed out.

I never saw the yaoi subtext between L and Light tho, fangirls take that shit to ridiculous levels. I just saw it as a test of wills between two highly intelligent people. Not everything has to be about sex. I liked Misa because of the two sides to her. One a happy and successfull young woman, the other a girl who'se past turned her into a murderous psychopath. I'm not surprised Light never went for her tho, all women are crazy but one with a death note? who knows when she'll end up writing YOUR name down...

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I liked the show. The back and forth struggle, two masters of the game competing against each other, it was fun to see how it played out. I agree it went a little downhill after L, but i'm glad they didn't drag that part out either. Right about that point i was thinking, "okay this needs to move in a new direction" and then it did. I didn't understand what Mello contributed to the show, he was annoying and his rivalry with Near never really got fleshed out.

I never saw the yaoi subtext between L and Light tho, fangirls take that shit to ridiculous levels. I just saw it as a test of wills between two highly intelligent people. Not everything has to be about sex. I liked Misa because of the two sides to her. One a happy and successfull young woman, the other a girl who'se past turned her into a murderous psychopath. I'm not surprised Light never went for her tho, all women are crazy but one with a death note? who knows when she'll end up writing YOUR name down...

Thank you Pork Chop, at least that was an intelligent response and you explained why you liked it, which is your right. But Sorry I still think it's weird, but Yo I still watch it too to see what the deviates are up too. Cal

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That's not very nice >_>

And your wrong >_>


I don't need to be nice to get a debate going, and if I am wrong, tell me why I am wrong.

Complete thoughts would be nice for a change, try it you'll like it! Your opinion is just as important as anyones .... really! B)

Okay, give it to me baby, Evil Cal :P

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I've never seen Death Note, though i have a few friends who love it, but I agree that, if you like something, you should be able to verbalize why you like it, and if you think someone's wrong, at least tell them why, otherwise it's just insulting without any reason outside of childish namecalling. I think Death Note is one of those animes that is really weird, but some people love that. A lot of people I know hate FLCL, but I love it.

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Okay, I was going to keep my mouth shut but I really suck at doing that. :P Death Note is a wonderful anime. Yes, it's dark. Yes, it's morbid. Yes, it's bizarre. But those aren't bad things. I like the anime (because of all those things! :P ) and I like the manga that it's based on, as well. The writing is amazing. It's multi-layered and complex. This is not a storyline where you can easily anticipate what lies around the corner. Messianic and Utopian themes are very dominant in this story. But again, that doesn't present a problem. They're used to show how even good and true intentions can be corrupted. Also, I think, to show the thin line between good and evil sometimes.

The characters are weird but intriguing, at least to me. They're also flawed. It adds a depth to them that's rarely found in shows these days. Even Light, who on the surface, appears to be perfect. He begins this crusade with the best intentions. But he's the living embodiment of how power corrupts, and in his case, how it can drive you freaking nuts.

To me, the struggle between Light and L takes is fascinating to watch. And honestly, I was surprised that the writers would have the balls to kill off such a central character. But they did then they picked up the storyline and moved on. I will admit that I'm not as big as a fan of the later stuff but I still love it overall.

I never really picked up on the traces of yaoi that you're talking about but my mind doesn't seem to work that way. I have terrible gaydar! lol I know that any anime with a lot of male characters, especially attractive male characters, interacting closely is going to spawn a rabid yaoi fangirl brigade. This one's no different. :)

If you don't like Death Note, I can understand. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But trust me, it's nowhere near the darkest or most bizarre anime that I've ever seen! lol You might be interested in the original, one-shot manga written for it. It's very different than the later one or the anime that was developed from it. ( http://www.onemanga.com/Death_Note/0/ ) But then again, you might hate it too! B) The only character to really survive in it's second incarnation was Ryuk, your apple loving shinigami. :D

Oh, and FLCL rocks too! ;)

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Okay, I was going to keep my mouth shut but I really suck at doing that. :P Death Note is a wonderful anime. Yes, it's dark. Yes, it's morbid. Yes, it's bizarre. But those aren't bad things. I like the anime (because of all those things! :P ) and I like the manga that it's based on, as well. The writing is amazing. It's multi-layered and complex. This is not a storyline where you can easily anticipate what lies around the corner. Messianic and Utopian themes are very dominant in this story. But again, that doesn't present a problem. They're used to show how even good and true intentions can be corrupted. Also, I think, to show the thin line between good and evil sometimes.

The characters are weird but intriguing, at least to me. They're also flawed. It adds a depth to them that's rarely found in shows these days. Even Light, who on the surface, appears to be perfect. He begins this crusade with the best intentions. But he's the living embodiment of how power corrupts, and in his case, how it can drive you freaking nuts.

To me, the struggle between Light and L takes is fascinating to watch. And honestly, I was surprised that the writers would have the balls to kill off such a central character. But they did then they picked up the storyline and moved on. I will admit that I'm not as big as a fan of the later stuff but I still love it overall.

I never really picked up on the traces of yaoi that you're talking about but my mind doesn't seem to work that way. I have terrible gaydar! lol I know that any anime with a lot of male characters, especially attractive male characters, interacting closely is going to spawn a rabid yaoi fangirl brigade. This one's no different. :)

If you don't like Death Note, I can understand. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But trust me, it's nowhere near the darkest or most bizarre anime that I've ever seen! lol You might be interested in the original, one-shot manga written for it. It's very different than the later one or the anime that was developed from it. ( http://www.onemanga.com/Death_Note/0/ ) But then again, you might hate it too! B) The only character to really survive in it's second incarnation was Ryuk, your apple loving shinigami. :P

Oh, and FLCL rocks too! ;)

Thank You, Maidenhair, that was great, you even had reasons why you liked it... plus you suggusted the possible Moral...."that power corrupts." I think another thing the writers were also trying say was that, Kira/light and L Note the similiarity in Light and L is they act after a certain point very like each other... right and wrong is not major motivation, they merely want to beat each other at the game. L did bathe Lights feet, was this yaoi or L's of conceeding the victory to Kira? Cal

You kids and your initials what does FLCL mean? :D

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Sometimes I wonder if it's me... Because no one else seems to notice calanthee's attitude...

If I like something enough I feel insulted too when it gets insulted. This is what happened here, and despite clear signaling that I didn't like it, it continued. I say three words to defend this show that I like and suddenly I'm insulting??? Now I could express my burning rage by saying things that would make "fuck you" seem like a marriage proposal but then I'd get banned and even angrier. Obviously internet doesn't allow me to stab people online... Well, I think I've made my point: I'm pretty pissed off.

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"FLCL" stands for "Furi Curi" which sounds like "Fully Cooly" to us, I don't know if that is what it actually means or it is something esle (maybe someone can enlighten me on the subject). Also, saying you don't like a series and actually asking people for their opinion or why they like it, isn't insulting it. If someone said, well, I watch supernatural, but I don't like it. Why do you like it? I wouldn't be offended, I'd tell them why I like it. If someone said, you're an asshole for watching the series, that's an insult. But, if I was the one asking the person and they said, there doesn't have to be a reason, just like it or don't like it, I'd be pretty annoyed because that isn't really an answer. And when the person says why they don't like it in response and you just say that they're wrong, that's even more insulting. That person's not wrong, they are giving a legitimate opinion, you just don't happen to agree. Saying that someone is wrong with their likes and dislikes is like saying that you don't think their opinion matters. I think that if you could just tell us why you think that Death Note is a good series instead of just saying that people are wrong or mean for asking you why you're saying that, we wouldn't be put off by it, not to mention the whole usual death threat thing.

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Sometimes I wonder if it's me... Because no one else seems to notice calanthee's attitude...

If I like something enough I feel insulted too when it gets insulted. This is what happened here, and despite clear signaling that I didn't like it, it continued. I say three words to defend this show that I like and suddenly I'm insulting??? Now I could express my burning rage by saying things that would make "fuck you" seem like a marriage proposal but then I'd get banned and even angrier. Obviously internet doesn't allow me to stab people online... Well, I think I've made my point: I'm pretty pissed off.

So Zyx your going to kill me, because you don't Like My Attitude... LOL I am honored, Giggle... gee... no wonder you Worship Lord Kira... your one of his perverse pissed-off little children.

Yes my attitude was Confrontational on purpose... truly not to insult you personally Zyxy, just to make people respond to my e-mail and explain their opinions... sorry you don't get my sarcasm, but Honey its time you get a sense of humor, nothing on this earth is so important that you can't make fun of it... especially ourselves and our human frailties. Learn to laugh at yourself before its too late, or truely kiddo you'll end up in the bug house with a selection of mixed nuts, banging your head against the wall!

PS Kiddo it will take a lot to insult me, I am the last of Red Hot Flamers of the Rightous, I use to eat trolls for breakfast and spit out their horns and tails... the F word and the like doesn't phase me a bit.


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Never understood why someone would get pissed off at someone else via a comment left on a message board or a chat room or whatever... who really cares? you don't know them, they dont know you. anything they say is going to be impersonal and based on almost nothing. i also can't understand why someone takes a comment not directed at them, but rather at a third party, personally.

metallica sucks


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Guest Agaib

I'm not a big fan of Anime. Not at all, but Death Note is one of the few anime's that I could genuinely say that I like. I like the clash between two similarly minded but diametrically opposed people. The show wasn't about teenagers killing adults. The show was about how idealized morals can lead to terrible corruption. Barring the initially introduced supernatural elements the show rarely strays very far from a realistic (or at least internally consistent) reality. No one in the anime is super ultra mega powered (like in DBZ) and when characters die, they DIE.

I think Death Note achieved the perfect balance (at least for My personal taste) of strangeness with realism.

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