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Help me find this Karasu/Kurama, Yusuke/Kurama fanfiction!

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Guest sweetpeans

AU. Karasu is some kind of mobster and Kurama is forced into marrying him (He is capture and imprison during a high school reunion (?) ) Kurama is abused constantly (there's a scene where he is force to lick clean semen off the floor and Karasu stabs him in the back) and he faints during work. Yusuke has this huge crush on him and witness Kurama fainting, and finds out about Kurama being abused. Kurama unintentionally "rapes" Yusuke.. drama, drama. One of Karasu's henchmen finds Kurama at the park and rapes him... more drama.. and the last chapter I read was Karasu beating the shit of Kurama after Kurama is kidnapped form Yusuke's apartment via fire.

..... I am obsessed with finding this fanfic, please help!

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