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Stories similar to these?

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Hello! I was wondering if anyone had recs for stories similar to these (similar theme or style etc), or like, recommendations based on my favorite stories :) I'm pretty open for anything, but I like angst and drama and complicated relationships between characters. Also secrets and backstabbings and stuff are ... great.

Anyway, stories/fics/novels for reference:

It starts with the eyes by Cora Derby

Stupid post it notes by DirtyAngelToes (on FP)

Little Mistakes by Rhiseypie (on Wattpad)

Fallocaust series by Quil Carter

Hollywood Townsend's ultimate stupid in the dark, by Bronsautracks (FP)

The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic

A Stagnation of Love by shinigamiinochi (FB)

Until You Loved Me by his terrible beauty (FP)

The Taming of Frankie Carrozza by ThenColmSaid (Wattpad)

So, if you have any recommendations based on (any) of those above, I would be the happiest Internet user within the Northern hemisphere! And an enormous thank you, for all answers! :)


"It Starts with the Eyes" was such a FANTASTIC story! Whatever happened to that?

You could read "Close Protection" by Cordelia Kingsbridge. Definitely angst, drama, humor, adventure, etc. in that story! It's also a completed story.


Thanks for the rec! I'll be sure to check it!

I know right! Every now and then I go check if the author has been around - still waiting for the day :)


Try Ishtani's stories. 'Slim pickings lead to drastic propositions' and it's sequel. On FP. A lots of drama. :)

'Falter' by I try on FP too.

On AFF, 'Jacob and the snake charmer' by E.J.

Hope you'll like...


'But a shadow' by camp30.

'Perseverance' by lime green and tangerine.

So many great stories on this site ! It's difficult to recommand just a few... Good reading :)

  • 3 weeks later...

I've been going through these now, and I realized I read Jacob and the snake charmer when it was still WIP and never finished it (for whatever reason) -

so yay, I'll get to read it again ^^

Anyways, sorry for being a late appreciationer. Thanks a lot for recommendations! :)

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