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Please, does anyone know of any good severitus stories to read? It doesn't matter whether Snape is really Harry's dad or just adopts him. I would also like to read other Harry gets adopted and grows up loved stories that don't feature Snape as his dad too. Thank you!

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

In This Life, by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan and is posted on FanFiction.net. In this story Harry was adopted (James and Lily are still alive) by a couple and moved to America at a young age... Years later his adoptive parents die and he's later adopted by Severus. I don't want to say much more, in case you haven't read it, but it is a Crossover with Twilight.


A New Place To Stay, also by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan, also posted on FanFiction.net. After the end of Harry's fourth-year at Hogwarts, he's sent to live with Professor Snape. Of course it takes time for the two of them to get along, but Snape helps Harry heal emotional wounds. He's not legally adopted by Snape, but they view each other as Father and Son. Ron and Hermione bashing, Luna and Neville become Harry's best friends.


New Beginning's, also by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan, also posted on Fanfiction.net. I haven't read this one, but I skimmed through several chapters to make sure it fit what you're looking for. In this story Vernon beats Harry, trying to kill him before leaving for work. Severus is forced to bite Harry and turn him (into a Vampire). Vernon and Petunia are arrested for child abuse and attempted murder. I don't know if Harry was adopted by Snape, but he calls Harry his son and Harry (renamed Alex) calls Severus his Dad.


There are more Severitus Stories by this author, but I haven't read them yet. DebTheSlytherinSnapefan is a wonderful author and the stories are well written. However you need to pay attention to what you're reading, as there will be typos, or odd shifts in perspective sometimes... In one story the author was talking about Harry trying to find his way somewhere and sometimes said "He" and other times "I". A minor mistake, but I figured I'd give you a heads up :). I do know other Severitus Stories on other sites, but at the moment I'm not feeling well. I'll try to track them down either later tonight, or sometime tomorrow morning or afternoon. I hope you find this helpful! :D

Edited by MuggleAngel
  • 2 weeks later...
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