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LN spoilers for those who've only watched the anime

Some Heretic Goddess of love/lust like Aphrodite/Venus descends, looking for an exciting new lover. Other gods are dull, always obsessed with whatever they're doing, and regular people just won't do, so obviously the only choices are the Campiones. Voban is old and wrinkly, she saw how Alec treated Circe, Doni is an idiot and she suspects may be in love with another Campione. John Pluto Smith is too flamboyant, Luo Hao is a prude and just as obsessed with her own interests as any god, and Aisha is an airhead. That leaves Godou: strong enough to have won in his conflicts with several of the others and multiple gods, young enough for her to nurture and guide according to her wishes, and if all the girls he's got are any clue, he's at least less of a meathead than some of the others.

Because attacking is never his first response and she's not as direct an opponent as all the gods of war and violence he's faced before, Godou winds up under her influence. Meaning, for some time he's being trained by her to be the best lover he can be, covering every possible position and kink she can think of. And when his girls come looking for him, well, she can get into girls just as well, plus she needed some acolytes and people to fill the empty roles for when she does exhibitionism and 3 or more-somes. But before that, some cheating and dubcon is in order. So Erica, Lilianna, Yuri, and Ena all wind up helplessly watching this goddess and Godou fucking. Then they get pulled in, unable to stop themselves from enjoying every moment of it.

Eventually, Godou gets free enough to kill the goddess, but gets her Authority in the process. Passively, it makes whoever he might desire want him at least somewhat and make them more prone to arousal. Enough time spent around him in this state would eventually lead to all manner of wet dreams and fantasies. Actively, it winds up with a result more like the main character's eyes in this manga: http://www.mangahere.co/manga/shishunki_na_adam/

Namely, spontaneous arousal/orgasm, to such an extent that they'll do whatever he wants. Of course, for the usual 4, they'd do that anyway, and gods and other Campiones can obviously resist it to the same extent they could any other authority. But it's still there, waiting for them to let their guard down...

And, as a possibly but not necessarily separate idea, Sayanomiya Kaoru is under pressure. As the heir of her family, it is her duty to eventually have a child to succeed her. Given their outdated standards, at 18, many feel she's taking much too long, especially in light of her openly dating girls. So the pressure comes down from on high, telling her that a suitable husband will be found for her and she will marry him and have a child promptly. Of course she doesn't want that, given their standards of "suitable," so she does whatever she can to avoid it. Unfortunately, all of her immediate plans get cut off, leaving her with only one option: making liberal use of Godou's position and power to get out of the proposed marriage by claiming to also be his lover. After all, who could claim to be more suitable than a Campione?

That backfires she gets told that, okay, she doesn't have to get married, what's marriage matter to a godslayer, anyway? But the need for an heir is still present. Only now, she's expected to give birth to Godou's child. Now Kaoru, who never really had any interest in men, has to go to him and tell him that she needs him to impregnate her. Then they get down to business, only for Kaoru to find out that maybe men, or at least Godou, are okay after all.

  • 1 month later...

Hm with this Goddess of Love/Lust, like Aphrodite/Venus, how would you describe her? Like in your mind what description or idea of her features would you imagine her to have?

Would she have a connection with Athena considering both goddesses were Greek gods?


Probably something like what Aphrodite has going on in the Percy Jackson series, of appearing different to everyone who looks at her, but always as whatever that person considers the most beautiful woman they've ever seen, except when she specifically chooses what she wants to appear as, like if she decided to appear to Godou as someone that he knows. But she would also be kind of like what other Heretic Gods are like, in that she'd be so perfect as to be unnerving and inhuman.

For a standard, as far as her build, she'd be built for sex: large, impossibly perky, perfectly shaped breasts, an ass that makes for the most perfectly lush and soft pillow imaginable, while paradoxically being so tight you could bounce a quarter off it, and legs that go on forever. Exact sizes and her height would vary depending on individual preferences of the person involved, namely Godou.

Other features, like hair and eye color would probably be the things that are most variable. Like, she might have hair similar to Liliana's, eyes like Erica's, Yuri's facial structure, and Ena's body, but then all of those might change depending on his thoughts, and it would seem perfectly natural to anyone looking because of her Authorities.

Athena would probably at least know of her, whether they are personally acquainted is another matter. If they were, they'd probably dislike each other, from a difference in priorities in life, and their stations. And stealing Athena's "opponent" probably wouldn't help their relationship. Hell, she might actually be the one who comes and interferes and manages to help Godou get free of her control.

Posted (edited)

I was wondering where Aphrodite/Venue's thing about changing her looks in God Slaying Blade Works was from. Didn't know that was from Percy Jackson.

Would Aphrodite here be the type to be on top in bed?

And considering how she can change depending on Godou's thoughts, it makes me wonder how she might use that bit of shapeshifting in bed.

Edited by warellis
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