Sablesilverrain Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 AchillesTheGeek: Don't worry, Harry's only a female for five days a month. There is plenty of slash in this fic, as well as het. Anon: Glad you remember the story fondly. This is just a re-post of what I had originally, though one chapter ended up getting lost, and I don't think I did it justice, but what can you do? I did what I could remember of it, which wasn't much. djaddict: Good question. He fully changes into a girl for five days. No other parts. starr: Nope, he's only a girl for five days a month, the rest of the time he has his normal, male body. Jami_Lee: Glad you like it! I aim to please! Samantha: Thank you! I have a few authors I follow like that. Generally, if one story is good, others will be as well. I try to keep up my standard of writing, and it's nice to know my name is known and my stories are enjoyed. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 3, 2015 Author Report Posted July 3, 2015 herstrawberrypizza: Glad you like it! Here's more! Anon: Glad you're enjoying it. I've always liked re-reading fics I liked. Sometimes you remember what happened, and sometimes something will take you by surprise all over again. Mashkai: Glad you're enjoying it! Anon: Okay, two anons could get confusing... I HAVE considered posting there, but not for this fic. I DO have a yahoo group I e-mail updates too, so you can always join that. moodysavage: That is my aim here! Glad you like it! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 5, 2015 Author Report Posted July 5, 2015 tilt: Yes, the characters are ooc, and I know this. Most of Draco's actions are based on the assumption that he'd have grown up a bit due to the war, and all. As for Harry not freaking out, he's pretty much trying to ignore the fact that his body changes for those five days. He has an 'if I don't think about it, it isn't real' mindset at this point. That's the same reason he hasn't explored things yet. He did get a crash-course in acting like a girl, but I didn't include it. Just assume that Arabella and Blaise gave him tips on how to act. What you say about Pureblooded British women is true, but what about Italian? Keep in mind, Blaise and his mother live in Italy, where it's generally a lot hotter. I'd assume they'd dress differently due to the heat. I did go back and change the chapter to include him putting Pansy and Millicent under a spell to keep his secret, since you make a valid point. This story IS completed, but I'm thinking I may add some more scenes to it that weren't in it last time. moodysavage: I changed the last chapter so that Pansy and Millicent are under a spell--willingly--that makes it so they can't reveal his secret, because you and tilt both made that point, and it does make sense. I have no idea why no one mentioned that the first time this went up. As for why he's doing this when he only changes for those five days--its easier to disappear as a girl than it would be as a boy, in Harry Potter's year, that appeared out of nowhere. Celeste has a history he can use, and it was easy enough to pick up the persona, since they had plans in place for her already. Hope that makes more sense now. starr: I'm glad you're enjoying it! Your enthusiasm always makes me smile! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 9, 2015 Author Report Posted July 9, 2015 Guest: Thank you! I'm glad you like it! starr: Yep, Snape is too smart, LOL. How he figured it out comes up later in the fic. And yes, Draco really loved Harry. That, in itself, causes some problems later on. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 14, 2015 Author Report Posted July 14, 2015 starr: You'll see. I'm not going to give it away. Kittykat575: Thank you! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 17, 2015 Author Report Posted July 17, 2015 starr: Things kind of fall apart in this chapter. Don't worry, the angst doesn't last forever. djaddict: Yeah, things don't go too well for Harry. But then again, Draco doesn't take being lied to very well. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 23, 2015 Author Report Posted July 23, 2015 starr: Sorry, I have to mess with their heads at least a little bit, you know? It's just how I am. But don't worry, it doesn't last TOO terribly long. MoodySavage: Well, he doesn't really make many strides toward reclaiming his life until the next fic, but I can see what you mean. If you can stick it out, you might like the sequel a bit better. Or possibly not, I can't say for sure. Jami_Lee: I know, I'm horrible. I'm really not this mean, I just like to mess with Harry a bit. Things will get better for him soon. IloveHGDM: I agree with you on the ooc and the lack of reasoning that kind of requires you suspend your disbelief (this story was written a few years back and I don't have time to tackle a re-write, so... yeah), but once I get to the sequel, I will have some new content being written. I like to think I've improved a bit since then. Draco does teach Harry about his new body, as Harry's just been trying to ignore it completely in the hopes that it'll go away if he wishes hard enough (poor, deluded Harry). And yes, this story has several more chapters to go. Plus, there's the sequel. PissedOffFollower: Um... Sorry? I would have updated sooner (probably), but I had Pagan Picnic to attend, and that kind of put a kink in my plans (and not the fun, sexy kind of kink). Well, it WAS a little fun, but the sunburn kind of killed it. I'm not being mean to Harry on PURPOSE--well, I AM, but it's for a good cause--and don't worry, he'll be back to being happy soon. In a chapter or two at the latest, I promise. Just bear with me, yeah? Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted July 27, 2015 Author Report Posted July 27, 2015 starr: I actually had you crying?! YAY ME! Uhm... Or something like that, lol. I have one final bump in the road for them, then it's smooth sailing for a while. This should be the last angsty chapter. Well, for a while, at least. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted August 4, 2015 Author Report Posted August 4, 2015 starr: I'm glad you like it so much, and don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's either this chapter or the next when things get better for them. PissedOffFollower: Well, that part is coming up, in a few more chapters. And don't worry, there's still a fair bit of story to go, along with the sequel. djaddict: Don't cry! Here, have some more story! Does this make it any better? ChaosLady: Well, yes, but that's why there's an angst warning. At least I didn't forget to warn for it, so that's something, right? Tiffany: Why thank you! I know I'll always have readers, but it's hard to stay interested in a story if it SEEMS like no one is following it. I do have this one finished, but the sequel is not, so I'll definitely need reviews to keep up with updating once I get to it. Whitmore: Do you have the original? Because when I was editing, I accidentally deleted a chapter, and I KNOW I didn't do it justice when it came to re-writing the scene. If you have the entire story in a file, or in separate files, can you send them to me so I can go through it and find the part I accidentally deleted?? If not, that's fine, but it would make me feel a lot better to have the original scene where Harry finds out about his pregnancy, cause that's the chapter I deleted. If you have it, my e-mail is and I would be in your debt FOREVER! And yes, this story is completed, and there is a sequel, in case you were reading The Malfoy Cover, as well. It will be going back up and I will finish it this time. Winter Devastation: I'm glad you're enjoying it! I hope you continue to like it! Anon: I never said there WAS a cure, just that Severus will find one if there IS one. Don't worry, Harry's not getting out of this mess THAT easy. Kittykat575: Glad you like it! Hope this chapter doesn't disappoint! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted August 14, 2015 Author Report Posted August 14, 2015 starr: I know, he's throwing away a good thing, but don't worry, a solution will not show up easily. We have quite a ways to go before this story is over, and remember that there's a sequel, too. IloveHGDM: I'm glad you like it. Sorry I took a while, but here's the update! Paul: I know, I had people on my yahoo group clamoring for it to come back, too. ^^; I wasn't going to repost it until I finished one of my other fics, but, peer pressure, you know? LOL. I'm glad you found it again, and I hope when the sequel catches back up to where it was, it doesn't disappoint. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted August 24, 2015 Author Report Posted August 24, 2015 djaddict: It would, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, Harry seems determined to NOT do things the easy way. Oh, well, what can you do? Anon: Yes, the story is mine, thank you for checking! I totally understand and I would hope that if someone DID plagiarise one of my fics, someone would let me know. Thankfully, though I've heard of it happening to others, to the best of my knowledge, it's never happened to me. I'm glad you liked it the first time around, and the only difference this time will be the fact that I lost a chapter somewhere along the way, and I don't think I did it justice when I re-wrote the scene, but I can't really do anything about it now. It's all very upsetting. Well, and the chapters are longer, so there's less of them, but I think longer chapters is a good thing, so I'm pretty sure no one will mind that. starr: They're going to do all they can to minimize the risks, but if they can't, they'll tell Harry what the risks are before they go ahead with any "treatments" or "cures." I agree with you, Harry should just be happy with the way things are, but he's not going to stop looking for a way to get back to normal. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted August 31, 2015 Author Report Posted August 31, 2015 starr: Ron's not really all that bad, he just has a tendency to blow up with the slightest provocation. But, from what I've seen of the world, that's just the way redheads seem to be. Hermione's always been the most level-headed person of the three. As for your hopes, I'm not going to give anything away. Just keep reading, and eventually you'll see. I already know where the sequel is going to end up, it's just a matter of getting there. IloveHGDM: Is this soon enough for you? I would have updated sooner, but I got sidetracked working on smut for a different story (my Snaco fic, it's my baby right now). Don't worry, I have no PLANS to let this one fall by the wayside, but we'll see what happens when it comes time to continue the sequel. Hopefully, I can get back in the groove of this fic without too much trouble. ChaosLady: Ahaha, guilty as charged. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that's the only really bit tease in this fic. Now, you can have some smut, with my (insincere, since I'm giggling over the teasing) apologies. Hope you don't hate me too much, it was the only place I could really break the chapter up. If it helps, it cut off in the same place last time around, and everybody survived it, so I knew it was safe. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted September 7, 2015 Author Report Posted September 7, 2015 unneeded: Long time no talk! Yes, yes, this is already completed, I'm just re-posting it. After that nasty bit of business with Speedytomato, all my fics were taken down, LOL. But I've decided that maybe starting flame wars is a bit of a bad idea, and I got some requests to re-post this one, so here it is! And yes, I went and read 'second-hand robes,' and the epilogue. Very nice, Samayel's work is always good. So, yes, the sequel is already underway, I just have to get this re-posted and start working on that again. Which will be hard, since I'm so in love with "Of Potions and Wings" right now, but I promise to try, at the very least. ChaosLady: Thank you! Here's an update! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted September 16, 2015 Author Report Posted September 16, 2015 ChaosLady: Glad you liked it! Hope you enjoy this chapter, too! starr: They really are, aren't they? I wonder how long it'll take Harry for that to sink in... We've got quite a ways to go. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted September 25, 2015 Author Report Posted September 25, 2015 starr: Yep! I seem to be incapable of writing a story that doesn't include Mpreg to some extent. Oh, well. Tiffany: Haha, glad you like it! They are cute, aren't they? Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted October 1, 2015 Author Report Posted October 1, 2015 jami_lee: I'm glad you liked it. That part always makes me giggle, too. djaddict: Good to hear! Hope you like this next chapter, too! AchillesTheGeek: You'll see. It doesn't take too terribly long for her to find out, but the way she finds out creates a problem of its own. phoenix-rob: You'll also see. I'm not going to give anything away. Just keep reading! Carrie: I'm glad you like it so much! I aim to please, after all! starr: Yes, he got what he had coming to him, LOL. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted October 6, 2015 Author Report Posted October 6, 2015 ChaosLady: Thank you! Talliane: Glad you like it! TsuroDaegon: Is this a fast enough update for you? Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted October 15, 2015 Author Report Posted October 15, 2015 Tarcha: Hope I didn't make you wait too long. Got sidetracked. It happens from time to time. starr: Nope, it's pretty much smooth sailing from here... At least that I can remember. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted October 30, 2015 Author Report Posted October 30, 2015 Djaddict: Oops, indeed! Haha, I kind of feel sorry for Draco, but he really should have known better. Tarcha: Yes, she's enjoying teasing Draco while she has the chance. Pretty soon he'll be Lord of the Manor, and she won't be allowed to enter his room without knocking. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted November 11, 2015 Author Report Posted November 11, 2015 ChaosLady: Thank you! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted November 23, 2015 Author Report Posted November 23, 2015 Anon: Yes, I got sick of the usual pairings, so I tried to go an original route with pairing characters together. There's one more you'll see this chapter that I haven't seen often (if at all). Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted December 5, 2015 Author Report Posted December 5, 2015 Talliane: Remus doesn't have much of a part until the sequel, but we'll be seeing him again then. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted January 18, 2016 Author Report Posted January 18, 2016 mugglegirl15: I know, they're pretty lucky, no? And yes, they are very good together. Tarcha: Glad you like it. Hopefully I can actually get it going somewhere again. I know where I want it to end up, but the getting there kind of has me stymied ATM. djaddict: Well, I didn't hear it, so I won't call you out on it. We're good. I'll just keep the squee secret between us (and the other reviewers, but I'm sure they'll keep mum, too). Talliane: Sorry it took so long, but here, have a new chapter! I got a bit carried away with my shiny OPaW-verse. I apologize. Jan: Heehee. Draco has no respect for authority. And he likes it that way. Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted February 17, 2016 Author Report Posted February 17, 2016 Talliane: LOL, yes it is. Poor Draco, having to show more skin than usual. But we all know he'll do it for Harry. And yes, Severus should know that Harry loves him, but the way he sees it is "if Harry loved him, he'd be happy staying the way he is." He doesn't see that Harry has to exhaust every option to settle his own mind. Jan: He's going to try to get back to normal, just a warning. You'll see how it all turns out in the end, I've already got the epilogue written. We'll get there eventually. djaddict: Yes, stupid Harry for trying and poor Draco if it works when all is said and done. If you hope really hard that it'll all work out in the end, maybe we can come to an agreement. The Gods will hear you pleas, and they talk to me, you see... Tarcha: Yes, it did. This next chapter doesn't really end any better. But don't worry, you know me, the angst won't last forever (or will it?). Katrina: I've heard your words, and your voice has compelled me to comply. That, and I realized just how long this one has gone without an update. Oopsie! Quote
Sablesilverrain Posted June 7, 2016 Author Report Posted June 7, 2016 Jan: Sorry for the long wait! I'll try to keep up with this, I just got distracted, and was out of meds. I can't help but focus on OPaW2, I've been meaning to write that one for YEARS, so it's really at the forefront of my mind right now. I don't mean to leave my Drarries for so long, but a new shining pairing, what can I say? Harry can't feel Draco's pain at the moment because Draco is keeping it from him. He's been trained in Occlumency, and he's better at it than Harry, so he's able to keep his own secrets better than Harry can. He doesn't want Harry to know how much he wants Harry to stay the way he is, because he doesn't want Harry to be unhappy with his life, even at the risk of his own unhappiness. It's just a mess right now. Talliane: Yes, someone will get hurt, but things will eventually turn out all right, you know me. I never leave an unhappy ending. Morningstorm70: I sent you an invite to my yahoo group, but I'm not sure if you joined or not. If not, just search for it. It's sablesfics. Quote
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