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I somehow no longer have the status updates bar on the right hand side of my screen (also latest posts and richest members, though I didn't use those because view new content button is easier!)

I wasn't paying attention and I think I must have clicked one of those buttons that hides the whole sidebar, same as some of the forum sections have.

My tech support question is, where is the button to unhide? I've scrolled up and down and checked the FAQ and seem to be missing it! For the forum sections the unhide button stays in the same place as when it is a hide button, but seemingly not for the sidebar.

(I know I can view them here but it was useful to see on the sidebar!)

Sorry for taking up the time of anybody who knows the answer! Or doesn't know the answer but reads anyway. Or doesn't know the answer but reads and comments anyway. Although I'm less sorry to the last bunch.

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