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Queen's Blade Adventure


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I have a long-standing head-canon for Queen's Blade: Rana, several years down the line, will become an epic badass. Both his parents are legendary adventurers who killed the first season's final boss's original body, with Cattleya being called Giant Killer and Owen Dragon Slayer (plus the fact that Owen is basically Conan the Barbarian). As a child, he joins his mom in battle as her human shield without hesitating, attacks Aldra, helps Airi escape the castle, and in the end goes into the castle by himself to free his parents. He helps Ymir reforge Reina's sword, showing that, even as a child, he at least has some knowledge of smithing, and even some that Ymir doesn't. And he makes friends with several of the combatants, including one of the Swamp Witch's minions and the eventual winner of the tournament. A bunch of stuff to lead to eventual badass-ery.

I also find the idea of Rebellion taking place just a year after the end of the original series to be crazy, what with all the changes that take place, and the stories that happened in between. A full-fledged rebellion setting itself up and getting to work after just a year of Claudette's rule is unbelievable, so I generally think at least long enough there should have been another Queen's Blade, just to really get people in an uproar.

So some years after returning home with his parents, after Airi left, Rana is tired of just sitting at home, working the forge. He wants to go adventuring like his parents, see the world, right wrongs, meet new people, visit not so new people, and, eventually, he'd very much like to defeat the Swamp Witch and bring Airi back with him. And while Cattleya doesn't approve, Owen understands perfectly well where his son is coming from, and believes that he has the knowledge and abilities he needs to survive going on such a trip. With his father's approval, Rana sets out on an adventure across the world.

Unfortunately, while Owen was more or less right about him being ready, there are a few hiccups. For one thing, they haven't been keeping too up-to-date with what's been going on outside their home, so the whole situation with Claudette and the rebellion is completely unknown to him. Furthermore, the tournament was the most contact Rana had with females other than his mother or customers, so if the interaction isn't violent or about smithing, he's easily flustered and has a hard time saying no to women.

Rana runs around about the time of Rebellion, visiting places he'd heard about and people he met during the tournament, helping out people he finds that are in trouble, occasionally getting pulled into issues with the rebellion, and looking for information about Airi whenever he gets an opportunity (specifically, trying to figure out how he could get her to come home with him). Oh, and usually winding up fucking/getting fucked by one of the women involved in whatever situation he finds himself in.

Looking for Liliana because she sounds like she'd be related to the Swamp Witch somehow, he's the one who finds Aldra when she winds up with amnesia, runs into Nyx and helps break the dependency on Funikura, goes to see the elves and finds Allayne. Just some possibilities. Oh, and running into Echidna who does her thing.

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I mean, they're at least options. Although Melona is probably too busy doing the thing she was doing during Rebellion, she would if she found the time. And Menace is probably spending all of her time working on the whole "rebuilding Amara" thing, but that would make her easy to find if he wanted to ask her about the Swamp Witch or Airi, and she has that hypnosis that she used on Reina. And they would both probably be willing to do it, partially because Menace is a hedonist, but also because it would be a way to mess with Cattleya and Airi both.

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I mean, they're at least options. Although Melona is probably too busy doing the thing she was doing during Rebellion, she would if she found the time. And Menace is probably spending all of her time working on the whole "rebuilding Amara" thing, but that would make her easy to find if he wanted to ask her about the Swamp Witch or Airi, and she has that hypnosis that she used on Reina. And they would both probably be willing to do it, partially because Menace is a hedonist, but also because it would be a way to mess with Cattleya and Airi both.

You mention hypnosis. How might Menace seduce or femdom Rana here? Like how did she do her hypnosis on Leina and how would it be applied here?

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