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Vernon/Harry, Fred/Draco/Harry


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I'm looking for a fic I read not too long ago.

The war is over but Harry gets sent back to the Dursley's anyway, i think he's 16 or 17? Vernon begins to molest Harry; Petunia turns a blind eye because Vernon indirectly threatens to spend "quality" time with Dudley if she tries to stop him. Vernon eventually manipulates Harry into sex on the basis that he's prepping Harry for when he eventually gets a boyfriend and that he's showing Harry his love for him. All the while secretly video taping Harry's debauchery. He gets Harry to have sex with his boss and afterwards Petunia comes home and shoots both Vernon and his boss dead. When the Order finds Harry he's distraught about Vernon's death and denial about being raped, until he is informed of the videos.

Harry shuts himself in his room at grimmauld and avoids everybody except Draco and the twins (mostly Fred) Eventually as he begins recovering he feels attracted to both Draco and Fred (who are dating) but doesn't want to intrude on what they have going. And doesn't feel worthy of them after the Vernon incident. They explain to him about veela mate/bonds and that Draco has veela blood (Harry might too? I don't remember) and that veelas can sometimes have multiple mates and that Harry belongs with them. All in all it eventually ends on a happy note

i honestly don't remember where i read this from aff or A3O or wherever else and i forgot to save it. If live it if someone could help me find it. After Becoming Aria got taken down I've been hard pressed to find anything vernon/harry that's good and really enjoyed this fic

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