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Search for Three Fics (ItaNaru&KyuuSasu, SakuSai, ItaSasu)

Guest konigen

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Guest konigen

1) It was a modern AU with Itachi/Naruto and Kyuubi/Sasuke. Kyuubi was Naruto's cousin but Sasuke didn't know that when he met and hooked up with him the first time. At some point the four take a trip to a vaccation home (pretty sure it was owned by Uchiha) next to a vacation home owned by Hyuuga, and at some point Neji and Hinata end up accidentally spying on one of the couples having sex. During the car ride down to the vacation home Itachi makes a joke about Kyuubi and Sasuke not being allowed to leave 'stains' on his backseat because he was the only one allowed to put them there. Sound familiar to anyone?

2) It was a Sakura centric fic I believe, and all I remember was that for some reason Sai was giving her a tattoo with his special ink (a dragon) and there was an aphrodesiac in the ink and after he had finished painting it he made it alive on her skin? I think there was a vibrator involved. I don't remember anything else about it.

3) Itachi/Sasuke fic, there was a BDSM club that Itachi and Shusui (maybe) were a part of, it was a modern AU and Sasuke subbed for Itachi and they preformed at the club once, letting everyone assume they were cousins. I think Kakashi might have been there with Iruka wearing his collar? Itachi had had some sort of relationship with Shusui previously I think. I remember a specific scene where Itachi answered his phone angrily snapping at whoever was at the other hand about how he said someone better be dying for him to be disturbed and it ended up being his father on the other end and he had to apologize?

Any help is appreciated! If someone else has requested these fics I would appreciate links to the topic to, in case they include other information that might make it easier to find.

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