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Looking for Sasu/ Naru / Ita / Kaka fic

Guest guest23

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Guest guest23

Hi, I don't remember where I read this fic at but I think it was here. I'm looking for a fic about Itachi having custody of Sasuke and being in love with him. Naruto is later adopted or always around and Sasuke beings a relationship with Naruto. Somehow Kakashi finds out about Itachi feelings for Sasuke and talks Itachi into sleeping with him (Kakashi). In the end Itachi does have sex with Sasuke and Kakashi has sex with Naruto. At one point Kakashi and Naruto are in the room watching Itachi and Sasuke screw while Kakashi is teasing Naruto. Don't remember ages in this fic. If anyone can help me find it I would greatly appreciate. :-)

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