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Adding Chapters by Other Authors Disabled, but 'Add Chapter' button is still showing up


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I glanced through what's already here and didn't see this topic yet... so hopefully I didn't just miss it.

All right, so I noticed something when I glanced at my story on my iphone. I wasn't logged in under my author's panel and beside my chapter drop-down list, it had a link 'Add chapter to story.' I thought this was strange since I disabled that feature (I put 'No' under the details on the story edit on where it says to allow other authors to add. I double checked to be sure and they all say no.) I thought maybe it says that on all stories and it just doesn't go through or something, so I checked some other stories and it's not there.

I didn't test it or anything.. but it was concerning me. It shows up on all three of my stories. I checked on my computer too. I thought maybe it's because I was the author so I made sure to log out but it's still there even after I'm logged out. When you click it, it brings you to the Add Chapter page and a warning at the top says after you add a chapter the author can edit it.

Anyways it's just a concern since I don't want anyone messing with my stories. Maybe it's just a fluke or something.. I don't now. But I thought I'd ask just to settle my nerves.


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not a silly question fhelly, I always wondered about that, but i'm really lazy and asking seemed like so much trouble...all the typing...have to use the mouse to scroll over and hit 'start new topic'...just thinking about and i had to take a nap...yawn...man i'm wiped out now...

thbf-palmsmiley.gif be back later...

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