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I need someone dedicated to editing my many stories... I am creating a fully illustrated website, which I hope to put my works on, but they desperately need to be beta'ed for - spelling, punctuation, sentence structure and grammatical errors... I can send you my work any day of the weekend you're available and can wait one to two weeks to have it sent back. I write primarily Slash, but I am branching out into Heterosexual romance. Below, I've included the warnings for my adult stories and the stories on which I am focusing now. If you wish to contact me, please do son at: merula.aeolus@gmail.com

Warnings: Slash-Yaoi (Homosexual Romance), Het (Heterosexual Romance), Sexual Content (Heterosexual Intercourse, Homosexual Intercourse (Anal Sex), male and female masturbation, double penetration, threesomes and more, cum belly, Incest, bestiality (only between Werewolves/Animagi/Humans), angry sex, pregnant sex, oral sex, hand jobs, fisting, fingering, rimming, toys and kink), adult language (Sexual and Explicit), violence (Blood and Gore), scary thematic materials, sex rituals, vampires, abuse, torture, minor character deaths, and changes to appearance, lineage, history and abilities. Non-Canon Events/Alternative Universe (AU), Out of Character (OOC), Original Characters (OC(s)), female pregnancy, teenaged pregnancy, Male Pregnancy (Mpreg), incest pregnancy, demons, angels, elves, blood magic, necromancy, mythology, multiple-belief systems, revenge, evil-Dumbledore, Character bashing (Slut-Ginny Weasley, Greedy/Controlling-Moly Weasley, and spineless-Arthur Weasley), infidelity, new magical creatures/beings, new magical realms, politics, new types of magic, new potions, magical creature inheritances, magical inheritances, magical nobility, werewolf packs and werewolf subculture, Alpha/Omega/Beta dynamics, necromancy, new Schools, Fem-Slash, Dominant Female (Fleur), multiple-points-of-view, powerful characters, new Ninja techniques, new bloodline limits, Zanpaku-tos, new weapon capabilities, new Shinigami techniques, Yokai societies and cultures, a dark magical underworld, -- Borrowed from Volume 01: Dark Hourglass (Prince of Crows Series)

Merula Aeolus Homosexual Fan Fiction Stories

“The Lords’ Triumvirate” – BBC’s Merlin (TV series)/Harry Potter (Book Series) Crossover

“The Blood Historian” – Harry Potter (Book Series) (Series Rewrite)

“The Ranger” – Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Harry Potter (Book Series) Crossover

“The Grim Bones Series” – Harry Potter (Book Series) (Series Rewrite)

“The Prince of Crows Series” – Harry Potter (Book Series)/Naruto-Bleach (Anime/Manga) Crossover (Rewrite)

“Beyond his Reflection” – D. Gray-man (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

“Dark Souls” – Harry Potter (Book Series)/Ghost Hunt (Anime/Manga) Crossover

“Through the Looking Glass” – Attack on Titan (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

“Madam Sullivan’s Apprentice” – Harry Potter (Book Series)/Howl’s Moving Castle (Book/Anime) Crossover

“The Servant to the Stone”– Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime/Manga)/Harry Potter (Book Series) Crossover

“Danse Macabre: Birth of the Hell Hounds” – Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East (Anime/Manga)

“Akabane Chronicles: The Lost Son” – Unbreakable Machine Doll (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

Basic Premise of Stories

“The Blood Historian” – Harry Potter (Book Series) (Series Rewrite)


"The Lords' Triumvirate" - Harry Potter/Merlin Crossover (3 chapters already completed - needs editing)

“The Albion I envisioned has been burned and buried along with everyone we knew. However, to my great astonishment and horror, my name has become legendary, Merlin the Prince of Enchanters.” Now Merlin ventures into the magical world to save the future, adopting the name, Raiden Black.

“The Ranger” – Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Harry Potter (Book Series) Crossover

After the war with Voldemort, Harry escapes the magical world into the next great adventure, which will include Elves, Dwarves, Men, Hobbits and all manner of unsettling monsters.

“The Grim Bones Series” – Harry Potter (Book Series) (Series Rewrite)

On October 31st 1981, the dark lord, Lord Voldemorts reign of terror is ended at the hands of one-year old Neville Longbottom. The orphaned son of Lily and James Potter, Hadrian Jamison Potter, is left on the doorstep of his last remaining relatives. However, had Albus Dumbledore known that Hadrian was blessed with the ancient and obscure gift of Spirit Sight he would’ve never left the child in the care of Muggles. Due to a series of unfortunate events, Hadrian prematurely learns of the Magical World and with the assistance of an odd old man, Hadrian learns to use his innate abilities. As this tale unfolds, Hadrian becomes the target of much Paranormal Activity, which draws the interest of many people, some good, some bad and some very dangerous.

“The Prince of Crows Series” – Harry Potter (Book Series)/Naruto-Bleach (Anime/Manga) Crossover (Rewrite)

The Fourth Shinobi war’s victory by the Villages was a hard one. In the effort they lost many good Kunoichi and Shinobi, including Uzumaki Naruto. After his death Naruto finds himself reborn as a Shinigami in the Seireitei, but his rise in power as a Shinigami was thwarted by Central 46, who feared his massive power. Stripped of his Zanpaku-to and thrown into the Maggot’s nest, Naruto spent centuries training his mind and secretly perfecting his Kenjutsu and Taijutsu skills in his cell. Hundreds of years later, when the Shinigami and the Quincy were wiped out during the Thousand-year war, and reality began to crumble, the Spirit King frees the blond and sends him and his chosen two, Kurama the Kyuubi no Kitsune and Uchiha Sasuke, through time and space. They have a second chance and this time they won’t fuck it up.

On a reconnaissance assignment a young Kunoichi of Yukigakure no Sato, Yukimura Kiyone, under the assumed identity of a Pure blood Japanese Witch, has sexual relations with the young Lord, Sirius Black. A child is conceived, overjoyed Sirius plans to propose, but Kiyone, ashamed by her deception, and disgusted with the Magical and Muggle worlds, flees her assignment. Having become a missing Nin, Kiyone travels to her sister's home. One June 21, 1981, Yukimura Kiyone gives birth to a healthy baby boy, which she names Haku with her dying breath. After the birth of his heir, Sirius discovers the hidden Black bloodline heritage hidden from their family for generations and with his two trustworthy blood relatives he immerses himself in Gray-Pureblood culture.

October 10, 1982, Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto was born to Namikaze Minato, the legendary Yondaime Hokage, and Uzumaki Kushina, a powerful refugee of Uzushiogakure no Sato. Within hours of his birth, Naruto is orphaned, denied his lineage and inheritance, and suffers the hate and disdain of nearly an entire village for something beyond his control. Fortunately, Minato left Naruto’s guardianship in the hands of his distant cousin, Uzumaki Kurama, who unbeknownst to Minato is the reincarnation of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Uzumaki Kurama is a well-known name in this world, alongside of Konoha’s Yellow Flash, Namikaze Minato, the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, Uzumaki Kushina, copy-cat Kakashi, the legendary Sanin, and the Professor, Sarutobi Hiruzen. Kurama is a powerful Shinobi originally from Uzushiogakure, but soon earned notoriety as a member of Konohagakure’s elite Hunter Nin. He specializes in silent assassinations, Genjutsu, and materializing a chakra sword, much like Kushina’s chains. He was fast, deadly, unpredictable and utterly undetectable. He was known as the Ghost. His team in the Hunter Nin – all trained beneath him, are called the Tengu.

In 1976, six years old, Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr. is rescued from the Orphanage by Goblins and is given to his biological Grandparents. His grandparents, Ludwig Schwartz and Antoinette Schwartz reveal to Tom his Slytherin and various other heritages, his parents' murder, and his biological name, Andre Benedict Arluin Schwartz.

Haku is raised by his Aunt and Uncle, but his Uncle discovers his wife's and nephew's powerful bloodline limit, he slaughters his wife with the Village Mob and then turns to kill his nephew. However, Haku, in his panic, kills every man, woman and child in the Village with a single Jutsu. In 1987, the Sanin, Senin and Konohagakure's spymaster, Jiraiya, trades a new identity for Momochi Zabuza and refuge for Zabuza and Haku in Konohagakure no Sato in exchange for invaluable information.

Neville Longbottom is named the boy-who-lived in the tragedy that stole his parents’ lives via Grindelwald’s wand. The orphaned son of Lillian and James Potter, Hadrian Jamison Potter, is left in the custody of his three surviving grandparents – Dorea Potter nee Black (infamous Duelist and Wards mistress), Henry Evans (Half-blood Squib and Potions Master), Leila Evans nee Kadrey (Famous pureblood enchantress), and his godfathers – Sirius Black (former Auror, turned Spell Crafter and Wards Master), Remus Lupin (werewolf and Defensive Magic Adept) and Severus Prince (Potions Master and Spell Crafter). They move to a small magical interspecies community, near Rethel, France to raise Hadrian.

Meanwhile, a powerful Sorcerer is hiding in the Muggle World as Police Detective, Regulus Black

When Magic and Jutsus combine, deadly just got a new definition! Thus this complex and elaborate tale of madness, adventure, drama, romance, mystery and horror begins. .

“Beyond his Reflection” – D. Gray-man (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

In 1688, the adoptive son of Mana Walker and the reincarnation of the Noah, Nea Walker, is discovered by the Black Order, both as a unique Exorcist, with the ability to destroy the Millennium Earl, and the reincarnation of a Noah, one whose existence spells death and destruction. Fearing his incredible abilities, the Black Order cryogenically freezes the young child and imprisons him in a vault buried beneath the English Black Order’s headquarters taking their secret to their graves. However, in 1897, during a battle between the Exorcist, Kanda Yu, and the Noah, Tyki Mikk the vault in unearthed and now both the current Black Order and the Noah know of Allen Walker’s existence. Yu sees his redemption, while Tyki sees his long lost lover… who will they unearth?

“Dark Souls” – Harry Potter (Book Series)/Ghost Hunt (Anime/Manga) Crossover

The War with Voldemort comes to an end on Harry Potter’s sixteenth birthday. Betrayed by his friends and the Ministry, Albus Dumbledore trades a life for a life. Harry Potter disappears in 1996 as a sixteen years old boy, while Akiyama Ren is adopted into Japanese Magical Nobility as a genius five-years-old child, in 1990. Fourteen years later, Ren is drawn into the mystery of his brother’s patient, a nameless man saved from drowning by Kappa. The patient remains in a coma, while law enforcement looks for family. Ren has had nightmares and seems to be in contact with the living spirits of his brother’s patient. Fearing discovery of his odd gifts by his family, Ren runs away into the Mundane Japanese world and finds himself involved with the Shibuya Psychic Research department through Mai. Unbeknownst to his brother, Naru, Ren knows exactly where Eugene is, but how can he tell him without breaking the Statue of Secrecy?

“Through the Looking Glass” – Attack on Titan (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

Eren Jaeger dreams of another world beyond the dark reality he lives in. As a Titan Shifter and a member of the Survey Corps, Eren is both hated and feared, yet he strives to create a better world for humanity. In his dreams, he lives in faerie tale world as an orphaned child in a city of science and technology. Where the people who he knows in his reality, don’t know him there. Where gods and goddess run rampant and their children are heroes. Where magic isn’t a thing of legends and can be explained by mutation and breeding. It is a vibrant world of culture, music and diversity… now those worlds about to collide, when Eren wishes himself away from his painful reality… “I wish…”

“Madam Sullivan’s Apprentice” – Harry Potter (Book Series)/Howl’s Moving Castle (Book/Anime) Crossover

Sophie chooses her true love above Howl’s devotion, inadvertently causing heartbreak. Howl devotes himself to magic, losing himself in it until Madam Sullivan’s Apprentice, Hadrian comes knocking on his door. Madam Sullivan has ordered Howl to tutor her student, but a complication arises… Hadrian is Howl’s true love, but Howl refuses to accept it. A conniving sorceress, a grieving Sorcerer and a pining Sorcerer Apprentice all play their parts as a looming darkness settles in the night, prepared to steal our hero, Hadrian, if Howl doesn’t claim him soon.

“The Servant to the Stone”– Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime/Manga)/Harry Potter (Book Series) Crossover

When Edward Elric chose to sacrifice himself in return for his younger brother, the Gate found Edward Elric to great a prize for death to claim and thus made Edward, the Servant of the philosopher’s stone. The Servant to the Stone is the legendary, immortal alchemist servant bound to whomever wields a complete philosopher’s stone, in this time and era that person is Nicolas Flamel. Nicolas coveted Edward and treated him as if he were his own son. When Albus Dumbledore tricks the Flamels into surrendering the stone, he never expected that stone would shatter and be absorbed into Harry Potter. For the last year, Edward has watched and waited for a time when Harry would slips his leash long enough for their introductions. From this introduction a series of unforeseen events will take place changing the course of history.

“Danse Macabre: Birth of the Hell Hounds” – Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East (Anime/Manga)

In a darker reality, where Ao and Sosuke work together each with their own agenda in mind inadvertently leaving their beloved Shino vulnerable, Shino is kidnapped and tricked by priests and forced into a bizarre role of vigilante. A legend is born from Shino’s subjection, a legend of a beautiful Shadowed Angel that haunts the Imperial City’s nights. While, Rio Satomi and his allies search for Shino and investigate this so-called angel, the other dog warriors are trapped in their own tales of adversity.

“Akabane Chronicles: The Lost Son” – Unbreakable Machine Doll (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

Before the rise of Magnus and the Destruction of the Akabane Clan, Akabane Raishin is the Lost Son of the Akabane Clan. He is a puppeteer genius, but a child born on ill repute liaison and thrown out of his own clan. Karyusai Shouko discovers the young prodigy in a slave market and buys him. The child soon becomes her best apprentice and creates a series of dangerous puppets. After Shouko is enlisted, Raishin is sent to an ancient and secret Japanese Academy for Puppeteers where he begins to make his own names among their society.

Merula Aeolus – Heterosexual and No Pairing Fan Fiction Stories

“Alice in Scarlet Series” – Alice in Wonderland (Book Series) (Series Rewrite) gone Sexy!

“By the Red Lantern’s Light” – Soul Eater (Anime) (Series Rewrite)

“Lone Wolf” – Naruto (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

“The Wind Whistler Series” – Pirates of the Caribbean (Movie)/Harry Potter (Books) x-over (HPS series Rewrite)

“Masquerade” – Twilight (Book Series) (Series Rewrite)

“That Girl’s got Attitude” – Brothers’ Conflict (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

“The White Witch: Frozen Tears” – Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Book) (Alternative Story)

“We Three Witches: Sisters of Magic” – Charmed (USA TV Series) (Series Rewrite)

“Whispers of the Night” – Naruto (Anime/Manga)/Bleach (Anime/Manga) Crossover (Female Naruto)

Basic Premise of Stories

“Alice in Scarlet Series” – Alice in Wonderland (Book Series) (Series Rewrite) gone Sexy!

The Alice in Wonderland Series rewritten with a darker and sexier plotline and character development. Where this fantasy heroine is no stranger to blood, sex and violence.

“By the Red Lantern’s Light” – Soul Eater (Anime) (Series Rewrite)

A darker plotline for this incredible series. In an alternative reality, Black Star was raised alongside Tsubaki, to be the dangerous dark assassin, his Clan were renowned for, Maka Albarn never partnered with Soul Eater Evans, instead becoming a dangerous Meister-Weapon and distanced herself from her family. While, Death the Kid never befriended Maka and Black Star. In this troubled reality the darkness rises.

“Lone Wolf” – Naruto (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

Without aid of a Clan, Family or an Academy-sensei to teach Naruto, what it means to be a human, Naruto is grows up without moral boundaries and limited personal interactions with humans in general. Naruto is forced to teach himself, but his lessons in survival are a lot more dangerous and unforgiving; producing a darker and more dangerous Shinobi than anyone expected of the Yondaime Hokage’s child.

“The Wind Whistler Series” – Pirates of the Caribbean (Movie)/Harry Potter (Books) x-over (HPS series Rewrite)

Gen Series. Lily Potter, mother of the-boy-who-lived, Mathew James Potter, made a drunken mistake and slept with a handsome young sailor, Jack Sparrow. She gave birth to the baby boy and discards the child nameless in an orphanage. The Goddess of the Ocean takes what is hers and raises the child of her immortal son, Jack Sparrow, as Orpheus Notus Sparrow, until his father can care for him. On his eleventh birthday, Orpheus is invited to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry.

“Masquerade” – Twilight (Book Series) (Series Rewrite)

In an alternative reality where vampires, shape shifters and magic dabblers are as common a dirt, lives the enigmatic Bella Swan. Bella Swan is the adoptive daughter of Chief Charles Swan, but what lies dormant in her blood is a dark power unlike the world has seen since the rise of the Supernatural species.

“That Girl’s got Attitude” – Brothers’ Conflict (Anime/Manga) (Series Rewrite)

Hinata Ema, the daughter of Hinata Rintarou, has always wanted a large family, so when her father remarries to a woman who has thirteen sons, she is ecstatic. However, many of her stepbrothers express an interest in her romantically, Ema is going to take this a notch up. She might be pretty, but she’s also got an attitude, she’s no push over. Will their love blossom or wilt when Ema shows the boys exactly who she is? Oh, and what is this damn big secret she’s hiding?

“The White Witch: Frozen Tears” – Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Book) (Alternative Story)

The White Witch cursed all of Narnia to be winter, but never Christmas. What drove the witch to do so? Where did this young woman come from and what tragedies filled her life?

“We Three Witches: Sisters of Magic” – Charmed (USA TV Series) (Series Rewrite)

The three sisters, Prudence Halliwell, Piper Halliwell and Phoebe Halliwell discover that they were born to a long line of witches. As they make discoveries about their powers they also discover just how much they can take before they break or blossom into the Darkest witches the Halliwell line has ever seen.

“Whispers of the Night” – Naruto (Anime/Manga)/Bleach (Anime/Manga) Crossover (Female Naruto)

The daughter of the legendary Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and a powerful refugee from Uzushiogakure no Sato, Uzumaki Kushina, Namikaze-Uzumaki Naru died in a horrific tragedy saving those she loves. Transformed into a hollow, she soon becomes an Arrancar under Aizen’s regime, hiding her true abilities and the extent of her powers. She is only known as Azucena. The Winter War comes to an end with the aid of Ulquiorra Cipher, Coyote Stark, Kurosaki Ichigo and her, but all, but Ichigo, die in the effort. Now thrust back in time, Azucena finds that she had amalgamated with her younger self making her three years old and different in appearance. Unable to continue living as Uzumaki Naru, she fakes Naru’s death and escapes.

Thanks for your time,


Merula Aeolus

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