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Hey folks,

(If you read this general introduction paragraph in one of my other threads, it's just copied directly over, in case this thread is the only one you look at, so feel free to skip over it, if you've read it already.)

So, I've been writing away and posting up my works intermittently for quite a while now, and I've always deeply craved feedback, or all sorts. Mostly I want to share my stories with anyone who'd care to read it, but beyond that, I very much welcome anyone who can offer comments, even if they're just notes to say things they liked or didn't, what things they felt worked, or didn't. Thus far, I've been unable to get anything but praise from readers, which, while I deeply appreciate it (and if you're so inclined, I do love it), doesn't help me improve, so I'm equally eager to hear from readers who can tear my work apart, pick all the holes and really put me through the wringer of detailed feedback.

For a time, I checked back on my works, but, while views steadily climb, very rare is it that anyone reviews; all bar one of my submissions here remain on a solitary, lonely zero. Then, the other day, a friend told me that if I really wanted to grab the eye of readers who would feel inclined to comment back, then I really ought to swing over this way and put up promotion threads for them here. Turns out, this was a novel idea for me, so, here I am.


This last set is notably less mainstream, and is a much more personal series of works. It is a series of ten fictions (soon to be eleven) that run alongside each other, and trace the stories, adventures, and intimate encounters of my own characters from the Lord of the Rings Online MMO, with each character representing one Class from the game.

Many of them only have their introductory backgrounds posted as of yet, but a few have a respectable number of chapters to them, with more in the works. Much of what is seen in these chapters has some reflection of possible game events, areas, interactions or quest lines, but a lot of it, equally, will not. I shy away from retelling known in-game quests and story lines. Rather, I aim for realism, and realistic characters; individuals who are ordinary people first, and archetypes second.

For the most part, they run separately for now, but my goal is to reach a point with each of them where they begin to tie up with one another.

By definition, what you will read in these tales will be heavily OC focused, and you don't need to be familiar with the game (though some familiarity with general Tolkien lore would probably be helpful) to appreciate or enjoy them... however, those who are familiar with the game should hopefully find little bits and pieces that add in a twist of familiarity or nostalgia here and there.

Unlike my other works on here, these tales don't shy away from the unpleasant, often nastier and rougher sides of life and trying to live in this sort of world and setting. Some of them go to some dark places.... and I don't mean Moria.

Like all my other work, however, I want eagerly to her anything anyone has to say or offer or add, good or bad.

Edit: Story Codes recently updated, to go with new chapters.

Here they are:

Author (All): NiaraAfforegate
Feedback (All): Greatly Desired

Fandom (All): LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online)

Solo story or chaptered story (All): Chaptered

Pairing (All): Various

Title: Niara's Tales: Bow of the Righteous
Summary: The Hunter's Story
Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Bi, Bond, Death and Murder, FF, HJ, MF, NC, OC, Oral, Rape, Solo (F), Tort, Violence (Sexual and Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.

URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084902

Title: Harla's Tale: Heart of Fire
Summary: The Guardian's Story
Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Beast, Bond, Exhib, Fingering, HC, HJ, Hobbits, MF, NC, OC, Oral, Other (Forced Orgasm), Racist, Rape, Solo (F), Violence (Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084903

Title: Satin's Tale: Dealings Done
Summary: The Burglar's Story
Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Bond, Death and Murder, Dom, HJ, MF, Minor1 (soft), Minor2, NC, OC, Oral, Peg, Rape, S&M, Solo (M), Tort, Violence (Sexual and Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084904

Title: Caranwyn's Tale: In Defence of Middle Earth
Summary: The Captain's Story
Warnings: 3Plus, AFFO, Bi, Bigotry, FF, Fingering HC, HJ, Inc, OC, Oral, SH, Solo (F), Violence (Non-Sexual), WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084905

Title: Khima's Tale: Song of the Hopeful Heart
Summary: The Minstrel's Story
Warnings: 3Plus, AFFO, Anal, Beast, Bi, DP, Exhib, FF, HC, HJ, MF, OC, Oral, Solo (F), Violence (Mild, Non-sexual), WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084908

Title: Sarabien's Tale: Noble Savage
Summary: The Lore-Master's Story
Warnings: AFFO, Anal, Beast (Mild, Only Sort Of), MF, OC, Solo (M), UST, Violence (Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084911

Title: Jakkin's Tale: Controlled Burn
Summary: The Champion's Story
Warnings: AFFO, Angst, Death and Killing, Dwarves (Baruk-Khazad!), OC, Violence (Non-Sexual), WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084917

Title: Kellin's Tale: Steady Hands
Summary: The Rune-Keeper's Story
Warnings: AFFO, Angst, Dwarves (Baruk-Khazad!), OC, Violence (Non-Sexual), WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084962

Title: Danas' Tale: Way of the Warden
Summary: The Warden's Story
Warnings: AFFO, Angst, B-Mod (Mild... Ear-Piercing), HC, Hobbits, MF, OC, Solo (M and F), UST, Violence (Non-Sexual), Voy, WIP.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084926

Title: Tales From Sasham
Summary: Collected Kinship Stories, between many player characters, including those belonging to other kinship members, used with their permission.
Warnings: (Of necessity, by Individual Chapter)
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086718

As always, even if you only look at one and have a comment or criticism you'd like to pass along, I welcome and encourage it.


Edited by Niara
  • 1 year later...

Several new chapters have been added, and all story codes on all stories have been updated and amended!

Secondly, I'm been concerned about the rating level of these stories. I've listed them in Adult+ but I have had comments from a few friends that, given the nature of some pieces and the directness with which I handle them, they might actually need to be classified as Adult++. Any feedback on that score, whether the rating grade is appropriate or not, would be much appreciated!

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