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I would love to read a story about Harry who is sorted to Slytherin.Then everybody hates him (Slytherin because he is the BWL, the rest because he is "dark" and Snape because he blames him for Lily' death). His dormmates don't let him use his bed, so he has to sleep in the cubboard. They hex/trip/prank and humiliate him.

Then in his first transfiguaration lesson he gets detention because of McGonagall's prejudice. Snape gives him a hard and cruel public spancking as a punishment in the common room. The other Slytherin enjoy it and after that Snapes gives them allowance to spank Harry when ever they think it is necessary(which is always) :spank:

After awhile the beatings get more and more cruel. And to top that at Halloween (when Harry "killed" their master and Lily)the Slytherins+Snape decide that there should be another step up. They gang rape him.

After that he is used rapidly. (toys,humil, beast(?),enemas(?)..................................)

I really hope someone will write this soon :wavey:


I feel like this should not be when he is 11. If you dont mind I'd like to change it to maybe his 3rd or 4th year, and just come up with a reason why he is starting years late.


Ok, awesome. I'm starting on the first chapter now, so hopefully soon i canhave it up


About half way through chapter one!!!🙊 this is a new record for me! Very excited and just plain inspired by this, which sadly is something I've been lacking lately, so my normal readers might get a little miffed that I'm starting something new before updating, lol. But as soon as its done I'll go over it again to try and catch any mistakes (as i sadly do not have an actual current beta) then post it and links.


First chapter will be just background information and setting the story up, chapter two will probably be him going to Hogwarts. Then from there it'll move into the main plot. First chapter is a good 3/4 done though, mainly just trying to mold it into a good start. But hopefully will have it done within the week if life allows it.

  • 1 month later...

Have just about finished chapter one (sorry I'm a slow writer) I just have to put some finishing touches on it. Then a friend is gonna beta it.


I don't know, I'm sure I'll think of something, but in the meantime I'm starting on chapter two. :yahoo::jaw::yahoo:


Not quite sure yet, as of now they are just guardians. I'm open to suggestions for them if you guys want that though. And thank you, I'm glad you like it.


:devil: Do you have any specific ideas for them? I could probably work it in as disappointment for being in slytherin.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been working on chapter two, it has definitely gotten away from me..... It was supposed to be about the length of chapter one; it is twice that and not quite finished. :Eye: :Eye:


Well, it'll hopefully be up this weekend :yahoo: I'm just putting the finishing touches on it then gonna have a friend read over it and fix any mistakes she sees, then once that's done I can post it :2tubs: Just keep in mind that this will finish up the basic start and chapter three he will go to Hogwarts.

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