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Looking for a Naruto/Sasuke fic

Guest MoolaDeena

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Guest MoolaDeena

I'm looking for a Naruto/Sasuke fic I read on fanfiction.net some years ago. I have been looking for it over there, but - as anyone familiar with ff.net probably already know - the search system has flaws, and I haven't been able to find it. Also, it was M rated so it might've been deleted from there. If that's the case, hopefully it was posted somewhere else as well. Hopefully I can get some help from here to find it. :)

I'll list as much as I remember of the fic here.

* It was a high school fic.

* Kakashi was the drama teacher and the fic basically revolved around the drama classes.

* Sasuke found a pair of shoes behind the TV at some point. I remember that because it made me laugh. ;P

* The author had actully written a drama that the characters played! (Which is awesome, and the real reason I want to find the fic again.)

* Naruto played the piano and Sasuke the cello.

* Sasuke was engaged to an OC! (dun dun duuun!) Though they broke it by the end of the fic.

* I think there was a Naruto/Sakura pairing in the beginning of the fic, but then they broke up as the story got going.

* Make-out session in the school library! Yep. I remember that one too.

I'm slightly unsure of this one but I think Naruto threw up on Sasuke's shoes at one point? Or maybe it was the other way around. It might've even been in another fic entirely.

I can't really remember that much more. If you know what fic I'm talking about and have a title or the authors pen name, or maybe even a link, I would be very grateful! Thank you!

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