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Wolfpup5683: I know, the chapters are going to be shorter than Shiloe's chapters until I get a bit further along. They will get longer, around chapter seven, I think, they'll grow a bit. And they really aren't all THAT much shorter, anyway... Just a few pages, is all.

staar: Glad you like it! Hopefully I can keep up with this story AND Shiloe. If not, this one will be the one that will slow down on updates, so send creative vibes my way, LOL.

delia cerrano: That's all true, but Harry is more than willing to do whatever it takes to keep Voldemort from gaining more followers, and truly, giving himself to Harry is Draco putting quite a weapon into Harry's hands. Harry could easily order him to fight on his side, if he wanted, and Draco would have to do it. Draco knows this, but in his eyes, the risk is worth it.


WolfPup5683: Well, fine, leave reviews if you want, but texting me is faster, you know. And I can respond instantly to that.

staar: Don't worry, that's coming pretty soon!

Winged-ashes: You'll see. Harry's definitely going to have to do some soul-searching before he'll know if he can do it.

CrimsonRose94: I have a yahoo group, I added a link to the chapter, I'm sure you have seen it or will see it. Join that for update notices. I tried to m an e-mail list years ago, and that didn't go too well, so I use the yahoo group now.

missy: Here you go!


Swizzle89: I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm not as far along in this as I am in my other fic, but I have no plans of leaving it unfinished, so don't worry!

delia cerrano: I'm happy to hear that it sounds sensible to you. That WAS my biggest worry, going into this, but it seems to be playing out well, so far. Hope you continue to like it!

staar: You're welcome! And thank YOU for the review! I treasure every little bit of feedback, and reviews help me write faster and better.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest

ChaosLady: Thank you, I try my best to keep them in character.

starr: Yes, it's happening, slowly but surely.

wolfpup5683: Thank you for bringing your computer. I really appreciate it.

eros: Yeah, it was tough going for a while, but that's all in the past now. As for the other things, you'll see...

  • 3 weeks later...

ChaosLady: Yes, it did. But not everyone is going to take the news so well.

starr: Snape's not so much of a worry. Of course, as far as Draco knew, he was working for Voldemort, so he was understandably worried. And yes, Ron needs to think before he judges.

R,L, Foxx: No, Ron's not exactly the type to just accept things and it's going to take a while before he can trust that Draco really isn't planning something nefarious.

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Sablesilverrain

ChaosLady: Thank you! Onward to plot now!

starr: You're welcome! And yes, they are both falling. The question is how long will it take for them BOTH to realize it?

R.L. Foxx: Thank you. Sorry the update took so long. This story is giving me trouble of late.


starr: Yes, it will be. I've been enjoying working on it slowly, but it's just about time to add that scene in, and I'm excited about the reception it'll receive. I hope I did everyone's reactions justice.

ChaosLady: LOL, yes it is. He's enjoying having information the others don't for once. He doesn't get the chance often.

  • 4 weeks later...

paperangels: Thank you! I hope I haven't lost you after the long wait... I'm sorry! I have other, shinier stories I really shouldn't be focusing on, but I just can't help myself.

starr: Nope, Snape's a good guy in this fic, no worries! He just worries for Draco. And yes, they are both coming to admit their changing feelings. The only question is how long will they keep it from each other?

ChaosLady: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the ride, LOL.

  • 1 month later...

clash: Yep, and now it's just pretty much a countdown to the final battle, then a few more loose ends to tie up. We're getting close to the end.

starr: Yes, Harry will definitely do whatever he needs to to protect Draco. He doesn't like the way Moody reacted to the news AT ALL.

ChaosLady: There are a few more chapters left, since it will take quite some time to break through the Manor's Wards, so we have some time yet. And yes, even though I hate action scenes, seeing as how I have so much trouble writing them, the final battle is coming up. Hopefully I can do it justice.

  • 1 month later...

starr: Your enthusiasm always makes me smile! But yes, things would be a lot easier if both of them could just admit their feelings! Then again, I do so love toying with them, so there probably won't be any admissions coming any time soon.

ChaosLady: I'm so sorry this update took so long! I was just having a lot of trouble with this chapter, but I finally managed to get it all out onto the page, and I hope you don't give up on it. I never meant to take two months to update. Hopefully, it won't happen again!

BAFan: I'm glad you gave it a chance, and that you're enjoying it! Hope you like the new chapter just as much!

Miss Adora: Thank you, I try to make my smut as pleasing as possible, since I know I enjoy writing it, and I want my readers to enjoy it just as much! Glad you liked it!

  • 2 months later...

staar: Don't worry, I will never abandon a fic. I still have plans to finish all my older stories that never got finished. I just may take a while in between updates, that's all. I'm sorry this one is taking so long, but I promise it WILL be finished. Eventually.

djaddict: Well, that would solve things, but she'll be there. If only to see how Harry and Draco act and fume, creating friction in the house. Can't have everything being all happy sappy, now can I? (Well, I could, but where would be the fun in that?)

Vrey: Sorry it took so long! I got distracted!

AJPicard: Well, since you asked so very nicely...

  • 2 years later...

paperangels: Perhaps. But, come now, do you really think I’M going to make it SO EASY?


staar: So sorry for the long wait (again!), I do plan to finish this, I’m just letting my newer fics over at archive of our own take precedence, but these WILL be finished, it just might take me some time. Don’t give up on me! I swear this will have an end, and it will be a happy one!And yes, Ginny needs to take a flying leap, but that’s par for the course with my writing. No one’s really surprised, right?


Talliane: I’m happy that you all seem to be giving me chances when I don’t really deserve them. I hope to do better. I’m back to working on these, slowly but surely. They’re on the back burner, but by no means forgotten!


CrimsonRose94: Sorry for the long wait! Hope you haven’t given up on this!


Hell spawn: Sorry it took so long, but here’s a new chapter and my humblest apologies!


Laroona: Glad you like it! Hope the long wait hasn’t put you off it! It shouldn’t take this long again!


ANON: Glad you like it! Hope this next chapter hits all the right spots for you!


serpensprincess: Happy to hear that! Hope you haven’t given up on me! I’m still here, still writing!


Serpensangel: I’m glad! Hope you’re still willing to read this after so long!

  • 2 years later...
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