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FSN (Femdom Shota Night)

Guest femdom_fan

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1. SF would be more serene and calm, while regular would be more boisterous and happy. If they both match up to FemGil's memory of Enkidu, they're fine. If one does and the other doesn't, the other is clearly a fake and will be murdered in the most unbelievably horrible fashion for daring to impersonate the only friend of the true king.

Regular woudl probably treat him like a bro, someone to hang out with. SF, more like somebody to guide and sort of mentor? And they both have the same basic abilities, they just wind up in different forms, so they could do the same things.

1a. Probably kind of take a page from FemGil's book, be very direct and up front about it. Provoke him, climb in the bath with him, and just outright grab him.

1b. Similarly direct, just more sensitive and nurturing. SF is teaching him while giving him experience, regular is expecting him to pick it up along the way.

2. Most of the blackening involves letting out deep dark feelings inside and generally being less restrained. In Nero's case...does she really restrain herself much? I guess she'd basically just wind up being way more aggressive and dominant. Where regular Nero has no problem with people looking at her see-through dress because she's "showing them," Alter would force him to look, I guess? And I guess just the same ways, only more aggressive, not taking no for an answer, and generally being less sympathetic and more cruel.

2a. Black. And dadrker red.

2b. Random wear around the house if she liked it. Generally just teasing him. Possibly justifying that "If you get so easily distracted by me, you'll easily fall to an enemy Servant or Master! So you must get used to me wearing this constantly!" Or starting a game of strip poker if she got the idea that it's for card dealing or something.

3. Sure, she's got the body for it. And something relentless and strong, like a human vaccuum cleaner.

Just use the openings that are there already, and rub up on him. Taunting him that she doesn't even have to be naked to get him off.

3a. By Alter standards? Black. Probably lacier. Goth loli kind of thing.

3b. Yeah, I mean, that's how they are in every piece of official art.

3c. She better be fit, after the whole war thing. She's got better stats than Saber under Rin, without Prana Burst, so it should be physical, so yeah, pretty fit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Considering you've mentioned SF Femkidu would be similarly direct as regular Femkidu in seducing shota Shirou, and that SF Femkidu is more sensitive & nurturing, how might her seduction of shota Shirou start out? Like how would she seduce him?

What do you imagine SF Femkidu's kissing to be like? Would she be the kind to tongue-rape shota Shirou? And what do you imagine her blowjobs and titjobs to be like?


SF version is, I think, basically aiming at the "perfect artificial human" idea, including total androgyny, so curvy seems wrong for it. Tall, slender, willowy, feminine, but only very slightly. Like just edging over the line to "Okay, I'm pretty sure that's a girl" from "I really can't tell at all."

Considering how you describe SF Femkidu here, what might shota Shirou first notice about her physically? And how might SF Femkidu introduce herself physically with shota Shirou? Would she be pulling him into a long, deep kiss for a physical/sexual introduction if she was alone with him when meeting him for the first time?

3. Prior to Nero getting shota Shirou to worship her, how might she have teased him sexually prior to the night she gets him to worship her?

4. For training with Shirou, both before & after she has him worshipping her, which of her outfits might she train with him in the most? Would she be sexually teasing him during his training?

5. On the night Nero is summoned, I'm assuming she's summoned into a timeline with shota Shirou where Shinji, Zouken, & Kotomine are dead & for whatever reason there is no 5th Grail War around like in what you described for your femdom Rin & Sakura stuff, what things would shota Shirou note physically about Nero in both her body & her clothing?

And what things might Nero note physically about Shirou and his body?

5a. Outside the bedroom, where might Nero fuck Shirou the most when inside his home? Might she fuck him in the dojo the most?

Would you expect Nero, after she has shota Shirou worshipping her, to fuck Shirou after training generally?

6. Regarding Nero & Shirou when they're in the bath, after she has him worshipping her, how might their baths go? What kind of things might Nero have Shirou do while they're in the bath together?

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1. Regarding Nero's normal outfit, how tight do you imagine it to be on her body? Like would her breasts definitely be stretching out the top part of the dress, and would the outfit show off her curves well?

2. How might Nero's outfit feel as it's rubbing against Shirou's skin, like when she's hugging and kissing Shirou while wearing it and he's naked or half-naked? Like how might it feel as its rubbing against him chest or his penis is rubbing against it while he's sitting on her lap?

I mean, it already does. If anything, to use the proper reference, "Feel's like [she's] wearin' nothin' at all." At least for the parts that are tight, i.e. around her body.

Feeling, she's kind of a hedonist. So magically silky smooth, to the extent that just walking around can turn her on is one choice. Another would be so sheer that even at it's thickest, where it's clearly NOT transparent, it literally feels like he's touching her skin directly. Possibly some kind of through her clothes fucking? Is there even a term for that? Like, not just humping, but actually penetrating, through her clothes, with the clothes wrapping around his dick and going inside her.

Considering what you said in response to my post, how might her clothes stimulate Shirou's dick as he is penetrating, through her clothes, with the clothes wrapping around his dick and going inside her? Like how might they feel when both they and her pussy are stroking his dick?

Would Shirou be able to squirt through her clothes?

How might the red portions of Nero's outfit feel for Shirou when he's touching them with his hands or brushing his hands against them as he rubs Nero's back while hugging her?

Do you think Nero would often fuck Shirou while she's wearing her outfit considering what you mentioned about how her clothes would feel on his dick and how silky or sheer they are?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Soulvanguard

Well anyway somewhat new around here in these parts and I know this is technically not right area for doing so but I was wondering if any of you know of anyone willing to take a stab at a somewhat dark lemon challenge in regards to Fate Stay Night series. I tried posting it up as new forum topic Fate Stay Night Dark Lemon challenge featuring Rin, but while I had many views not so much replys (sigh).

Is there a better way I might go around trying to find someone to take a stab at it or does anyone know or anyone who might be interested. Please let me know I would appreciate it.

Idea goes as such.

This story with Rin is something of a Dark Fantasy that I have always wanted to see after going through VN to which her character annoyed me. Though honestly Rin has always somewhat rubbed me wrong way for one reason. With said Dark Fantasy I for those interested to write it .

I don't believe you need much canon knowledge from this except a decent grasp on her character. If you have questions about this and that, I can easily supply with answers as I'm quite knowledgeable about series, characters, and mechanics of how magic work.

The idea goes after UBW good end going wrong with that while in CT Shirou’s Reality Marble gets discovered and he is forced on the run lest he get dissected. Rin unable to sustain Saber on her own is forced to find someone else to help her with it. After much searching she finally finds a male OC (a magi from moderate noble family) to take Shirou’s place but he has a peculiar fetish

Chikan which basically means any form of unwanted public molestation. It does not specifically refer to trains, or rubbing, or outright groping but in this case it does involve trains and doing it while midst in public unnoticed.

Rin is reluctant to do this but as time is running out for Saber and she has no choice she ends up agreeing but ends up

bringing in this

One even more merciless version of a geis is a Self Geis Scroll. It is a written contract upon a scroll of vellum that would appear as only meaningless figures and wellmade patterns to those who are not magi, it is a curse that directly binds the magic crest of the target. How it works is a signature of the declarer is signed in blood and infused with prana to show that the spell has been established and activated. The contract lists the target of the binding magecraft, an oath from the target, and the conditions to accept the contract. Once the conditions are fulfilled, the target will give up part of their free will, and the contract will be confirmed as an unbreakable curse. It forcibly uses the functions of the targets' Crests upon themselves to enforce the contract, and it is a power unable to be erased by any method in theory. Even if the caster's life

is lost, the Crest would bind the soul of the dead man and not pass down to future generations. It is a very dangerous

magecraft made for the treacherous society of magi where a contract involving offering a maximal concession that

absolutely cannot be disobeyed is required.

Of course male OC would blanch at this but in the end agree to it. Contract would basically stipulate how he is unable

to verbally talk, mentally project, write, or show in any form of magic about this deal and keeping Saber’s existence a

secret. Considering Rin’s nature she’ll probably ring out dozens of other little things that would probably give her

some benefit like having him help with monetary needs for her research to certain extent, only she decides what days it happens, support her politically in whatever capacity he can within reason that doesn’t threaten him or family, and so

on. Still he ends up agreeing and in response his demand is that whenever they do have sex after fulfilling tantric sex

ritual he can still go as long and rough as he wants while on the train while having sex, and that Rin has to wear erotic

lingerie on these days. Thus Rin ends up agreeing and then adhering to document Rin would have to go through

molestation and sex on train probably once or twice a week from now on.

However OC male magi knows a loophole and exploits it for all its worth like any true magi would. In Rin’s contract it says he is unable to talk how he is unable to verbally talk, mentally project to someone or something else, write, or

show in any form of magic about this deal and keeping Saber’s existence a secret. What Rin didn’t know is that he

recorded everything that was discussed with cellphone that was on leading back to recording device back at home.

Magi typically are horrific with technology and abhor using it but that doesn't mean all of them are. Rin is not which is why she overlooked this glaring oversight. Thus after he gets bored of original setting (which wouldn’t take long) he

ends up bringing tape up which reveals everything about deal as well as Saber pushing Rin with her back against wall

as this getting out would ruin her as well as put Saber in great danger. Thus he then makes her sign his own Self-Geis Scroll which cancels out hers and essentially puts Rin at his beck and call willing to do anything he pleases. Of course she would force him to make certain stipulations.

The protection of Saber of not revealing her existence to Clock Tower lest she be dissected and him unable to tell

anyone about this deal or what they do in any method possible (it also goes without saying that Rin can't seek out some way to kill him or plot his downfall in anyway)

He agrees with first but not completely with second. After much arguing Rin agrees to let him bring three of his friends into this in exchange for some minor benefits, their secrecy and discretion, and as well as fact they can only do

things to her when her personally verifies to it. Thinking on it Rin considering her skill ability to negotiate might have this only last for so long like a year or two still though she would have to endure whatever OC desires for that time period for both Saber and her sake.

Thus Rin’s hell begins and she is brought for some midnight fun in train with group she has to attend and satisfy.

Person is free to take it further or make story go beyond this I’d just like this to add above scenario. Also you can perhaps change set up like if you want to bring in Saber to this situation or change how she falls into predicament. Still I'd like to keep theme of chikan, blackmail, and humiliation though.

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  • 1 month later...


Well after seeing this:


It got me wondering about the possibility of shota Shirou summoning Mordred & Matou Sakura summoning Saber Lily, especially when Matou Sakura is looking like this:


Heh I wonder how a teamup of shota Shirou & Sakura would go with the Sakura from that image. And yes that Sakura is "Matou Sakura". Course perhaps Rin gets Archerko & maybe every Servant & Master, with the exception of Shirou, is female, so in place of Kirei we have Caren instead.

Heck maybe there isn't a Grail War yet somehow female Servants are just summoned.

But in truth I'm more interested in the femdom possibilities from them with Shirou. Because that Sakura is really rocking that miniskirt x thighhigh combo along with the shirt showing off her midriff. Really shows off those superior Tohsaka genes! Much, much better than her frumpy dress from FSN. And her personality seems more haughty/femdom-ish if that expression in her face is anything to go by.

EDIT: Hm maybe Luvia would be one of the Masters in this pseudo-war perhaps? But then who'd be her lovely female Servant? What Servant would you like with Luvia you think?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been thinking, in one of your earlier Rin/Sakura femdom shota Shirou scenarios, you mentioned the possibility of Shirou summoning Saber. I'm wondering what if, in that timeline you had where Kirei, Shinji, and Zouken are already dead, that what if somehow a Grail War does break out and Shirou and co do summon Servants. However since this a femdom idea, that means that there is only 1 male in this war, Shirou. Yes all the other participants, both Servant & Master are female with Caren being the Church mediator here and possibly Gilgamesh-ko being here?

So it makes me wonder about some of the other possible Masters. Hm Rin, Sakura, and Ilya are obvious but then who else might join? Luvia I could see being a Master, and Bazett of course, so maybe Fiore?

As for Servants, maybe shota Shirou would get Nero, while Rin would get Archerko, Sakura gets Rider (as in Medusa), Ilya, who looks older here, gets Mordred, maybe Luvia gets Tamamo or Semiramis, Bazett perhaps gets Scathach, and Fiore gets Jeanne?

But then how do we get the various other Master & Servant pairs to femdom shota Shirou here? By which I mean the Master & Servant pairs outside of Rin & Archerko or Sakura & Rider or Ilya & Mordred.

Hm do you think if Shirou was staying with Rin here, that we'd see Nero, Rin, Archerko, and that slime maid we discussed earlier all possibly femdomming shota Shirou together a lot?

What do you imagine Ilya, Mordred, Leysritt, and Sella might do to femdom shots Shirou here?

I'm also wondering do you think Sakura, I'm assuming here she might be dressed like this to add some sex appeal for shota Shirou when femdomming him, would work together with Rider, or Stheno, & Nero to femdom Shirou as well?

I could see one way Rider could femdom shota Shirou in the Grail War scenario is possibly seducing him by sneaking into his room, if he's staying with Sakura. LIke maybe wearing her iconic outfit and sneaking in between shota Shirou's legs under the futon covers and reaching his penis and deciding to give him a fun wakeup call. Maybe she starts out by rubbing his dick against the material of her dress and as it gets harder she keeps on brushing and rubbing it against her dress along with giving it a handjob before wrapping her tits around it. So she wakes him up by giving his dick a nice long sucking and stroking with her breasts and of course he blows his load several times and they fuck and fuck, with Rider being naked except for her thighhigh boots and she's riding him and bending over to squish her boobs against his chest and pin him to the bed while making out. Anyways he gets exhausted and faints away, thinking that he may get some rest because it's not like Rider can do much now that he's exhausted.

Except Rider is able to follow him into his dreams and control them. So she first changes the setting of the dream to her original home island and then adds two other figures to the dream. Yes I'm imagining the kind of femdom that will occur with shota Shirou possibly pinned down to a bed in the dream and all 3 Gorgon sisters there. They could work together to give him blowjobs or kissing or any of the three could also pleasure him through drinking some of his blood. I could imagine either sister's mouths or pussies to feel even tighter than Rider's, possibly equal to her in skill in sex and such. So they all suck him dry of both blood and semen in the dream.

Another cool thing about the dream is that since Rider can control it, it means she can use positions in the dream that would be sorta difficult to do in reality. For example, using her tight Servant outfit, I could imagine her having herself and Shirou float in a void somewhere and she creates two Riders. One Rider is floating downward toward Shirou and starts giving him paizuri by having his dick enter her breasts from the top/cleavage. So like she's using the dream to giving him paizuri from above, letting his dick get sqeezed by her breasts along with rubbing against the inside of her dress. And since her head is now between his legs, maybe she could start licking and sucking on his balls while she's having his dick get squeezed between her breasts. The other Rider could possibly start kissing Shirou or perhaps sticking a boob in his mouth.

To use a bit of a visual aid, the Rider giving Shirou paizuri in the dream would be perpendicular to him. So like he'd be floating horizontal in the void and she'd be floating vertical in the void, giving Shirou perpendicular paizuri where her breasts from above slip over his pointing upward cock and allow her to stroke him off easily and let him rub against the inside of her dress. Essentially imagine this: _l The _ is Shirou and the l is the first Rider.

Do you think my Rider femdom shota Shirou idea could work & do you have any ideas or thoughts about what I wrote in regards to the Grail War scenario, like the idea of Nero, Archerko, Rin, & that slime maid all possibly femdomming Shirou together?

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Don't see why Fiore couldn't be a Master, makes as much sense as alternative. More, really, what with Darnic having fought in the Third War. The trick is, for people who don't have some kind of personal interest in Shirou (like Rin, Sakura, and Illya all do), they'd need some reason to take an approach other than "Kill the Servant, possibly/probably the Master, too." Really, a Servant capable of lasting after Shirou died and strong enough in that condition to make killing Shirou and drawing his Servant's wrath too dangerous to risk, and strong enough to not just be able to defeat.

For the others...yeah, Bazett getting Scathach as Lancer makes the most sense. Illya having Mordred as Berserker is solid.

So that leaves Rider, Assassin, Archer, Saber, and Caster. Fiore dislikes conflict, so probably a Servant that avoids direct combat like an Assassin or Caster, Luvia would probably be all about getting right up into battle, so either Archer, Saber, or Rider. Plus they're both in much better positions to get catalysts than either Rin or Sakura. Fiore probably winds up with Semiramis in her double-class form as Assassin. Sakura compensates for her lack of skill by summoning a Caster, either winding up with Tamamo, going through Zouken's stuff and getting Medusa as a Caster, or summoning Medea (or Medea Lily).

So Rider, Archer, and Saber are split between Shirou, Rin, and Luvia. Not a lot of Archer options, basically Archerko and Atalanta. Between the three of them, yeah, Rin probably gets Archerko and gets driven crazy by her. Or maybe a heroic spiritified Kuro from Prisma, either grown or as she is in Prisma. Riders aren't AS limited, but still not a lot, even with Grand Order, so thinking about someone that would meet Luvia's standards for a Servant, I propose an alternative: one of the Sabers from GO, Atilla. Because the Huns were all about their horses, so any attempt to claim she couldn't be a Rider is horse shit, pun intended. And Shirou with Avalon is almost guaranteed to get Arturia as Saber, and in this line-up, nobody is invulnerable enough to just not care about Excalibur.

The piled up irregularities could provoke a response from the Grail, or something Zouken and/or Kirei did before their deaths could cause a fail-safe to activate and have the Grail produce a Ruler in Jeanne. She winds up working with Caren, since they have similar goals.

Although, considering Angra Mainyu, Jeanne could appear blackened, or partially so. Like she starts out normal, but with wicked thoughts in back of her head that she ignores, then as things happen that lead her down that direction, she gets more and more corrupted, until she's fully blackened. If Gil-ko is still hanging around the church even with Kirei gone, maybe keeping an eye on his daughter, she'd probably encourage the process, for shits and giggles.

Actually, Saber could wind up like that, too, after the Fourth War. Kind of like Moczo's Chaos Theory fic. Above-board, she's still same noble Saber, a bit more angry and aggressive, but below the surface, all the wicked, selfish thoughts are bubbling up. Of course this boy should attend to her properly, she is a king. Oh, and he's Kiritsugu's son? Well, a good child should pay the debts their parent leaves behind. Those two girls are sisters and are using this War to try and kill each other over her Master? She should simplify things, take the boy and kill them both. And by the end, she's fully Saber Alter, and she's concluded that her original wish is worthless, so she'll just take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy life, sit around, eat good food, play with her servant boy, and generally do whatever she wants, and anyone who aims to disturb that should be prepared to die.

Luvia would only really need the knowledge that Rin wants Shirou to go after him and prove her superiority. Plus, Arturia and Atilla would probably be unstoppable by the rest of the Servants, so she'd try and get them both to want to team up. In the process, Luvia finds out how well-trained Shirou is, only to find out that Saber considers herself in charge of him now. Of course, for proper compensation (good enough food), Luvia and her Servant can borrow Saber's pet. Luvia thinks it's great, Atilla glad to have a proper serving boy.

Or Illya takes Shirou. The only issue between the sides once the Kiritsugu thing is cleared up is with Saber and Mordred, but the Masters force them to talk instead of fighting. Mordred is still angry and resentful, though, looking for something to get one over on Saber. Then Shirou mistakes her for Saber in some circumstance, a bath or something, and gives her the same kind of treatment he's been giving Saber. She's embarrassed, but loves it and decides she'll beat Saber by making Shirou like her better. Of course, she'll need Illya's permission to pursue her little brother, and if getting it and beating Saber requires working with and sharing with Illya and the maids, well, Team Homunculus is a go!

Sakura and Rin are focusing on winning the War/beating each other, rather than Shirou. But Kuro extracted an agreement out of Rin that, when the fighting was done, before claiming the Grail or anything, SHE'D get a day of Shirou, doing whatever she wants with him. A hard bargain, but since it actually made Kuro willing to put in effort, it was worth it, especially since it seemed like she'd pull Rin in, with how she acted. Sakura is having her Caster keep an eye on Shirou, enough that the Caster in question is interested in him. In light of Saber's Magic Resistance, she's also looking at what might be necessary to convince him to choose her so Saber doesn't kill her. Well, Caster's sure Sakura won't mind if she gets involved, since she won't be around after the War. Maybe she can do something about Rin, too, maybe get her bound to serve Sakura after the War? That would make her Master happy.

Bazett and Fiore are the ones who aren't after that. They recognize Shirou's value, with Saber as possibly the strongest Servant, and with most of the other Masters kind of fixating on him, but they're a bit unnerved by the way people are lusting after this young boy. Their Servants on the other hand...the way Scathach sees it, if he's old enough to fight and die in the Holy Grail War, he's certainly old enough to fuck. Plus, she's a bit curious about why those girls ARE so fixated on him. Not to mention it would just be pitiful if he died in the War having only known those two little girls and not a real woman like her. She tries to get Bazett in because she "needs to loosen up." Semiramis fully believes getting Shirou, and by extension Saber, is the best possible move, and that almost anything would be worth it. And, seducing a child should be easy enough, even if he distrusts HER since she's Assassin, even her innocent Master should be capable of managing, especially with how she's seen him act. Shirou does wind up spending a lot of time with Fiore, only his natural helpful tendencies, her handicap, and what is now habitual behavior from his time with Rin and Sakura leaves her a gasping, quivering mess. He subbed so hard for her that he wound up domming her.

If he goes to the church, Gil-ko winds up taking him. Partly to experience the man Saber thought was good enough, partly for fun, and partly to mess with Jeanne and Caren. Driving the corruption in Jeanne wild, provoking her to have sex with him, just to see when she breaks. And Caren? Well, she makes the mistake of laughing about something one too many times. Gil-ko knows Caren doesn't care that much about her own life, that she can't really threaten her with death. But she can threaten Shirou. Ironically, she has to threaten both Shirou AND Caren with the other's death, but she forces it both ways, making Shirou rape Caren, and vice versa, right on the altar.

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Most likely. I mean, she's essentially a clone of Illya, so any concept of an adult Illya, just with Kuro's coloring, works. Although she might still favor an outfit like what she wears in Prisma than Archer's actual gear.

Semiramis...I figure that, given her history and role, she's good at reading people, especially men, and they've plausibly been keeping an eye on all the participants of the War. Enough that she could pick up on the fact that Shirou has never had a mother. He's never really had any issues about it, but he's also never experienced it in his memory, so a) he has no context to long for it, and b) he has no immunity for it built up. Plus, he's only ever really been around girls, not women. I imagine a combination of emphasizing that, along with acting motherly while (since Shirou doesn't know any better), blurring the lines.

She also has ridiculous magical ability within the Hanging Gardens and complete control of poisons within the throne room, so she could easily make use of those. Aphrodisiacs, hallucinogens, most anything that could be used to coerce someone could be considered a kind of poison within her abilities. It all works fairly well for a bit of brainwashing. Make sure he's never quite completely lucid and in a near constant state of arousal while being prevented from relieving himself and kept in reasonably unpleasant surroundings. Then Semiramis comes in, providing food, comfort, warmth, and some sexual release. Throw in some dreams reinforcing the "Semiramis good, obey her" message, and he'd be hers before too long.

Outfit, nothing. Scathach'd have it easy because she's experienced, and she's dealing with a pubescent male in a life-threatening situation. And if she felt the need, she could always pull the "I'll teach you some things for you to use with those girls of yours" card.

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1. For Kuro what do you imagine her older self to look like? Like how do you imagine her body being like? I know I presented the Archerko images as a possible look for her older body but do you have anything in mind yourself?

With Kuro what kind of stuff might she have done to sexually tease or play with Shirou before she can fully try him out? And how well would Rin be able to deal with Kuro's advances here considering Rin has some experience teasing/domming and fucking shota Shirou here?

What would Shirou here think of Kuro you think, if he was staying in Rin's home as her ally (since he already is her servant/sex pet)

2. For Shirou, do you think Semiramis's looks and clothes and such would attract him to her even if he distrusts her? Like would just hearing her speak to him, or looking at him, possibly cause him to get aroused when near her? Heck would just seeing her in her outfit cause Shirou to get hard you think? It does seem pretty tight and formfitting from what the images of her have shown.

For sexual release do you think Semiramis would be the type to do that herself directly? Like she would be the one directly sucking Shirou off or giving him a titjob for example? And if so any techniques you could see her doing?

Might she also have Fiore work together with her (Semiramis) on Shirou at the same time?

3. With Jeanne what would be some signs she's getting corrupted? Like for example as she turns into Jeanne Alter would she start teasing Shirou in ways like stretching out her chest in her tight outfit for example? Or possibly play with him some?

How much would Caren enjoy Shirou?

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1. I mean, we have 2 ideas of what an adult Illya might look like, Archerko and Irisviel. Either one works.

Well, he'd never get the chance to bathe alone if she was in the same house as him, for one thing. Other standard anime fanservice type things, sucking on vanilla popsicles, incredibly revealing clothing, acting very clingy, holding him on her lap, climbing in bed with him while of course sleeping nude. And frankly, I imagine Kuro having a certain philosophy on underwear; namely, either you wear it to show off and therefore wear nothing else or take off whatever else you're wearing quickly, or you don't bother wearing it at all. And the sexy lingerie is more for seduction and the bedroom, so she just doesn't bother with any kind of underwear, resulting in Shirou seeing anything and everything, frequently.

Rin is used to being the one doing the teasing. She's good at offense, not so much at defense. Plus Kuro at least theoretically has some knowledge of Rin Tohsaka, where Rin knows nothing about her Servant. All of which gives Shirou a new experience, watching Rin being completely outdone by someone.

There's some level of awe and respect, awe for someone who is qualified as a Heroic Spirit (however loosely) and respect for her out-teasing Rin. Some outright blatant lust, because duh. Plus probably a lot of gratitude if she helps him figure out his magecraft.

2. Probably. I mean, as I recall, Shirou usually acknowledged how amazing the Servants all were, even if he was talking about how much he disliked whichever one he was talking about. Things like how beautiful Rider was, how Gilgamesh looks like a model... So even distrusting her, he'd probably recognize that Semiramis is incredibly beautiful and be attracted to that. If she's actually making an attempt to seduce him, yeah, he'd probably be unspeakably horny. Throw in any aphrodisiacs or magecraft she uses, and being in the same room as her would probably make him hard.

Owing to a lack of minions to do it for her, yes, she probably would. But until either she started to like Shirou or he showed that he was a tough nut to crack, she'd probably keep some distance, restrict it to hand or footjobs. Then if she started to like him or realized that, no, he's not submitting, she'd move on.

Plausibly. It's an issue of striking the balance between wanting to maintain absolute control of the situation by being the only one Shirou is developing dependence on, and doubling up his emotional attachments. She could just play it up to work both, sort of an "I'm a Servant, I can't be here forever, it would be nice if you two could look after each other if something happens to me."

3. Generally less saint-like behavior. Less modesty, more sin. Possibly get to complaining about plain underwear while showing it off to Shirou, followed by dragging him on a shopping trip to get better things, which he is expected to judge and carry.

She enjoys his company because he's fun to tease and a good person. Plus he helps deal with an increasingly erratic and wicked Jeanne and Gil-ko. Sexually, as a masochist, she gets off even when he is forced to rape her, and when she's in charge...well, Shirou has a lot of practice in submitting to women and making them feel good.

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Considering Shirou here would be like 13 or 14, how tall would you say he is here? Like would he be around the same height as Rin (159 cm), or Luvia (160 cm) here since he's several years younger than his OTL counterpart? Or closer to his 167cm 17/18-year old self?

As for Semiramis what might start her getting to like Shirou you'd say?

And since you mention she probably wouldn't do blowjobs or titjob or full fucking until she started to like him or realized he's a tougher nut to crack than she thought, when do you think she'd start kissing or making out with him? Like would Semiramis have no problem kissing him early on? Kissing on the lips & with tongue I mean.

As for Saber/Saber Alter & Mordred, considering both are gunning for Shirou to be their pet slave, might they both at some point just decide to both sleep in the same bed with him as a means to keep an eye on him and each other, along with competing on domming him in bed?

Finally with Rin & Luvia, how long would it take before they're competing for Shirou as a fuck pet/Servant in these outfits during the War you think? Or is it more like they have him watch them fight in their little improptou match with him as the prize?

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Since Shirou in at least Archer's timeline grew another 20 cm after the age of 17, I kind of see him as a bit of a late bloomer in height. Given at 13 or 14 he'd be fairly early in puberty, I'd say he's probably at least 10 cm shorter, if not more. He's at least shorter than Rin or Luvia, probably Sakura, too.

Semiramis might start liking him when she figured out he has no desire for the Grail and is eager to help and serve her and Fiore, at least in non-violent circumstances. His help frees her up from helping her Master around, since they don't have any hired help around to do things for them.

Kissing is low-tier. It's no problem for Semiramis to lay one on him, much less leaving him hot and bothered by showing off her tongue's skill.

Maybe. Saber would make no bones about her intention of sleeping in the same bed as Shirou. Mordred, if she were going for it, would probably try sneaking in to get him and take him for herself. After a few tries, some almost successful, Saber might decide the only way to be certain of where Mordred is is to just let her into the bed. Then they're both right there, both know exactly what's going on. Of course, then that turns around when each of them tries to dom the other, to establish the pecking order. Mordred successfully doms Saber, "proving" she is a worthy heir. Then Saber Alter doms Mordred, putting her in her place, up to and including putting her in a pretty, frilly princess gown and having Shirou fuck the shit out of her in it.

Hmm...Luvia could come to Fuyuki early to prepare, moving in like she does in Prisma Illya. Of course, she'd quickly establish a rivalry with Rin, but since they're the only peer the other really has in the area, they'd probably get together for things like physical sparring, especially for the excuse to beat each other up. Shirou comes along to be Rin's "manager," Luvia gets curious, and eventually decides since Rin likes him so much, she might as well try and take him away. They wind up betting him temporarily on the outcome of some match that Luvia wins, and she figures out that she wants this kid, too, not just because Rin likes him.

The "management" covers things like bandaging wounds, rubbing sore muscles, and cleaning the sweat off their bodies.

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1. Heh with Rin & Luvia, it makes me imagine after a spar where Rin is having Shirou lick and suck the sweat off of her midriff and while that's happening, Shirou suddenly feels Luvia's breasts pressing firmly into his back since Luvia has decided to wrap an arm around him and give him a bit of a handjob. Rin, seeing that Shirou has stopped his cleaning sees that Luvia is pressing herself, practically flattening her assets against Shirou, and jacking him off so she suddenly joins Luvia in doing so, to show that no way is Luvia just allowed to start touching Shirou like that.Then maybe Rin stuffs Shirou into her mouth and starts sucking him off while Luvia is hugging Shirou to her even more so he can feel her breasts in their full glory or something, while at the same time is pulling Shirou into a makeout session as well. Like lifting his head up and making out with him from above.

Course then it makes me wonder what other sandwiches Rin & Luvia could do with Shirou?

1b. I could imagine after sparring, or any exercise with Rin or Luvia, that the slime maid volunteers to clean Shirou up. Cue her sticking Shirou in a bathtub full of her own slime so that she, and any other copies of herself, can have fun licking and sucking all the sweat off of Shirou, along with any other fluids they might desire from Shirou as well. It probably helps that Shirou is probably horny after any private practice sessions with Rin, Luvia, or both.

1c. Hm regarding that slime maid we'd discussed before, the one Rin summons as a domestic helper and sex partner with her and Shirou, considering how she and Shirou are possibly equals since both are servants, though it might be in practice that the slime maid is also above Shirou in the household hierarchy, how might she greet Shirou in the morning or whenever he comes home from school or errands for Rin? Pulling him into makeout sessions with her?

1d. I remember you mentioning the possibility of Shirou running into Erubetie, since she's the slime queen, if he was taken to that slime maid's home dimension. What differences physically might Shirou notice between the slime maid & Erubetie you think? Like would Erubetie have bigger breasts for example or something?

And sexually, what differences might he notice between Erubetie and the slime maid as well?

1e. Considering Shirou here would have already been dommed by both Rin & the slime maid, thus being pretty sub, how fast would it be fbefore Erubetie is doing this to him (Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, & Image 6)?

2. For this War, it makes me wonder what Shirou's pet/fuck buddly life with Rin would be like if instead of Saber, he somehow got Nero while Rin still got Archerko/Kuro. Would Nero & Rin work together a lot on domming Shirou together or something you think? Or would Nero feel that no, Shirou is HER servant so the one he should focus on worshipping is herself (Nero)?

3. As for Semiramis since you mentioned kissing would be low-tier for her, would she be kissing Shirou a lot, like making out with him and such? You think she's the type to tongue rape Shirou during kissing?

Makes me wonder if she could play little games with shota Shirou while making out with him.

How long do you imagine Shirou & Semiramis's make out sessions would last?

What kind of body do you imagine Semiramis having? Like how would you describe it in your mind's eye and what do you imagine her clothes feeling like from the images shown here: Image 1 & Image 2 & Image 3? Like how might Semiramis describe the feeling of her clothes you think?

Regarding Semiramis's outfit, do you think it's a tight one from what images of her in it have shown? Like what might Shirou notice about Semiramis's outfit when she's wearing it? Would he think it almost skintight or that it is very tight or something on her chest and torso area?

And how might Semiramis's outfit feel to Shirou if she was hugging him or if his dick was rubbing against her clothes you think?

4. For Fiore, what sexual positions or techniques could she perform on Shirou you think, considering her issues with her legs? Would paizuri, under Semiramis's tutelage or working directly together with Semiramis on paizuri, be something she could do you think?

You mention Shirou would be so sub for Fiore that he accidentally doms her. What's the reason for that and would that mean Semiramis would be the real "master" in this threeway relationship?

And how might Shirou & Fiore's relationship look like? Like he orders and she obeys or more like he requests some sexual position or whatever and she's eager to grant that request?

5. Thinking back to Scathach & Bazett, if they get Shirou, what techniques might Scathach teach him? And how might Scathach get Bazett, who's probably be 18-19 years old here, to join her & Shirou?

Considering Lancer's bodysuit in FSN was meant to represent the body paint used in the original myths, since IIRC he fought sorta naked, how do you imagine Scathach's bodysuit would feel to Shirou like if she was hugging him or giving him say a titjob in it? What do you think the material of it is, considering how skintight it is?

Heh makes me wonder if Scathach was giving Shirou an under-bodysuit titjob, would her bodysuit be able to keep any cum from leaking out once she seals it up again?

How much would Scathach enjoy Shirou considering how he's been taught to be sorta submissive?

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