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Sherlock/OFC (Revised)


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I have an idea for a Sherlock/OFC fanfic (with some rom/com mixed-in):

Plot Summery

After she witnesses the brutal murder of a high-profile government official a woman is put into the Witness Protection in return for her testimony. Twice she is found and has to be reassigned a new identity and moved to a different location. After the third time she is then sent off to England where she is assigned to live in 221C Baker Street and assigned a job at Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe.

Tired from having to move so much and so often, it takes the OFC a little while to grow accustomed to her new life in London. While she makes fast friends of Mrs. Hudson, it takes several months after the move into 221C before she is “formally introduced” to Sherlock. (She HAS tried introducing herself on several occasions but each time he was preoccupied with his cases--trapped in his "mind palace," so he doesn't really register her presence. Thus for the first several months of living in her new home all she really knows about him is what Mrs. Hudson or others have told her.) Though she has talked in passing to John and Mary on occasion when they've been by to visit Sherlock or Mrs. Hudson.

The OFC finally meets Sherlock when she is leaving for work one morning. As she goes to open the door that leads outside Sherlock barges in and accidentally slams the door in her face, knocking her onto the floor. John is quick to help her up and scolds Sherlock while ushering OFC upstairs so he can properly treat her now bleeding nose and check for a possible concussion. Sherlock, though he does apologize for the accident, tries to rush John so they could get back on the case. John gets upset at this.


SH: “Yes, yes. She seems all better now, aren't you Miss...?”

OFC: Goes to answer but is interrupted by Watson.

JW: “Damn-it Sherlock, she's been here for eight months already and you don't know her name?!”

SH: “Well, I'm sure I knew it at one point but probably deemed it inconsequential information and got rid of it.”

OFC: “Gee thanks, nice to meet you too.” said halfheartedly.

OFC Traits*

  • Friendly and generally easygoing, but gives as good as she gets with Sherlock.

  • While OFC does find Sherlock esthetically pleasing his personality takes a while to grow on her.

  • Normal/average appearance, not super-model attractive.


Important Facts & Info

  • The main story takes place after season 3 of Sherlock.

  • Although it does take a while to admit it to himself--let alone others, Sherlock DOES gradually fall in love with OFC.

*I have more ideas you can use for the OFC, should you wish, but these are the basics.

Edited by otaku330
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