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REALLY old Ino/Naurto/Sakura

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This story opens on Sakura masturbating in a park, then there is a flash back of a week before where Sakura finds Naruto bathing in a lake and they screw. She has been avoiding Naruto for the week and she has been increasingly more horny and sleep deprived. Then the story catches up to the begining and someone approaches Sakura, chapter ends.

At the start of the next chapter it is revealed that Ino found Sakura and brought her back to her apartment. Sakura comes in and out of conciseness long enough to hear Ino and Naruto having a fight.

When Sakura wakes up the next morning, She finds out that Ino and Naruto are in a relationship from a photo on the night stand. After a little of talking, Naruto leaves. Ino tries to explain the weird relationship she has with Naruto, when Naruto come back and hand her his medical record. In it, it states that after test that the 9-tails has some passive influences on Naruto and makes him VERY POSSESAVE to who ever sleeps with him and they become depended on him.

After reporting to the Hokoge, Sakura explains everything... including looking at Naruto’s medical records, which are TOP SECRET. Sakura, Ino, and Naruto are then put on a team together... and Naruto is busted down a rank for punishment for stealing his TOP SECRET medical records.

That is the just of the story outline, from what I remember... Hope that someone can find it.

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