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As long as you can afford to retire, no worries, I know they'd love you being there to dote on them. Just not too many doped up chapters, they do tend to confuzle all of us. I actually still remember reading the original set, how sweet they were to each other actually was a nice relief from many other stories. You truly have a gift, just try not to stress too much over it, we'll all be here when you get healed up.

Good luck, and Godspeed

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As long as you can afford to retire, no worries, I know they'd love you being there to dote on them. Just not too many doped up chapters, they do tend to confuzle all of us. I actually still remember reading the original set, how sweet they were to each other actually was a nice relief from many other stories. You truly have a gift, just try not to stress too much over it, we'll all be here when you get healed up.

Good luck, and Godspeed

I'll be writing a lot while I'm laid up, takes my mind off the back, the pain killers only do so much and I've been taking them so long I've built up a bit of a tollerance...yep, I'm a druggy :o but to be fair I do seem to get hurt a lot, maybe I need a new career path, something with less pointy objects flying around! :)

I'll try and keep the meaderings to a minimum, but I do tend to ramble a bit when on morphine...case in point ;)

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Better than me, i just deal with the pain. Take your time, relax, and for once, let them take care of you. They do love you, let them spoil you, just try to keep them from being overbearing.

The good part about NorthStar... we know the A to B, it's just how many twists you drop on us. Going Home is an open ended one. GITG, you have complete and total control what happens. Can't wait to read your doped up stories

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Well hope you have a speedy recovery and please listen to your medical and your family members. I had to retire when I not only broke my ankle but both knees jumping out if a perfectly good airplane. I was going to fight the force medical retirement but my wife said she could not live without me. After she put up with me leaving without telling her she said enough is enough and I listened to her. Been the best thing I did for both her and me. I still work for the government buy no more jumping.

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Well hope you have a speedy recovery and please listen to your medical and your family members. I had to retire when I not only broke my ankle but both knees jumping out if a perfectly good airplane. I was going to fight the force medical retirement but my wife said she could not live without me. After she put up with me leaving without telling her she said enough is enough and I listened to her. Been the best thing I did for both her and me. I still work for the government buy no more jumping.



RED SPLAT. Fun??? Really?


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Guest Christian1040

Just dont kill off any of the original family,the twins or Cat. Everyone else is on the chopping board. Although it cant be Nadi either because you previously mentioned she and Max were nearly inseparable in their later years of life. Maybe Becca since that would bring Max and Nadi closer fulfilling that part of your story.

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enjoy the legal high and get better. but please don't kill any of the group until your off the drugs. also remember what sometimes seems smart while on pain meds is so bright when your clear minded. Peace and good health.

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Can not be Rick because he wrote in a chapter two ones back that Rick has children by both Suzy and her mother. And he enjoys then in the future. So the only one in the picture is Mike or one of the recovered children. I would really hate to see any of the children that were recovered from their living hell to be killed by the bad people. The priest and sheriff sounds like good victims to me.

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I liked this chapter as it explains Hans and allows for a future mole when they go hunting the head person. Let them think that he killed Max and bang they die, but I think that Max has a mole in his group. Evan or Mike or has Alice been hacked?

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Going into Hans' brain seemed like something out of "It's a Wonderful Life" or, at least, "It's a Wonderfully Tragic Life" but hey, it IS Christmas! GREAT chapter!!!

Edited by COJimmyV
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Great chapter. Now let them have a good christmas then let Max find the head of the gang.. And I also hate to think that Alice has been hacked. Get well soon and listen to your mehdic and your family. They really would like you to be around for a long time. Yes it is better when pointed flying items are not coming at you all the time. I miss the jumping but not the flying pointed objects, but I really enjoy the time with the wife and family and would not give that up at this time. Like I said relax and get well soon. Will be waiting with everyone else for your speedy recovery and the newest chapter. Good luck friend.

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wow, it's like old times when you would post ever other day or so. I did thank Bigman was a little short with the core group, I would add Becca and her mom. I liked the way you turned the cliff hanger from 29 with the sheriff, but the bad guys do seem to have a lot of info on Max and also be able to do things like he would (the BOLO) and even leave in unsigned. can't wait to the next chapter, get well and you can always jump for the fun of it. remember it's not the fall that gets you, it's the sudden stop at the end. LOL

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Another cliffhanger. So who is wearing the red shirts. Know what you meant by the red shirt. The security people in the original star trek wore red shirts and were the one's also getting killed on the show.

Nope - red shirts refers to Mirror, Mirror. The episode where the transporter sends the victims to that parallel universe where Kirk is a despot and Spock a pirate.


Edited by darthel0101
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Yeah, COJimmy is correct; the term "Red Shirt" means the group member that is expendable to move the plot along.

A "redshirt" is a stock character in fiction who dies soon after being introduced. The term originates from the original Star Trek (196669) television series in which the redshirted security personnel frequently die during episodes.[1] Redshirt deaths are often used to dramatize the potential peril that the main characters face.
I do believe that there is a Mole and it could be anyone even Max if some one hacked him. Jeeves, because he is upset that Max freed A.L.I.C.E. but not him or The Professor. Tat, because she is the Head of The Slavers that is why she wasn't killed. May, her reasoning was affected by her death. Nadi, upset because she still wants Max to be her Master. You could make it almost anyone.
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