Guest majormarioc Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 On 4/15/2015 at 4:58 PM, BigMan7307 said: For once, maybe no outside attempted seduction of Stacy and Kara by Amy and the rest of the girls. Kara is just starting to come to grips with herself, and her new found love with Stacy, others trying to tempt them may undermine that. The fact that Kara shot Alice down shows how dedicated to Stacy she really is, the bad part is that Amy tends to just ignore other's boundaries and go full steam ahead with what she wants regardless of how others feel, the best example of that was her kissing the boy and hurting Alice, Amy's lack of concern for others feelings or wishes does show her lack of maturity, her not learning from it, or respecting other's boundaries may ultimately wind up hurting someone else's relationship. They all can support Kara and Stacy without trying to get into their pants, caring doesn't always mean screwing. If the scene is what I think it may be Magus, keep in mind, Max has always had an aversion to receiving. Remember the van scene with Becca, Emma, and him. Granted, he kind of relaxed after the jail part, but, he was luckily unconscious during the worst of that. Going after Kara's dad, I could almost see Max having him in the Virtual world, and playing the videos and stills that they got from the first group. Similar to that part in Willy Wonka when they're on the boat with the images flickering by. Or, have Legion go in and do a little brainwashing like what they had done with Hans. While it may help Kara to be involved, you have to wonder how much extra damage it could cause too, sometimes re-living bad memories cements them instead of releasing them. If it was me, with Mr. Turner, I would wipe any and all memories that he has of Kara, her brother, hell, his entire family, and dump him on some little desserted island with no hope of escape. Or, copy Kara's memories of all of the pain and input them in his mind and make him live through everything that he put her through. Legion would not do that because of the teachings of max during the Hans intervention he would not even remove the drugs from geraled max would not do it because he dose not like haveing the power to change someone into a different person I did save a lot but it was my call to not go in Quote
Guest crazychickhull Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 Major torture for Kara's dad then brainwash him to kill the senator in prison then commit suicide just like they did Hans to kill max Quote
BigMan7307 Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 On 4/15/2015 at 6:16 PM, majormarioc said: Legion would not do that because of the teachings of max during the Hans intervention he would not even remove the drugs from geraled max would not do it because he dose not like haveing the power to change someone into a different person I did save a lot but it was my call to not go in I'm glad, for the most part, the mission was a success, try to not concentrate on the ones you couldn't, rejoice on the ones you did. Funny thing about Legion being sentient.... He/they, have the capability to make their own decision regarding that. We can teach our kids not to do something, but, they always have the choice to listen or not to listen. Could Charles and Sarah see that as somewhat of a terrist option, yes, but, they could always weigh that against the further culling of the traffickers. Sometimes, vigilante justice is better off in the long run than trying to let the inherently corrupt justice system, the proof of how corrupt it is in the story is the number of politicos, clergy, and police entangled in the web. The only ones that Max can truly trust, are the ones he has closest to him, anyone else his trust can be easily betrayed with underlying corruption. Max has already been kind of burned on that one with Mike and Volstock, lets hope that he's not further betrayed by anyone close to him. Rescue25 1 Quote
angeldust Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 I think that Amy's problem also comes from her being spoilt by Emma & her young Age she is after all 2 yrs younger than Emma & 3 younger than Max. "Ooh, Ooh, Mr. Kotter"; I think that the actual ages of Max et al needs to be addressed. You keep saying that Max, Emma & her 'twin' Amy, are 16 but then say that it has been 2 yrs. since this all started. Yet Becca met them & it had been 3 yrs and she realised the math was off as Amy had told her she wa 11 when Max cured her. Max turned 13 the summer he met the sisters. Emma was 12 & Amy was 11. So they're either 16, 15 & 14 or it's been longer than 3 yrs. Quote
BigMan7307 Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 Physical age is relative, it's the maturity that really matters. While Emma and Max have matured, Amy is still stuck on the immaturity. Max may appear 16ish, the crap he's dealt with makes him mid 30's on maturity. Amy never got out of the "cutesy" stage. While Max has matured way beyond his physical years, and Emma has almost kept up, the others rate of maturity shows how uninvolved they really have been. Max, even at 12 was due for college, he had the maturity, and discipline even at that young age to hunker down and just do what needed to be done. Emma coddled and did mature faster because she was always making sure Amy was taken care of, she matured faster, but never at the rate that Max had. Amy, spoiled as she was, hasn't matured at all, she's still the 12/13 year old trapped in an older body, no one forced her to grow up so she hasn't. In all tho, she is really the ying to Max and Emma's yang, she can inflect the humor sometimes needed. Amy does show some signs of underlying maturity, and able to adapt to situations by being somewhat empathic, she just lacks the real or tangible maturity or Emma or Max. How bad was Max hurt when he came home expecting some celebration and everyone but Marge all but ignored him? A good, tight family would smother his ass, then slowly filter out. An extreme high of support and love, followed by quality, personal time with someone he adores. How much damage have they unknowingly done to him themselves? He walked in that night and went "awww fuck, not a damn one of them even cares if i'm alive or dead"..... they can heal him, yes, they can hurt him a hell of a lot more. There should have been every person he has ever rescued welcoming him home.... every single one of them, instead he walked into an almost empty place. It's like a band selling out every ticket and one person shows up opening night.......... huge ass let down Quote
Hundybuns Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 On 4/15/2015 at 7:58 PM, BigMan7307 said: Physical age is relative, it's the maturity that really matters. While Emma and Max have matured, Amy is still stuck on the immaturity. Max may appear 16ish, the crap he's dealt with makes him mid 30's on maturity. Amy never got out of the "cutesy" stage. While Max has matured way beyond his physical years, and Emma has almost kept up, the others rate of maturity shows how uninvolved they really have been. Max, even at 12 was due for college, he had the maturity, and discipline even at that young age to hunker down and just do what needed to be done. Emma coddled and did mature faster because she was always making sure Amy was taken care of, she matured faster, but never at the rate that Max had. Amy, spoiled as she was, hasn't matured at all, she's still the 12/13 year old trapped in an older body, no one forced her to grow up so she hasn't. In all tho, she is really the ying to Max and Emma's yang, she can inflect the humor sometimes needed. Amy does show some signs of underlying maturity, and able to adapt to situations by being somewhat empathic, she just lacks the real or tangible maturity or Emma or Max. How bad was Max hurt when he came home expecting some celebration and everyone but Marge all but ignored him? A good, tight family would smother his ass, then slowly filter out. An extreme high of support and love, followed by quality, personal time with someone he adores. How much damage have they unknowingly done to him themselves? He walked in that night and went "awww fuck, not a damn one of them even cares if i'm alive or dead"..... they can heal him, yes, they can hurt him a hell of a lot more. There should have been every person he has ever rescued welcoming him home.... every single one of them, instead he walked into an almost empty place. It's like a band selling out every ticket and one person shows up opening night.......... huge ass let down I have to disagree with you. In my opinion Amy is a lot more mature than Emma. She acts like she does to try and hide how serious she really is. Look at whenever a plan is needed, who usually comes up with it but Amy. She acts crazy and over sexed but she really only loves Alice and Max. While I find Emma can't seem to make up her mind who she really loves. In the first series she stated that she loved Max truly, then Becca came on the scene and she tells Max that she loves Becca as much as she loves him. After the big blowup in this series when Max left Emma realized that she loved Max more. Then came Petra. Emma fell so in love with Petra that she basically ignored Max. As an example in the first series when Max left to go and rescue the kids overseas Emma fell apart. After Petra arrived and Max was on a mission Emma started to worry for only a moment then went and cheated on Max with Petra. In my opinion Emma is so immature she doesn't really know what she wants. And the worst thing that has happened to this series was bringing Petra into the family. Quote
BigMan7307 Posted April 15, 2015 Report Posted April 15, 2015 On 4/15/2015 at 10:36 PM, Hundybuns said: And the worst thing that has happened to this series was bringing Petra into the family. As a matter of personal opinion, getting back to the entire theme.... they aren't you, their decisions are theirs, based on their own choices of what is best for them, not what someone else decides for them. Lack of foresight, or planning isn't always a mark of maturity. Was I personally disappointed when even Amy was brought in with Max and Emma? Damn right I was. Did I wonder how things would go? Yup. Was I one of the ones saying that Becca needed to distance from Max and Emma? Yes, yes I was, but, only after Emma had confessed how much she loved Becca. What needs to be understood as well is Loving someone is different from Being in love with someone, yes, Amy has that maturity, Emma has lacked it, she equates love as an all equal, Amy knows the difference. What Amy does lack is someone flat out telling her no and putting her in her place in regards to their personal space, she feels that if they're in the house, or in the family, they're fair game, regardless of how they feel personally. Would Max and Emma work out if he actually told her that it was just the two of them, and no more sleeping with anyone else? Who knows, I have a feeling she would resent it now. Max would always have been happy with Emma, and Emma alone, even she admitted to wanting to be able to play the field, at least with the other girls in the house. Max could easily decide to keep everything platonic with everyone but Emma, I'm not so sure that she could do the same, not without some hurt feelings for sure. What I wonder is if she would feel guilty if Max said he only wanted her, and not do anything with anyone else, would it be enough to kind of force her to make the choice between the free for all, or only Max. Emma is Max's "one", is Max Emma's "one"? Keep in mind, when they met, Max was almost 13, but a pretty mature 13, Emma was a typical 12 year old, still unsure about who she is or wants to be. Amy when she was 10, was still confident in who she was, not yet at that awkward early teen stage of uncertainty. When you're 10, everything is still pretty certain, hormones haven't screwed your head up yet. When you're 12, the hormones change how you think about things, making you uncertain again. The reason Tali and Jazz act so much like Amy is mainly because the hormones haven't hit them to take a lot of self definition away from them yet. 12-15 for girls is hell, for both the girl and their parents, anyone with a teen daughter in those ages knows what I mean when I say that. More girls in that age bracket are diagnosed as bi-polar or autistic than other age groups, one huge factor in that is the new hormones that they haven't adjusted to. Boys in that age range..... a board with a knot hole isn't safe, a girl, emotions go nuts, big time. I won't/can't say that polygamy/polyamory can't work, it can, there are examples of it all over. Is it for me? No. If it works for them, I'm all for it, their own personal happiness is what matters, not what someone else may think. Quote
Rescue25 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Guest_majormarioc I did save a lot but it was my call to not go in REAL LIFE!! You make the calls because that is what you do and I'm guessing you do it damn good. You lose a few to save a lot. Hard - yes. Rejoice on the saves and keep doing what you do.\ B COJimmyV 1 Quote
Guest majormarioc Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 On 4/16/2015 at 1:03 AM, Rescue25 said: Guest_majormarioc I did save a lot but it was my call to not go in REAL LIFE!! You make the calls because that is what you do and I'm guessing you do it damn good. You lose a few to save a lot. Hard - yes. Rejoice on the saves and keep doing what you do.\ B Honestly easyer said than done mistakes cost life's and I really liked that Damn helmit Quote
Guest majormarioc Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 One posative about getting shot in the head get to go home a month early and really good drugs Quote
angeldust Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Yeah but you were hit in the head by a lucky shot, lucky for you & your's it wan't a death/brain damage shot. I think that the snakes might have another mole inside and this time Max will not be so forgiving. Quote
magusfang Posted April 16, 2015 Author Report Posted April 16, 2015 Ok, as for Kara: At first you think she's going to play with Petra when she asks to "touch it"; but nothing happens. Then she shoots down Alice...then flirts with Max...but again nothing happens. So it looks like that even though she's been adopted, it'll be more like Evan and Jenna. Part of the family but still a closed unit of themselves. Kinda the same with Mike and Leia. So no, Kara doesn't get folded into the group. So there will be a lot of twists and surprises in the third book...I'm sure to get flamed several times... I can't wait! As for Max dropping the harem? Nope, it has become to ingrained in his personality; remember, the girls seek him out because even though they love their significant others they love him almost as much. Emma is immature, they all are. And that is where a lot of the angst comes from, them figuring out life and love as they grow up. And in case anyone missed it, the adults sort of mirror Max's future...if everything works out...which it never does of course Quote
Guest Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 This is getting to be an interesting conversation. Magus, this is your fault because everyone is dying for the release of the new chapter! This is taking like forever! I have to add my two cents worth to the speculation. I agree with a bit of what everyone is saying. Not everything but some bits. I believe that Amy is the way she is because of the diabetes she had. If she hadn't met Max I think she would be dead by now. Every moment is gravy on the plate to her. I think that staring death in the face for so long and at so young an age give you a different perspective on life. The thing is regardless of who Amy plays with her love is Alice, Max and Emma. @majormarioc, I totally agree with Bigman's comment ...."try to not concentrate on the ones you couldn't, rejoice on the ones you did". I wish somehow that people who abused those kids, even the senator that's in prison are made to suffer for the rest of their lives, even Kara's mother if she was a willing participant in the abuse and torture of her kids. Wiping their minds is not good enough. They should be made to suffer somehow, HINT, HINT. Emma, I don't know. I believe that she is "in love" as opposed to "love" Max more that anyone but in the past you had Becca,, Nadi and now the elephant in the room, Petra. Her/their two "one". I tend to agree with @Hundybun ----"And the worst thing that has happened to this series was bringing Petra into the family". I do not mind her in the story but not in the role she's playing. Max has enough women and kids and more kids on the way. Regardless of what Max's mouth says he would do anything for Emma, even things that he doesn't particularly care for. This is shown whenever any crisis rears its head. I could go on and on but I would just be repeating myself. Plus, I bow to the wisdom of Magus and the new chapter which should be coming shortly. Right, Magus!!! Quote
Guest Christian1040 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 I think you guys are forgetting Magus already stated that Max and Emma are each others "One." Max has said it numerous times and at the end of chapter 59, Emma said "I just want to be sure that you know that no matter what you are number one in my heart." Sure Emma has thought she had other "Ones" like Becca, but then something happens that makes her realize that's not the case. Like when Marge joked about marrying Max, Emma broke down and realized Max was her "One." And on Amy being immature, I think you guys don't give her enough credit. The way she potrays herself to others is all an act. She decides to act that way because she would rather see her family smiling and laughing at her joking around then seeing them depressed because of all they've been through. There's plenty of examples in the book where she being immature and silly and then all of a sudden she stops the act and gets serious. She's witnessed the same hell everyone else has she just decides to deal with it differently. Quote
MajorMarioc Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Can't wait for the next update need to know about Can't sleep for some reason finally made an account I might retire after that last one I'm 24 with to Manny ghosts as is finding so Manny for so close my calls cost life's and it really hurts getting shot Quote
Hundybuns Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 What I fear is going to happen is that Emma is going to really fall in love with Petra and forget all about Max. My reasoning is that Petra can give Emma everything, meaning she can love her as a man can and still know what Emma wants as a woman, while Max can only give her man loving. Petra acts differently when Max is around like she is trying to hide what she really wants and that is to be the number 1 male. If you check back through the chapters you will find that Max has only made love to Petra twice, while Petra has had sex with Becca, Nadi, Emma numerous times and worst of all Marge. It is almost like she is trying to prove she is the better male than Max. Quote
magusfang Posted April 16, 2015 Author Report Posted April 16, 2015 (edited) On 4/16/2015 at 12:59 PM, Hundybuns said: What I fear is going to happen is that Emma is going to really fall in love with Petra and forget all about Max. My reasoning is that Petra can give Emma everything, meaning she can love her as a man can and still know what Emma wants as a woman, while Max can only give her man loving. Petra acts differently when Max is around like she is trying to hide what she really wants and that is to be the number 1 male. If you check back through the chapters you will find that Max has only made love to Petra twice, while Petra has had sex with Becca, Nadi, Emma numerous times and worst of all Marge. It is almost like she is trying to prove she is the better male than Max. Remember when Emma was sick and Petra held her hair back, she said she did it because Max wasn't there to do it so it became her job. She se's herself more as the beta male, doing things that Max would do if he could. And Emma still sort of sees her as that broken little girl that she helped that day in the shower; she has a thing for injured kittens, just like she did for Becca. This time however, it's Max who has fallen head over heals for Petra so Emma should worry about being pushed out - could happen...Nah Edited April 16, 2015 by magusfang Rescue25 1 Quote
BigMan7307 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Most horny teenagers agree, it's fun, and when you can have multiple partners without the stigma of being called a slut, it's even better. Petra was locked away and isolated since she was taken from her mom, during that time, she was probably abused worse than all of the other kids combined. Physical scars heal, the emotional ones take a hell of a lot more to work through, luckily, Petra has a pretty good support group, most broken almost as bad as she is. I think Emma is finally starting to realize how her and Max are, yes, they are eachother's "one", enfolded into that, and just as closely, they have Petra now, that obviously Max loves deeply, probably almost as much as he loves Emma.... he proposed to Petra as well, you didn't see him drop on his knee with Becca, Nadi, Amy or Alice did you? With luck, there will be fewer missions that Max is directly involved in directly, hopefully, he can "retire" to become more of the logistical/material provider in the future, with his resources, he could do a lot more good if he can sit back and direct without endangering him, or his core group, well, as much. As far as ages for Sniper..... Amy, Max, Emma all should appear about 17ish.... Cynthia is still breast feeding. According to the timeline, around the end of the year that they met Becca was BITG 63, like Thanksgiving that year, then port a little bit into the future is where GITG is at. Timeline gets a little muddled and confusing to me because of the fact that when crap hits Max, it's like fighting Bruce Lee, there may only be two fists, but, it feels like 30 all at the same time. Hard and fast is how it seems to go with them. The Christmas time raid on Volstock, takes place about a year after they met Becca and Suzy, Cynthia is born, and still nursing. Quote
Hundybuns Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 I was just going to post when I read your post BOSS. I was going to say you must love the way you get everyone talking about your stories. To me it says that your writing is so good people talk as if it is real life. keep up the good work. Rescue25 1 Quote
COJimmyV Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Really enjoying this conversation and speculation. Anything I was planning to add has already been said. We seem to have a "hive mind" similar to, dare I say it, Legion. All newcomers, you WILL be assimilated. (OK, maybe we're the Borg). Rescue25 1 Quote
magusfang Posted April 16, 2015 Author Report Posted April 16, 2015 On 4/16/2015 at 1:22 PM, Hundybuns said: I was just going to post when I read your post BOSS. I was going to say you must love the way you get everyone talking about your stories. To me it says that your writing is so good people talk as if it is real life. keep up the good work. yeah, and you wouldn't belive how many ideas i get. the fun part is posting something like we're gonna get max a boyfriend, then sitting back and watching the explosions Rescue25 and COJimmyV 2 Quote
Hundybuns Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 Oh you're BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDD!! Rescue25 1 Quote
magusfang Posted April 16, 2015 Author Report Posted April 16, 2015 (edited) On 4/16/2015 at 4:35 PM, Hundybuns said: Oh you're BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDD!! I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way! Lucky rabbit! Edited April 16, 2015 by magusfang BigMan7307, darthel0101 and COJimmyV 3 Quote
Rescue25 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 On 4/16/2015 at 5:19 PM, magusfang said: I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way! Lucky rabbit! OR "I'm not bad but the bad don't mess with me"?? B Hundybuns 1 Quote
Rescue25 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Posted April 16, 2015 On 4/16/2015 at 7:49 AM, MajorMarioc said: Can't wait for the next update need to know about Can't sleep for some reason finally made an account I might retire after that last one I'm 24 with to Manny ghosts as is finding so Manny for so close my calls cost life's and it really hurts getting shot Glad you made an account. Was going to click a "like" on this post BUT the fact you are talking about retiring deterred me. Maybe you might consider something like Mangus and train the newbies. I do agree that it is probably time to keep the body out of the overly hostile areas. B MajorMarioc 1 Quote
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