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Guest futalove

I would have to agree Emma might be pulling away from Max and falling for Petra . Reason being how most wife's would be doing what she is doing. For example when she has an appearance she shows little or no consern for Max being in harm's way I would kinda understand a more relaxed attitude on a year long deployment. but that is not the case she knows who and what they are going up against there most deadly enemy yet. and it dose not seem to bother her at all . with her it ooww Petra kiss kiss let's have sex. In my opinion a normal response would be to be a nerves wreck, walking the floors not sleeping freaking out over not hereing from them.

Don't forget she was the first one to turn on max during the big blowout and the secound or third to loose faith in him on the secound blow up. She even blew up at him when she thought he made Nadia pregnant an would not do her. which I them stems from her low machurity level whitch is low compared to the other girls.

If I remember right she brought Amy in to there relationship. but I can understand that one .. but then you get becca Emma really hurt max with that one. And Petra is kinda a joint effort, but was moving in that direction. Heck didn't she pull the mom's in to early on.

So you could say I am not a Emma fan. I would like to se Max with some one that has the twins dedication and Marge's machurity ferocity.

Guest futalove

I would have to agree Emma might be pulling away from Max and falling for Petra . Reason being how most wife's would be doing what she is doing. For example when she has an appearance she shows little or no consern for Max being in harm's way I would kinda understand a more relaxed attitude on a year long deployment. but that is not the case she knows who and what they are going up against there most deadly enemy yet. and it dose not seem to bother her at all . with her it ooww Petra kiss kiss let's have sex. In my opinion a normal response would be to be a nerves wreck, walking the floors not sleeping freaking out over not hereing from them.

Don't forget she was the first one to turn on max during the big blowout and the secound or third to loose faith in him on the secound blow up. She even blew up at him when she thought he made Nadia pregnant an would not do her. which I them stems from her low machurity level whitch is low compared to the other girls.

If I remember right she brought Amy in to there relationship. but I can understand that one .. but then you get becca Emma really hurt max with that one. And Petra is kinda a joint effort, but was moving in that direction. Heck didn't she pull the mom's in to early on.

So you could say I am not a Emma fan. I would like to se Max with some one that has the twins dedication and Marge's machurity ferocity.

Guest futalove

I would have to agree Emma might be pulling away from Max and falling for Petra . Reason being how most wife's would be doing what she is doing. For example when she has an appearance she shows little or no consern for Max being in harm's way I would kinda understand a more relaxed attitude on a year long deployment. but that is not the case she knows who and what they are going up against there most deadly enemy yet. and it dose not seem to bother her at all . with her it ooww Petra kiss kiss let's have sex. In my opinion a normal response would be to be a nerves wreck, walking the floors not sleeping freaking out over not hereing from them.

Don't forget she was the first one to turn on max during the big blowout and the secound or third to loose faith in him on the secound blow up. She even blew up at him when she thought he made Nadia pregnant an would not do her. which I them stems from her low machurity level whitch is low compared to the other girls.

If I remember right she brought Amy in to there relationship. but I can understand that one .. but then you get becca Emma really hurt max with that one. And Petra is kinda a joint effort, but was moving in that direction. Heck didn't she pull the mom's in to early on.

So you could say I am not a Emma fan. I would like to se Max with some one that has the twins dedication and Marge's machurity ferocity.

Guest futalove

I would have to agree Emma might be pulling away from Max and falling for Petra . Reason being how most wife's would be doing what she is doing. For example when she has an appearance she shows little or no consern for Max being in harm's way I would kinda understand a more relaxed attitude on a year long deployment. but that is not the case she knows who and what they are going up against there most deadly enemy yet. and it dose not seem to bother her at all . with her it ooww Petra kiss kiss let's have sex. In my opinion a normal response would be to be a nerves wreck, walking the floors not sleeping freaking out over not hereing from them.

Don't forget she was the first one to turn on max during the big blowout and the secound or third to loose faith in him on the secound blow up. She even blew up at him when she thought he made Nadia pregnant an would not do her. which I them stems from her low machurity level whitch is low compared to the other girls.

If I remember right she brought Amy in to there relationship. but I can understand that one .. but then you get becca Emma really hurt max with that one. And Petra is kinda a joint effort, but was moving in that direction. Heck didn't she pull the mom's in to early on.

So you could say I am not a Emma fan. I would like to se Max with some one that has the twins dedication and Marge's machurity ferocity.

Guest futalove

I would have to agree Emma might be pulling away from Max and falling for Petra . Reason being how most wife's would be doing what she is doing. For example when she has an appearance she shows little or no consern for Max being in harm's way I would kinda understand a more relaxed attitude on a year long deployment. but that is not the case she knows who and what they are going up against there most deadly enemy yet. and it dose not seem to bother her at all . with her it ooww Petra kiss kiss let's have sex. In my opinion a normal response would be to be a nerves wreck, walking the floors not sleeping freaking out over not hereing from them.

Don't forget she was the first one to turn on max during the big blowout and the secound or third to loose faith in him on the secound blow up. She even blew up at him when she thought he made Nadia pregnant an would not do her. which I them stems from her low machurity level whitch is low compared to the other girls.

If I remember right she brought Amy in to there relationship. but I can understand that one .. but then you get becca Emma really hurt max with that one. And Petra is kinda a joint effort, but was moving in that direction. Heck didn't she pull the mom's in to early on.

So you could say I am not a Emma fan. I would like to se Max with some one that has the twins dedication and Marge's machurity ferocity.

Guest futalove

I would have to agree Emma might be pulling away from Max and falling for Petra . Reason being how most wife's would be doing what she is doing. For example when she has an appearance she shows little or no consern for Max being in harm's way I would kinda understand a more relaxed attitude on a year long deployment. but that is not the case she knows who and what they are going up against there most deadly enemy yet. and it dose not seem to bother her at all . with her it ooww Petra kiss kiss let's have sex. In my opinion a normal response would be to be a nerves wreck, walking the floors not sleeping freaking out over not hereing from them.

Don't forget she was the first one to turn on max during the big blowout and the secound or third to loose faith in him on the secound blow up. She even blew up at him when she thought he made Nadia pregnant an would not do her. which I them stems from her low machurity level whitch is low compared to the other girls.

If I remember right she brought Amy in to there relationship. but I can understand that one .. but then you get becca Emma really hurt max with that one. And Petra is kinda a joint effort, but was moving in that direction. Heck didn't she pull the mom's in to early on.

So you could say I am not a Emma fan. I would like to se Max with some one that has the twins dedication and Marge's machurity ferocity.


As much as I would like Max and Emma to remain a couple I have to agree with the majority that Max should tell Emma to chose either Petra or Max. If not have Max say to Emma that although he loves her deeply he can no longer accept her falling in love with someone else. At least with Amy and Alice he knows what will happen. Maybe even have Max and Marge finally decide to become a couple.

Guest futalove

I like Marge to she is a good compliment to max. she is dedicated to him she her self has said is is the only man for her.


Yeah but like Amy & Alice she is first and foremost May's so even there Max is second. Max should end up with false Cindy, if she isn't a mole assassin. It would be even easy to segue into a love relationship as she resembles his dead sister & his best friend and as for her it starta as gratitude for saving her and helping her own identity to start asserting itself thus they start to realise that they care for each other and then it brcomes a deep seated love. Both realising that all the others in their lives were but transitional characters until they met each other.

Amy has Alice, Marge has May, Becca has Nadi, Suzy has Rick, Pell has Charles, etc. and now Emma has Petra. Max gets to have her.

Posted (edited)

WOW! Seems to me like everyone is selling Emma a little short. If push came to shove, I think Max and Emma would choose each other in a heartbeat. I don't think loving others lessens that for either of them. Then again, I've always been partial to redheads so maybe I'm a little biased. ;)

I always pictured Emma looking something like this:


Edited by COJimmyV
Guest futalove

I have to agree and disagree Max would choose Emma at the drop of a hat. always has but Emma has turned on him more than once. the secound big blow up instead of running after him and making up she makes up with every one else fist and wounds up in a make out pile then goes after him.


I have to agree with COJimmy. I think the deepest love is with Emma. He goes along with some of her wishes to please her AND in some cases to assist with the recovery of some of the girls.

The master will let us know in his own good time - after some of us have gone bonkers waiting.



If you look closer I think you will find that May is spending more time with Rick than with Marge. So I think that having Marge and Max get together permanently makes sense.

  On 2/10/2015 at 12:34 PM, Missyg said:

If you look closer I think you will find that May is spending more time with Rick than with Marge. So I think that having Marge and Max get together permanently makes sense.

Rick and May are spending time together because of the mission to rescue Catherine and Mel. Once they get back home, Rick is with Suzy and May is with Marge even though they "share".


While most go off into their pairs... Becca with Nadi, Rick and Suzy, Marge and May, Amy with Alice.... every time Max is and has always been the odd man out. First it was Emma with Amy, then Emma with Becca, now Emma with Petra. All of the women seem to and tend to worry more about themselves than they really ever have about Max, the case with the blow ups, Max was concerned about the girls, the girls were only concerned about how him leaving would affect them. So far, the only ones I've seen that have put Max first have been the twins, they've been right there with him the entire time, yeah, even saving his ass when he tries to blow himself up. His first run on the orphanage, every one of the girls threw themselves at not only eachother, but, others as well. Some might say it was to take their minds off of the fact that Max was in harms way and may not come back, but, to me it shows the lack of deep concern, being the first time he was away, typically they would have worried themselves sick and pretty much shut down if there really was the deep connection. If it was the 100th mission away, that may be a different situation, a person gets a little more if not comfortable, a little less worried. None of them were overly worried when he almost fried his brain to save Marge, even Alice just griped at him about it. Even in the sub, instead of deeply caring about Max, the twins are after something physical instead of trying to take care of the emotional, worried about their own wants instead of what Max really needs. He physically broke himself to save all of them, and everyone's only concern is making out, that has been the pattern every time.

We all know that there is a plan plotting in that mind that we are following, and we all know it's very twisted, I personally can't wait to see where it goes.


Well I for one would like to see Petra disappear. Not die or get killed just leave, but the way Emma is acting she would leave with Petra. Maybe the best thing is for Max to just set up is bedroom down in the lab and stay away from all the women or have him meet someonefrom outside of the extended family.

  On 2/10/2015 at 7:47 PM, Hundybuns said:

Well I for one would like to see Petra disappear. Not die or get killed just leave, but the way Emma is acting she would leave with Petra. Maybe the best thing is for Max to just set up is bedroom down in the lab and stay away from all the women or have him meet someonefrom outside of the extended family.

I will vote NO on your idea. We'll have to wait until the master favors us with another installment.



I agree with angledust, it has been a while and I have once again gone through the shakes. he left one heck of a cliffhanger.


I think you are all smoking crack and should judge only by actions not what you think people's motives are because most of the time you would be wrong. It takes just as much love to let go as it does to cling to someone and Max has already proven he would fight for all them, what is not to love?

Magusfang buddy; let us know you are ok at least, I know you don't really know us out here in the web world but your stories move us and we do care, God bless you and keep you.



LlAfter all Max has been through for everyone don't you all agree he should have someone to love him the way he loves them. From the start of the first series he has loved Emma unconditionally, but as much as it pains me to say it seems that Emma is not mature enough to love him as much. I can see her loving Amy as Amy iguss her sister, but her falling in love so deeply with first with Becca and now Petra to the extent it excludes Max is inexcusable. Now I know this is just a story but Magusfang is such an excellent writer he is causing us all to have these discussions. So blame everything on his writing.

Guest Christian1040

I can see where everyone is coming from on the Emma and Max situation. Up until recently i was rooting for Max and Emma to be alone in their relationship like Amy and Alice are. I was an Emma fan, but she just doesnt show the same love Max shows her. I know that Max has been saying he loves Petra just as much as Emma(which i think is Magus trying to tell us to be more excepting of Petra), but we all know if he had to choose, he would choose Emma in a heartbeat. I mean hes know Petra what? A month, two? At this point the only ones that show Max the same love if not more love than Max does to them is Marge, the twins and Cat. The triangle relationship didnt work with Becca and its not gonna work with Petra. Triangle relationships never work because someone is always left out, in this case Max

Guest crazychickhull

What if and this is just my twisted mind. Petra is a plant a mole to get between max and Emma? Everyone knows that max loves Emma if she breaks them up it will break Max's heart. An upset max won't be thinking straight therefore an easier target for his enemies.


OK Magus, we're getting a little worried here. How about a little drive-by to let us know you didn't blow yourself up?

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