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Had a hard time reading the rest of the story after the explosion that seemed to signal Max's demise. I was so bummed I waited until this morning to read the rest. I guess I'll hold judgement and wait to read the next chapter before I decide to riot! ;)

Edited by COJimmyV
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He left the desalinated in his other pants...hate when that happens. But remember the sub was built by his father ten years ago and only as a prototype so some things might not be included...that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)

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1 & 2: Eh, it's just a little one, hardly counts at all!

3: Because they are as complex as the larger spiders and like them have become self aware so he wont ask them to suicide themselves. He did build the flyers, small insect like robots that do that, but they are small and have to swarm so their impact is limited.

4: The sub is actually a submersable landing ship, like a RORO only submersable, it also can move limited distances over land, using large catipeller tracks like the smaller LUTeS does (LUTeS = Landing underwater transport system, Max changed the name to LOTuS because it sounded cooler...well I changed it foe that reason because he really doesn't exist. And it just sort of eveolved frome LOTuS to LOTUS - Damn spell check ;) ) something like this:


This is the Russian design 778, it was never built but its what gave me the idea for the LOTUS

Now I knew everyone was going to ask why he didn't just float his bomb to the surface, well two reasons: One, it had be placed in the right spot and two, remember he was feeling the effects of the high CO2 count and not really thinking straight "He grabbed a small detonator and inserted it into the plastic explosive, setting it for sixty seconds; in his hazy mind that seemed like plenty of time. "

besides I had to get him out of the sub to get the cliffhanger to work :D

oh and Sniper, the sub didn't sink he did when he stepped out the airlock, the fuel cell was heavy

So now the only question is, does he make it or do I invent Max flavored fish food!

Oh, I know, he just about makes it and a shark gets him...are there sharks under the ice?

release the kracken!

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Hey; how dare you besmirch fangface's parents like that, it was hard enough having to raise him with all of his cliff hanging while growing up.

That could be the reason dad never sold it, purchasers knew they could get a water making model on the open market. (Should have sold it to Canada they'll buy anything without checking it out. e.g. 4 diesel Brit subs that leaked and one even started to burst into flames & sink while crossing Atlantic. :lol:) Max's sub but he did paint it grey first. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcReTNR9xAqL71od8ArfkskxLL__r0lrhOGFUHyN_vOystbMcKclrg

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well i'm thinking Max needs a new sub, those canadians till got the ones with the sub wide shower system? nothing like a little scrubby in the conning tower ;) those canadians, always so pratical

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Hey; how dare you besmirch fangface's parents like that, it was hard enough having to raise him with all of his cliff hanging while growing up.

not a lot of cliff hanging in my youth, but I once built a concotion from pool chemicls that left a four foot wide crater in the yard and broke all the windows on that side of the house! My parents were not ammussed :o

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Hey; how dare you besmirch fangface's parents like that, it was hard enough having to raise him with all of his cliff hanging while growing up.

That could be the reason dad never sold it, purchasers knew they could get a water making model on the open market. (Should have sold it to Canada they'll buy anything without checking it out. e.g. 4 diesel Brit subs that leaked and one even started to burst into flames & sink while crossing Atlantic. :lol:) Max's sub but he did paint it grey first. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcReTNR9xAqL71od8ArfkskxLL__r0lrhOGFUHyN_vOystbMcKclrg

Hey we didn't buy the sub the french tried to sell us its only flaw was one of the pre made sections was installed upside down. the real problem with the Canadian navy is the Canadian government. they want a navy, they just want one for free

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not a lot of cliff hanging in my youth, but I once built a concotion from pool chemicls that left a four foot wide crater in the yard and broke all the windows on that side of the house! My parents were not ammussed :o

i made some home brewed chlorine gas by mixing house hold cleaning supplies in the toilet lol, the fire department was not amused. apparently posting a sign on the door that loosely read science mistake please don't enter doesn't make it all better :dance:

Edited by spaced_monkey
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Beginning to think you have it in for poor Max. How many times is this? And what body part is he losing? If he becomes a robot that could cause issues. Amy still wants a baby, Petra too. I think I'm forgetting someone. Anyway maybe time to put someone else in the cliff hanger death scene. Give Max a chance. I suppose he could be Jona and get swollowed by a whale. Don't take it wrong. Cliff hangers are fine, but maybe time someone else takes center stage. Let Max worry about them instead.

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1 & 2: Eh, it's just a little one, hardly counts at all!

3: Because they are as complex as the larger spiders and like them have become self aware so he wont ask them to suicide themselves. He did build the flyers, small insect like robots that do that, but they are small and have to swarm so their impact is limited.

4: The sub is actually a submersable landing ship, like a RORO only submersable, it also can move limited distances over land, using large catipeller tracks like the smaller LUTeS does (LUTeS = Landing underwater transport system, Max changed the name to LOTuS because it sounded cooler...well I changed it foe that reason because he really doesn't exist. And it just sort of eveolved frome LOTuS to LOTUS - Damn spell check ;) ) something like this:


This is the Russian design 778, it was never built but its what gave me the idea for the LOTUS

Now I knew everyone was going to ask why he didn't just float his bomb to the surface, well two reasons: One, it had be placed in the right spot and two, remember he was feeling the effects of the high CO2 count and not really thinking straight "He grabbed a small detonator and inserted it into the plastic explosive, setting it for sixty seconds; in his hazy mind that seemed like plenty of time. "

besides I had to get him out of the sub to get the cliffhanger to work :D

oh and Sniper, the sub didn't sink he did when he stepped out the airlock, the fuel cell was heavy

So now the only question is, does he make it or do I invent Max flavored fish food!

Oh, I know, he just about makes it and a shark gets him...are there sharks under the ice?

My fault. I forgot that it was a RORO sub. That would make the airlock in the back of the sub or front of it. So Max would have sank when he stepped out of it. I am use to aorlocks being on the deck of a sub so that you could get rescue spheres attached to the upper deck to rescue people from it.

Do not know if sharks are under the ice caps. Could be... isn't that where we get frozen fish from. HA HA.

Can not wait to see how he gets out of this one. Like some of us are saying is tha tif you turn Max into an android is he going to be able to give Amy and Petra a child. Will it be human or a machine. Will have to wait and see how you pay it out.

Was sorry to hear about you being looked at when the little one let slip with the statment about the outcome of her prok chop and the dog. Must have been really funny around the table for a little while. Could have had a spider chase the dog around and gotten her prok chop back but I do not think she would have wanted to eat it the way the spiders handle problems. Guess someone would have just gotten a another one for her after the laughing died away from the statement said.

keep up the great work and will be waiting for further updates as you release them.

Look after the family and the little ones. Like I tell my family and grandchildren and great grandchildren, you are all I have in this world to look forward to and to protect and love with my whole heart and soul.

Have a nice day.

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LOVE the story order of this chapter, keeping us waiting to see Max's fate although I'm a bit surprised you didn't milk it with sad, horrified reactions of the rest of the "family" that was on the sub. Still, overall a great chapter.

Oh, and I LOVE the Virtual World! ;)

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Oh shit !!! Now we have the FBI recognizing something going on. You did NOT disappoint. Just didn't know how you were going to pull Max through. Now having the moles in the FBI computer system is beginning to make sense. Interesting interaction with the AI. The trip home should be interesting. After the VW are the girls going yo be content with the real world? They have been raped so many times it's going to be hard for them to experience loving sex.

As always we see the the masters hand at work.


Edited by Rescue25
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Well it looks like Max dodged another death, but I think he has lost his wife. Every other time he was away Emma got all worried, this time she thought about him a little bit then asked Petra if she wanted to play. What that says to me is that she is falling more in love with Petra than she is supposed to be with Max. It almost seems like she got what she wanted when she got pregnant so she doesn't need Max anymore. Just my observations. Its really a shame because Max really loves her.

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Well it looks like Max dodged another death, but I think he has lost his wife. Every other time he was away Emma got all worried, this time she thought about him a little bit then asked Petra if she wanted to play. What that says to me is that she is falling more in love with Petra than she is supposed to be with Max. It almost seems like she got what she wanted when she got pregnant so she doesn't need Max anymore. Just my observations. Its really a shame because Max really loves her.

Magus is a master of giving you a perception and then changing it. Stay tuned. Things aren't always as they seem.

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