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I am hoping to be lucky enough to find a beta reader for my current Gundam Wing fanfic. This particular piece is severely large in size (100+ chapters of continuos plot).

I am very passionate about writing, and I insist that my beta be as well. I expect that the finished product of my writing be well worth the time my readers give it.

My writing is very graphic in both its content and tone, and I cannot insist enough that my beta be open to helping me craft this adult content that is sexual, violent and twisted. But I'm not all a bed of nails. There's bright spots too, and they say that "light shines stronger as the darkness grows."

I give no return deadlines to a beta reader who I expect will genuinely read my writing of his or her own free will.

I desire all my relationships in life to be like the sex I desire in my life: engaging, honest, rough, raw, pleasurable, and perhaps most important of all, reciprocal. The relationship I hope to have with my beta is the same.

In return for beta reading my stories, I am willing to offer the same service to my beta.

Some of the qualities I look for in a beta reader are:

  • sharp attention to detail
  • ability to recall a great deal of
  • a sound and consistent sense of grammar
  • brutal honesty
  • a sense of humor
  • willingness to work on second drafts

If you are interested, please read the story here:


and contact me.

Thank you again for your time.

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